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Team Rocket Honbu


Sorry I haven't updated in forever... Things haven't been so well... Anyway, I have a message board up now. You can go there if you wanna. And I have a lot of fanfics up.. I've gotta put a few more up though. Anyway.. yeah. See you sometime i guess..


Happy December everyone! I will have some new fanfics up soon. Das ist gut.. ja? okies... that's all i really had to say. Bai bai!!


Updates!!! What have I told you? ^____^ There's a new fanfic up... it's mine... deal with it.. :P I also put up the awards section... and soon to come.... is the links section... ^__^ See? Just as i promised! =D Okies... bai bai 4 now!!


X.x Sorry I haven't updated in so long... I've been super busy with school, dance, and all other stuff. u.u Nothing added at all... so.. please send me some stuff.... please... I promise I will add some more cool features to my... erm.. not so cool site.. ^^;; bai bai 4 now

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Disclaimer: Musa-chan, Zoe, and Kayori-kun do not own Team Rocket, Pokemon, or any related characters. They are property of Nintendo.. and all those great peeps in Japan! :D

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