Silverbreeze's Honored Fanfiction Authors Site

Honored Authors


Silverbreeze Alternative Fanfiction

Anime Goddess Shrines

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Currently down for update

The one known as AnimeAddict. A writer of great Non Ranma/Akane fan fiction. Often having new chapters out weekly if not more often.

Dark Phoenix
Almost as insane as AnimeAddict.  This I do believe this one is to Nabiki what Zen is to Uyko.  Updates often even more often then Hung at times. Though we need to bug him about finishing his fics
Deep Quote
DQ is a friend of mine.  He is the writer of Slight Detour and Healer's Art.  Wonderful fics. I hope he will write more. Shockingly DQ is one of those who is writing a version of Nabiki Owned. Much better then I can.
SJiriki is a friend of mine too.  I love his Ranma crossovers so I am adding them here. Warning though. He seems to share my fixation on making Ranma hyperpowerful
© 2001 Silverbreeze