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Episode 23


"Any change?" Sheder asked sticking her head inside the door to the tiny medical room. Just across from where she stood her sister lay still in a hospital bed.

"She had another nightmare earlier. She didn’t wake up but I managed to calm her down." Lu replied sadly from his seat next to the bed. It had been a week since they had found Rowan and in that time Lu had only left her side for a few moments, and then only when it was absolutely necessary. The rest of the team came in shifts to keep him company, and to let him rest.

When Rowan passed out after the fight with Megaere, Sheder was sure that she was going to lose her sister again. Luckily, Preventer had set up a temporary base of operations in this sector and they were able to get Rowan to a med unit quickly. The docs said that she was suffering from withdrawal and exhaustion. It didn’t look like she had slept in days much less eaten. Rowan had been unconscious this entire time, the docs said that she needed to let the drugs work their way out of her system.

They had examined her eye. The scaring could be repaired with a little synth skin, but her left eye was beyond repair. Apparently, some form of cutting torch had caused the wound. Lu had to be restrained when the group had been told. If Solo and Jade hadn’t been there, Sheder was almost certain Lu would have trashed the place in a fit of rage.

"You should get some rest." Sheder said softly as she made her way towards the bed.

Lu shook his head. "What if she has another nightmare and I’m not here?"

"Then I’ll do my best to calm her down until you get here. You won’t be any good to her if you’re dead on your feet when she wakes up. Besides knowing Rowan she’d beat the crap out of all of us if she found out how much of a fuss we’re making over her."

Lu smiled at that remark. "Alright I’ll go get some rest, I’ll be back in three hours. But if she makes a single sound have someone come and get me or so help me you’ll never have any alone time with Alex again."

"Fine, whatever just go." She replied pulling him from his seat.

He rose and bent over Rowan. "I’ll be back soon." He whispered and then kissed her temple. "Three hours." He said and left the room.

Sheder sighed and settled her self in the chair. "Well, sis you’ve managed to find a stubborn one there." She smiled, "You better wake up soon or he’s going to drive us all crazy."


Jade tried to focus on her movements but was not having much luck. She had thought a workout would help take her mind off of her friend who was lying in a hospital bed a few decks up, but it wasn’t working. She nearly lost her balance while working on a spin kick. She sighed. Now was clearly not the time to practice complicated techniques.

She decided to work out her frustrations on one of the facilities punching bags instead. She had just settled into a rhythm when a torrent of giggles poured into the room from the hallway. "Women" She grunted and continued to pummel the bag.

Then a familiar voice caught her attention. "Hey, babe you ever seen a Gundam before?" A feeling not unlike rage bubbled up within her. Maxwell Baka! You know our suits are classified. She stopped her assault on the bag and stalked towards the training room’s door.

When she reached the hallway she found Solo standing rater close to a red haired cadet. Too close. Jade’s hands tightened into fists as she made her way over to the pair.

"Yeah, babe you’re talkin to the God of Death himself. You’re a lucky…" Solo wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Jade locked an iron grip on his shoulder and began to pull him down the hallway. "Yeeouch, Jade. What the hell?"

Jade turned towards the cadet. "I’m sorry but the baka and I have some matters to attend to." The cadet nodded and quickly made her exit.

Once they were back in the training room Jade released Solo. "Damnit Jadie what ya do that for?"

"Maxwell, you know our suits are classified, and even if they weren’t they aren’t props for you to use to pick up women."

A small smile began to creep across Solo’s face. "You’re jealous." He laughed.

Jade stiffened. "What?"

"Jealous, you are jealous."

"Maxwell baka, I am no such thing." Jade replied backing away from him. She kept backing away until her back met the cool metal of one of the room’s walls. Solo, having followed her every move, pinned her against the wall.

"If you’re not jealous then why do you keep moving away from me?"

"I’m moving away from you because you annoy me." She answered tipping her face towards his.

"I think you like being annoyed." He slowly lowered his face towards hers.

"Maxwell baka…" she sighed her lips almost brushing his.

"Jade, Solo are you in there? Have you seen Sheder?" A voice called from the hallway.

Jade quickly pushed Solo away from her. She pushed so hard in fact that he landed flat on his rear a few feet away. "Yes Shadow we’re here." She replied as Alex made his way in to the room.

"You guys alright, you look a little flushed?" Alex asked stepping closer to the pair.

"We’re fine Maxwell and I were just having a little sparring exercise, right Maxwell?" She replied giving Solo a glare that promised bodily harm if he did not go along with her story.

Solo began to nod. "Yeah, sparing." He mumbled. "Sheder’s probably checkin on Ro. Come on Al, I’ll walk ya up there." He stood and ushered Alex from the training room.

Once they were gone Jade allowed herself to slide down to the floor. Her fingers brushed her lips. What the hell just happened?


Lu gazed up at Tallgeese. Thank you old friend. He sighed as he glanced at the suits damaged heat rod. Slowly but surely the damage done in the fight with Megeare was being repaired. I really should start helping Jade with the repairs. But I don’t feel right leaving Rowan alone for that long.

He turned and leaned against the suit’s leg. From this vantage point he could see all of the mobile suits in the tiny hangar. A few Taruses here a space Leo or two there. The Dragon sat in almost a meditative position next to their mobile suit transport. Valkyrie stood, just to the left of Dragon, holding it’s beam pike in front of it for inspection. Lu couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the two suits. They reflected their pilot’s personalities so well.

He glance to his immediate left and contemplated the suit standing there. They’d had a hell of a time getting it here. Once Rowan passed out the suit went on stand by. It had taken Sheder some time just to get it’s hatch closed. Apparently the suit had realized that it’s pilot was in danger. Lu studied the massive suit. With it’s active cloak down and head bowed, the Fury looked almost tame. Lu knew better, he had seen that suit in battle and it lived up to it’s name.

Suddenly, the suit moved. What the Fuck? Lu ‘s eyes widened. Two crimson eyes were now locked on him. I had heard that some suits developed their own consciousness, but I never expected to see this. He stepped closer to the suit. It’s eyes began to glow slightly.

"Your pilot is safe with us." Lu said. I can’t believe I’m doing this. He stepped closer to the suit and placed his hand on it’s foot. "You’re safe here."

The suit’s eyes flared again in response. They remained locked on Lu for a few moments more and the suit powered down again.

Lu shook his head. "I’ve really got to get some sleep."


The first thing that caught her attention was the smell of cleaning chemicals. All med facilities smell the same. She had been in enough of them in her short life to notice. She opened her good eye and then closed it again against the room’s bright light. Where am I?

Slowly she opened her eye again and took in her surroundings. She was in a med facility. A fairly high tech one by the looks of it. Preventer. I’m back in Preventer. She heard someone breathing softly. A glance to her right found a blonde woman curled in a chair her head resting on her arms, which were folded on the bed in front of her.

Rowan smiled. She’s alive; Sheder’s really alive. I didn’t hallucinate it after all. She brought her hand up and began to run her fingers through the younger woman’s long hair. Soon she stirred and two green eyes blinked at her.

"Hey" She managed to choke out. "What’s a girl gotta do to get some water around here?"