The project of creating the Yumébara soundtrack began about two years ago when the epic story began to become more popular. Inspired by the story itself, and the compositions of Howard Shore and other composers, Loretta Scott began the project of creating the soundtrack that would accompany the works of Yumébara. It began simple, with just a keyboard and the music in Loretta's head, but soon it began to evolve massively to contain string instruments, immense choirs, brand-new, top-of-the-line equipment, and other benefits. Though, it still led back to the simple
office desk, where Loretta would sit down with pen and paper, and compose the simple works that became the songs of Yumébara.
"You know, one of the hardest things in life, is to make people see what you see in your own head," says Loretta. "My main goal was to make a soundtrack that would convey the images that the actual story of Yumébara failed to, setting the scenes and emotions, feelings and fears of the characters. I wanted to make the story come alive, since the characters are based on my actual friends and the plot on my own dreams and experiences."
Song writer and composer Loretta Scott began making the soundtrack at the age of thirteen. Being so young, one of the most limiting factors was obtaining the equipment, instruments and musicians needed for the soundtrack. Though, having the owner of a proffesional recording studio for a father, it wasn't as hard when the necessary state-of-the-art equipment came at easy reach. The songs were recorded at Melodies Recording Studios in the northern virginia (USA), under the watchful eye of Loretta Scott. All songs were composed and written by her, as well as the story they were made for was also written by her. This "one-man super
project" was all produced and mixed by producer David Scott(Loretta Scott's Father), though he had no part in the actual making or beginnings of the project. "He was just there to 'sum it up' you might say," says Loretta with a smile. "He was really helpful, and it was a hard project to due alone[mostly]."
The soundtrack will be out on CD within the next couple of years. Until then, free mini song-clips will be provided for your pleasure to get a feel of where the project is going. Of course, if you would like to support the makings of this CD, you may email Loretta for more information.

Here are the Available Soundclips (more coming soon):
((You will need Window's Media Player installed on your computer to access them))

To save, Right click, 'Save Target As' to begin installation.

.:The Yumébara Themesong(BGM) -1.01 MB:. ((Full Version))
The Yumébara Themesong(BGM) -104K:. ((Mini-Clip))

All Items on this page including images, text, and music files, are a copyright© of
DewDrop Creations, Inc© under Inspiring Melodies, Inc© Any unauthorized duplication is Prohibited by Federal Copyright Laws.
Pictures by Pedro Correa.

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