Chapter One

"Are you listening?" Sakura asked the daydreaming Tomoyo. "No, sorry. What did you say again?" "The Spring Carnival! It's coming up this weekend. Who are you going with?" "I don't know," Replied Tomoyo. (I would love to go with you, Sakura-chan, but that is never going to happen), "Who are you going with?" "I was thinking of asking Li-kun" "Oh" (I can't help feeling disappointed.) "Touya-kun is waiting for me at home, so I better go. Bye Tomoyo-chan! See you tomorrow." "Bye Sakura-chan!" (I want to tell her my true feelings, but I could never do that.) Tomoyo walked home the long way, past the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"Tomoyo-chan, is that you? You're late." Said one of Tomoyo's bodyguards, "Your mother called. She wont be at dinner. Sorry" "Ok! I'll be up in my room." Tomoyo yelled from the stairs. (Sakura would never want to go to the Spring Carnival with me. I might as well give up all hope.) ~RING RING~ the telephone rang from a far off part of Tomoyo's room. "Hello?" "Tomoyo-chan, it's me. I sense a Clow Card! Meet me at the school in a half an hour." CLICK. (Finally! She hasn't sensed a Clow Card in two weeks! For once I wish I could do more than tape her though.) She grabbed her digital camera and went out the window. She didn't want her bodyguards to watch the capturing of the Cards.

By the time Tomoyo got to the school it was dark. Not too dark though for the moon had just risen. (Where's Sakura?) She walked across the playground to her favorite swing. She sat down and closed her eyes. There was her love next to her on the swing. "Come With Me," a faint, mystical voice rang. The misty figure floated slowly to the trees on the other side of the playground. Tomoyo followed. "Tomoyo-chan. TOMOYO!!!" "w h a t?" She was in the arms of Eroil. "Oh!" He looked very handsome in the faint moonlight. "What is a girl like you doing in a dark place like this?" "I was waiting for Sakura. She said that she sensed . . . never mind." Tomoyo gave him a sheepish grin. "What are you doing here?" "I was taking a walk. Then I saw you from over there," He pointed to the gate, "You went ridged and fell out of the swing." "I must have fainted!" (Is this the card that Sakura sensed?) Around this time Sakura finally got to the school. She looked around for Tomoyo. She finally saw her, but Tomoyo was not alone. A gasp came from her when she saw that Tomoyo was in Eroil arms. And they were TALKING! "Do you want me to help you wait for Sakura?" "Sure you could! I mean, I don't mind at all." "Well you wont have to wait Long!" Sakura walked up to them. "Oh! Sakura." Tomoyo lept up from Eroil's arms. She didn't even notice that she was still there. "I fainted and Eroil was just helping me to my feet." "Ya, right." She looked suspiciously at the starry eyed couple. "I better go back to my walk! Bye Sakura." He went closer to Tomoyo and looked into her eyes. He whispered "Bye Tomoyo-chan." Eroil turned and walked across the playground and disappeared in the darkness. "That was weird."

Tomoyo took out the tape from her new video. (Sakura made another great capture! She looked very beautiful too.) She put on her pajamas and went to bed. Her mother still wasn't home, but her mind was on someone else. (It was really good timing for Eroil to get there. I wonder how I fainted.) A minute later she gave in to the Army of Z's. The next morning Tomoyo woke up extra early. She wanted to ask Mr. Terada a question about the homework. Today she took the short way to school instead of passing by the Cherry Blossom trees. (The Spring Carnival. Maybe I should ask Eroil! He did look very handsome last night.) Tomoyo didn't even notice how slow she was going. But she snapped back to her usual self when she heard the bell ringing. (Oh No! I'm still two blocks away!) She ran as quickly as she could.


That's it for chapter one! Hope you enjoyed it. The new chapters should be up soon.

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