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Soleil's Realm, Home of Those Who Be Different

Three of the Coolest things in the world!

Some neat web sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Cool Anime Stuff!
The Best Escaflowne Fan Fiction I've Ever Read!
My Library
My Folken Archive - a little small right now...
Dilandau's Archive - very teeny right now!
The Slayers Archive - also very small right now
The Angel Sanctuary Page
The Writers Guild
Gundam Wing Fan Fictions
Miscilaneus Fics

5/6/02 Hello! Well,it's been a while hasn't it? Whoever Visits, I haven't updated. I'm just letting you know that I'm still alive. I'll probably update later tonight, so come back about ten Colorado time. Anyay, I love you if you visit! Come back soon!

1/7/02 Okay. New look to the Archives, a little...I'm sorry I'm not very html litterate. Well, send me ideas or anything. Plus, I've got a Gundam Page up now, so visit it!!! And A couple of miscilaneus fics as well. Enjoy!!!

11/30/01 Alright peeps! Here's something to occupy your time. A "Writer's Guild." Check it out. It's...interesting. If ya have any questions, send me an e-mail. Love ya!

11/22/01 Okay, it's been forever. But nobody ever visits and if you do, I love you. Anyway, there's a small new tribute to the series "Angel Sanctuary" with two sites and a picture. Not much, but I haven't had alot of time on my hands lately. Well, Hope you enjoy!

9/24/01 Yay! A Slayer Archive! Take a look and send me stuff, K?

9/23/01 Alright. We've got yet another fic up. I'm so aweful about finishing stuff, but I figure you could use some variety. It's called "Angel of Snow" and it's got a very sketchy plot and problem so far, but it's sort of interesting. Send me flames or anything that you like, but just give me some feedback people!

9/20/01 Okay! Update to Raven! Whoopie! It's not alot, but it's something for you to read. Again, all is unedited, please bear with me! Love ya'll, e-mail me soon!

9/16/01 I have updated my Dilly archive again, and I am thanking my good friend Bubbles for sending me an awesome pic of Dilandau. Thank you so much and I love ya! Also, I'm working out some kinks in the library and stuff, and lemme know what you want me to put in there! Peace out!

9/10/01 Alrighty! Dilandau's Archive is begun! It's not much, but it's something right now. I'll get alot more up soon. I've just been kinda busy lately! Love y'all lots, and please don't forget to e-mail me!

9/8/01 Okay, my page has a little bit of stuff on it now. Escaflowne Fan Fics and a Folken Archive. I hope to update it soon, and get a Dilandau Archive up. I'll eventually get a Dragon Slayer Archive up as well, and then do some fun stuff like icons and winamp skins and other stuff like that! Fun stuff! Bear with me! ^_^

9/3/01 Thank you for looking at my page. It's still under severe construction, so I hope you can bear with me for a while. E-mail me if you have suggestions about anything on here. Thanks!

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