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Previous Updates


Important Updates -01/26/00
Whew! After some work, the Southern Cross Saga of the episodes guide is finished! I also updated the Frequently asked questions on the site, and updated a small part of the music section. I also worked a smidge on the navbar, updating only the look of it (sorry, i know you want to see a new section ;P) Oh yeah, the rest of the MP3s should be up soon.
Important Updates -01/23/00
Alright, almost to two thousand on the hit counter! Anyways, i revamped almost all the pages, the music is back up and bigger than ever, four new video clips have been added, i added an Introduction to Robotech, a summary of Flashback 2012, and some other odds and ends. Please go check it out! Dont forget to sign the guestbook and post on the message board! ;)
Important Updates -01/19/00
Yay! This site hit 1000 hits on 01/01/00. Please go check out the new music section, i added a bunch of new songs. Also, im revamping the video section to look exactly like it, and adding two more clips, not to mention changing the two AVIs i have into Real Video. BTW, those RPG stats ive been working on are coming along great. Also, on another note, i got frontpage, so maybe now i'll update the page more often, since im too lazy to write HTML so often ^_^
Important Updates -01/1/00
Yay! This site hit 1000 hits on 01/01/00. Im trying to find a place to upload the Robotech Perfect soundtrack, so if you have any idea of where i could put it, please tell me. BTW, the RPG stats ive been promising you all are coming along great!