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Episode 12

Something was tickling her nose. Rowan brushed her face a few times trying to rid her self of the annoyance. After three unsuccessful attempts she opened her eyes. Her face was buried in a mass of black hair. Shit, it wasn’t a dream. She lay there a moment considering the mess she had managed to let herself get into. What have I done? This is wrong. Hell, who am I kidding? This was bound to happen. It’s obviously my lot in life to suffer…but what wonderful torment. She smiled as she thought about the previous night’s activities.

She turned and looked at the clock on the bedside table; she had two hours until she had to meet Alex and the convoy. She sighed and ran her hand over Lu’s back, which was facing her. I have to tell him now. She closed her eyes. What will he think of me? She opened her eyes and propped herself up on an elbow, her finger idly tracing the mussels of his right arm. He stirred slightly and murmured her name in his sleep. I’ll tell him when I get back. Reluctantly, she got out of bed and went to the shower.


Alex smiled widely at her over the com. "How was the conference Mrs. Peacecraft?"

"Alex do me a favor and shut up!" She barked.

"Sorry… I was just trying to make conversation." He replied sounding slightly offended.

Damn it. Rowan sighed. "No, I’m sorry. I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now."

"Any thing that I can help you with?"

Only if you can erase the past. "No, not really." With that she began running a preflight check on Hecate’s systems trying to distract herself.

Before she knew it the convoy was ready to leave. Rowan called into the colony’s communications center to get clearance for departure. A familiar voice answered.

"Hey, You weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye were you?" Lu’s face appeared on her forward screen.

"I’d considered it. Look, we need to talk when I get back."

He frowned. "You don’t regret what happened last night do you?" Pain flashed through his steely eyes.

Her face became serious. "No." He looked relieved.

"What happened last night?" Alex asked.

Lu and Rowan both began to blush.

"Oh, man wait till I tell Solo and Jade." Alex laughed.

"You do and I’ll shove my heat rod…"

"Rowan…" Lu interrupted her before her threat could become any more graphic. "Alex would you give us a minute?"

"Sure captain." He replied his voice slightly shaky from Rowans unfinished threat.

"We’ll talk when you get back. How does dinner sound?"

Rowan smiled sadly. "Sounds good." I wish I didn’t have to tell him.

"Great, I’ll make reservations after I’m through meeting with my parents."

"I’ll be back in a few hours."

"I’ll be waiting." Lu said smiling.


The convoy was on its way. Soon…very soon now. Megaere licked his lips at the thought. He programmed the mobile dolls from his Gundam. "Target acquired."


The convoy was making good time. I’ll be home soon. Rowan sighed.

"Hey, Rowan?" Alex’s voice disturbed her train of thought.

"What is it Alex?"

"I think we may have company."

Rowan sat up going in to full alert. "Where?"

"Upper left quadrant, a few clicks in." Rowan pulled up the region he mentioned on her forward screen. Sure enough about twenty mobile dolls were floating there. "Looks like they’re going to hit the convoy." She sighed, preparing Hecate’s weapon systems.

"I’ll go in using Hecate’s jamming array. You stay with the convoy. Keep it moving."

"Yes mam." He replied as the Hecate faded from both his vision and radar.


It took Rowan longer than she had expected but she managed to get rid of all of the mobile dolls. The Dark Wave is slipping, only sending twenty mobile dolls to attack a convoy escorted by two Gundams. "Alex" She called over the com. "How’s the convoy?" She only received static as a reply.

Something’s wrong. She hit the turbos and turned towards the convoys last known coordinates.

What she found turned her stomach. The convoy was nothing more than a mass of scattered debris floating in space. One or two transports appeared to still be intact but they probably wouldn’t remain that way for long. Shit, the dolls, were a decoy. She clenched her fists in rage. Suddenly her suits alarm sounded. She turned holding Hecate’s beam saber at the ready.

"Wait, Rowan it’s me." Alex cried as Heavyarms II came into view. The suit had clearly taken a lot of damage. It was missing one of its gattlings and its body was covered in blaster marks. The once pristine blue of the suit was now a dull black, dented and looking like a shell of its former glory.

"What the hell happened Alex?"

"The Gundam attacked with more mobile dolls once you were out of range. I tried to draw their fire away from the convoy but there were just too many…" He made a gurgling noise.

"Alex are you okay? You don’t sound so good."

"Don’t worry about me…the Gundam, you have to go for help before it comes back." Alex choked.

Rowan’s alarms sounded.

"Too late boy."


Lu drummed his fingers on the large table in front of him. He had been at lunch with his parents and Jade’s family when the news of the convoy being hit had come over the com. He had immediately tried to get to Tallgeese in order to find Rowan but had been stopped by his father.

"She’s a fine pilot. Who can take care of herself. You should remain here incase they attempt an attack on the colony."

That had been hours ago. There had been no attack on L9 and still no word from the convoy. Jade paced back and forth behind him. The wait was killing them. We should be out there doing something. He clenched his fists and brought them down on to the tabletop. If anything has happened to her… "Damn this waiting… I’m going to go and find them!"

Jade only nodded. They left the dinning room and headed for the colony’s docking bay where Alex had landed their mobile suit carrier that morning.


When they reached the hangar the colony technicians there were running about frantically. Jade grabbed the nearest one. "What is going on? Is there an attack?"

The technician stared blankly at her for a moment before answering. "No…not an attack mam. A mobile suit is coming in…it appears to be badly damaged."

Lu tore the technician away from Jade’s grasp. "Which suit is it?"

"Dunno sir, other than transmitting Preventer issued docking codes, it hasn’t identified itself." Disgusted at his lack of information Lu threw the man aside. "Come on Jade, by the time we get down to the docking bay the suit will be inside." He was beginning to have a very bad feeling about things.


Lu was right, by the time they reached the docking bay the mobile suit, or rather what was left of it, had already docked. It was severely damaged, discolored and dented but Lu could tell that it was Heavyarms II. What happened? Where is she? Med crews were pulling Alex from the wreckage as they ran towards it.

The meds had Alex out of the suit and on a gurney when Lu and Jade reached him. The pilot was extremely pale from blood loss. His hair, now crimson, was matted to his forehead. His eyes, barely open, were narrow slits.

"Alex can you hear me?" Lu asked, pushing his way past several of the medics.

Alex groaned in reply.

"Alex where’s Rowan?" God let her be safe.

Alex closed his eyes.

"Where’s Rowan…did she stay with the convoy?"

"I’m sorry Cap…captain. She’s…" The injured man coughed, his body convulsing.

Lu shook his head. "Where is she Alex?" Please God…not now, not after…


Alex managed to choke out an answer. With it, Lu’s entire world shattered.


"She’s dead…"



Author’s note: Wha ha ha… I am oh so evil sometimes. Don’t worry this isn’t the end, not by a long shot.

As always thanks for your time.