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Okay I'm real sorry everyone, but I don't think that SakuraFairy is going to come back. Angelfire is being a real pain in the butt and I had to delete just about everything in my account because for the free websites the amount of space you get and so I had to delete alot of things. And I never really pay attention to this site anyway. If I can get a domain or someone to host me then I'll most likely bring it back, but right now there's not a check it's coming back. I'm still going to make 'Admired' (CCS Couple Shrine) and 'Destined' (Art Site) because I've been wanting to make those for a long time, but now since Angelfire is doing this I have to find new places for them or hosts that will host them. I'm realy sorry about this after I promised you guys the new and improved site. You can e-mail me if you want -
*SakuraFairy (webmisstress)