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Jabba's Palace your SW domain
Characters Chewi dedicaton page pics linx Space Blammo chat quiz

  • hey if anyone has the slightest clue how to get my website more hits e-mail me!!! that is if anyones gonna read this...

  • heywhy doesn't anyone ever go to my site!!!!! it aint that bad is it??

  • yo i'd like to say if you happen to have any images or maybe some fan fiction e-mail me using the contact button below and i'll really try to post it on the site

  • hey I know I haven't updated in a long time but as you probably know i don't care.

  • yo everyone my new years resolution is to Get some F**king hits!!!

  • I'm sorry about not updating... who am i kidding i don't give a f**k(sorry but the kiddies wouldn't like that)

  • I've got a new animation program check it out I've been playing with stuff all day tell me what you think in the poll

  • hahahaha! you thought I would actually update , you are so gulible you moron hahaha
  • be prepared to see some major updating in almost every part of the site

  • told ya so...

  • I have just returned from a trip to quebec and I'm very tired so don't expect any updates for a while

  • I would very much appriciate it if you would only use the poll...

  • whoohoo I just got a poll, it took me all day to right that down (in case you realize I exagerated)!

  • I would like to ask all visitors if you think that I should make another site if so e-mail me

  • yo everyone I am sorry to say but I can't go to CelebrationII for EpisodeII because I have to go to Quebec which isn't a bad thing, yet I have to miss the best convention I'll ever go to... it works two ways:|

  • hey it's not that long until EPISODE II it premieres MAY 16 2002!!

  • I'm sorry for being so rude that last update but I got kinda pissed 'cause my friends know absolutely nothing about html yet still think my site should have more games even though it has absolutely nothing in commen with what this site is about so in other words sorry for being rude

  • I would like every one of my friends who know absolutely nothing about websites know thatTHIS IS NOT A GAME SITE!! ,thank you

  • I'm sorry to say this but I don't actually think you should be waiting in front of the moniter waiting for the game I'm gonna make (yes I will eventually make it but not for a loooong time)

  • guess what I got a new page on my site and it's a game, no not the one you've all been waiting for I have'nt worked on that for a while but check out space blammo.

    ps- the guy in the picture ain't me it's da guy who made it

  • I've actually been able to rollerblade!(no I don't live in my basement) and it's still Febuary! well don't wander far and loose my site because that games just 'round the corner
  • Hey sorry 'bout the lack of updates but I was kinda busy.You might see a really cool game where youchoose your destiny in about a month or maybe sooner.May the force be with you...

  • Yo Ho Happy 2002! that means we're closer to episode2 wich will be better than episode1 because george is gonna help thank god that means it might be as good as episode4, 5, and 6!

  • Sorry about the wait for me to update but I got kinda cought up with every thing that's happening a guy that my sis' know's from Quebec < she met him in england> i here and he's cooler than I thought

  • Hey, I realised that it's my site so I update just to say I'm BETTER than you! HA HA HA
  • Hey sorry I haven't updated at all lately I've been kinda busy
  • I Finally did it! I made a website on,SO THERE CHAD! HAHAHA

  • Robbie's every so often Poll
    why is my site so unpopular?
    not enough effort
    i am beleived to be gay
    i'm not a brother "racist"
    I am a brother "racist"
    not enugh content
    It's just gay

    Current results
    Alxnet Web Tools


    go to

    Chewi the all Mighty
    Space Blammo