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~Yesterday, I bought a walking stick. 'Cane' you believe it?~

~Miaka to Tamahome, episode 5

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~Herein contains the tale of a young lady and her quest to gather the seven Constellations of Suzaku together. And if you, the esteemed reader, should read to the story's end, the spell contained within this book shall bestow upon you the powers of the heroine, and grant you your wish. For indeed the moment the page is turned, the story will become reality.~

~Universe of the Four Gods, manga chapter 1

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~Okay, I can handle the library being gone, but there's no Haagen Dazs, Mr. Donuts, or Denny's here!~

~Miaka, manga chapter 1

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~Nice outfit! Are you guys dancers?~

~Miaka to slave traders, manga chapter 1

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~You couldn't care less how I feel! Every day, study, study, study! I want to have fun! I want to sleep, but I don't! No matter what I want, I keep on studying! I did it all just to make you happy.~

~Miaka, manga chapter 1

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~And thus, the young lady of legends opened the door to another world, and likewise began our tale.~

~Universe of the Four Gods, manga chapter 1

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~Guy: I happened to notice you're alone. Me too. Wanna go to the carnival with me?

Miaka: Does this mean I'm . . . being picked up!?! Yay! My first time! My fifteen-year boyfriend-less existance finally comes to an end! So now I'm WOMAN enough to attract a man!~

~Miaka and random guy, manga chapter 2

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~All right, tough guys! Do you see these BCG vaccination tracks? Now you're gonna pay!~

~Miaka to slave traders, manga chapter 2

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~Miaka: C'mon! How could a girl who's so young and beautiful be the emperor?

Tamahome: "Girl?" His majesty is ALL MAN!

Miaka: (feeling Hotohori's chest) It's flat! Nothing above. And below is some mysterious object I know nothing of . . .~

~Miaka and Tamahome, manga chapter 3

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~There's a legend in our land. At a time when the Empire falls into disorder and is on the verge of collapse, a young lady would appear from another world seeking the power of Suzaku. The moment she possesses the power of Suzaku, she will lead the Empire to glory.~

~Hotohori, manga chapter 3

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~So then the God Suzaku has the power to grant any wish? I could become a hot babe who looks good in a tight mini-skirt! Or have all the school boys desperately in love with me! Or I could be tough enough to beat up all the bullies at school! Or every meal could be a feast, three times a day! Mister, I am into this!~

~Miaka, manga chapter 3

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~When it's time to cry, cry with all your heart. That's the first step towards feeling better. Special offer, free of charge. I'll be your big brother, all right?~

~Tamahome to Miaka, manga chapter 4

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~I told you I'd look after you, right? So no matter what happens, I'll always protect you.~

~Tamahome to Miaka, manga chapter 4

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~Miaka: So do you like Nuriko?

Tamahome: No way! I only met her yesterday. Besides, she's not my type.

Miaka: Really? You have no feelings for her whatsoever?

Tamahome: I see! I get it! You're jealous! I realize that I'm a kind, macho, beefcake of a martial artist . . . but money is my first love. Careful, girl, I'm a heartbreaker.~

~Tamahome and Miaka, manga chapter 5

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~Hotohori: What about you? Is there a man you're in love with?

Miaka: Don't worry about ME. I just wanted to recommend someone in particular for you.

Hotohori: I already have someone. Since before I can remember . . . Someone I've cherished since time began.~

~Hotohori and Miaka, manga chapter 5

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~Get a real face, Mr. Potato-chip head!~

~Miaka to random bad guy, manga chapter 6

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~Tamahome: No matter how much you're willing to pay, some things are priceless. Let's go, Miaka.

Miaka: That was a stupid thing to do! Now you can't do business in this town. Why are you doing this for me?

Tamahome: It doesn't matter.

Miaka: It does to me! Can't you see that I'm falling in love with you?!

Tamahome: Sorry . . . But I can't say that I feel the same. I'm just protecting you because you're the Priestess of Suzaku. Let's go. His Majesty will be worried about you.~

~Tamahome and Miaka, manga chapter 6

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~How am I supposed to face Tamahome now? I'm so stupid, getting worked up over a character in a book . . . and then I get my heart broken the moment I realize that I'm falling for him.~

~Miaka, manga chapter 7

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~Guard: But Your Majesty, no matter HOW casual your garments are, your elegance cannot be hidden!

Hotohori: You speak the truth, so I shall not consider it flattery.~

~Hotohori and Guard, manga chapter 7

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~Miaka: Time to lighten the mood! I'd talk about the ride, but I'm feeling a little horse! Get it?

Tamahome: Wish I didn't.~

~Miaka and Tamahome, manga chapter 7

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~Nuriko: Well now, the cat's out of the bag! I'm a man, gotta problem with that?

Miaka: You're a man, but you're in love with Hotohori! You even kissed Tamahome!

Nuriko: Love has forced me to stray from the path of true machoness. Love can transcend everything! Even differences in sexual orientation. His Majesty is pretty feminine looking anyway. Don't you think we make a nice couple, Miaka?~

~Miaka and Nuriko, manga chapter 7

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~Hotohori: You cannot die!

Tamahome: Don't give up, Miaka!

Hotohori: If you need blood, you can have everything I've got! If that would save you!

Tamahome: I'll exchange my life for yours! Only for you!~

~Hotohori and Tamahome, manga chapter 9

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~Nuriko: I never thought for a second that a stupid, overly optimistic foodmonger like you would die!

Miaka: Oh, shrivel and die, Nuriko.~

~Muriko and Miaka, manga chapter 9

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~Tai Yi-Jun: I'm the ruler of this world - Hotohori! How dare you turn away!

Hotohori: I cannot bear ugliness!~

~Tai Yi-Jun and Hotohori, manga chapter 10

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~Nyan Nyan: I fix-heal you too!

Nuriko: Me? I'm not wounded.

Nyan Nyan: I heal your perversion. I heal you. I disinfect you! I'd like to heal Tai Yi-Jun's face . . .~

~Nyan Nyan and Nuriko, manga chapter 10

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~You idiot! Come back home! Come home, damnit! Your mom and your brother are worried sick over you! You and me! We've been together for so long! Ever since kindergarten! We promised each other we'd go to the same high school, didn't we? I want us to go to the same high school . . . Let's pass our entrance exams together!~

~Yui to Miaka, manga chapter 10

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~Keisuke: In the extreme cases, when practitioners of black magic in the west wanted their wishes granted, they'd sacrifice a woman! Woo! It's so scary!

Miaka: Keisuke! I'm scared of your face!~

~Miaka and Keisuke, manga chapter 11

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~Friend: Miaka, put your textbook away! It's a pop quiz!

Miaka: A . . . A poptart?~

~Miaka and friend, manga chapter 11

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~He isn't . . . He isn't anywhere in the world! Tamahome! No matter how much I miss you . . . you exist only in that book.~

~Miaka, manga chapter 12

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~Miaka. Can it . . . Is it really you? Has it only been three months? I swear it feels like a thousand years.~

~Tamahome, manga chapter 12

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~I don't care if he's from another world . . . as long as we can be together. I can't help it! There's no one I love as much as him.~

~Miaka, manga chapter 12


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