...itsudemo yume ni anata to iru...
Pretty floating sakura blossoms...

Fushigi anata to iru to naze
Toki ga yasashiku nagareru no?

Welcome to toki-doki
probably the most useless site on the internet

Wai!! Do the evil test!! XD I'm Xellos.. *mental note* find out who he is */mental note*

Check it out, man! I'm evil, are you?


Hi hi! I got the CCS image galleries up!! ^o^ wai! There's like 3 pages so I'm pretty happy with my work.. hehes.. well i'm SORRY if the pictures take a long time loading in thumbnails, its better than loading a seperate small picture and then having to wait for a big one as WELL! OKAY? hehe.. anyways.. not much else done. Obsessively compulsively downloading CCS MP3s..hehe.. ^^

*obsession spotlight*

this site is regularly dusted and cleaned by Aya-cha

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