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PLANETS:Note you must go to each planet in the order there in and stay for at least a week before you can go to the next.To own a planet you must get there and claim it by emailing me.If no one answers your challenge that is on that planet then you get it. But if someone comes along and challenges you; you must accept his/hers challenge.That means your open 24/7 notify me of the challenge and i will set a date
Earth=Everyone starts here.You can train here and get 5,000 to every thing a week. You can train at master roshi's and get 10,000 a week its a 5 day walk notify me that your goin to roshi's.At the Watcher's Tower there is the HBTC that you can go in only once. It will up your stats by 500,000 but you can go in it only when your pl is at 500,000.Owners=Cant own
Namek=Namek is planet were you can train and get 20,000 to your stats a week. But it takes three days to get here by spacepod.Owners=None
Vegeta=You can go here and train for 30,000 to all your stats a week.Takes five days to get here by spacepod.Owners=None
Freeza=You can go here and get 40,000 to all your stats a week. It takes 8 days to get here by spacepod.Owners=None
BlueStar=You can go here and get 50,000 to all your stats per week. It takes 10 days to get here by pod.Owners=None
Terra=You can go here and get 60,000 to all your stats per week. It takes 15 days by spacepod.Owners=None
Kaioshin=You can go here and get 70,000 to all your stats per week. It takes 20 days by spacepod.Owners=None
DarkStar=You can go here and get 80,000 to all your stats per week. It takes 30 days by spacepod. Owners=None