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Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime

F) Un100
A) Am50
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Un100
I) Sh-X150
P) Un100

Health: 325 Karma: 350
Resources: Am Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Cybertronian Physique: Like his fellow Autobots, Optimus Prime is a robotic entity of Cybertronian design and origin. As such, this legendary warrior has, by his very nature, the use of a large variety of abilities that reflect this. His very body gives Optimus Prime the following abilities:
-Armor Skin: Ex resistance to injury
-Invulnerability to Disease and Toxins: CL1000 vs. organic pathogens, Un vs. chemically creative substances.
-Growth: (Permanent) Gd
-Microscopic/Telescopic Vision: Fe ability to see objects up to a mile distant with ease, as well as allowing them to read items on microfiche.
-Radio Transceiver: Ex communication, 100 miles
-Energon Axe: Optimus Prime's right hand is able to form into an Energon Axe that deals Un Energy damage in melee
Tractor-Trailer Mode: Whenever he wishes to, Optimus Prime can initiate an intricate transformation between his humanoid form to a Tractor-Trailer Mode, one that does not make use of the truck's rear; this instead transforms into a battle platform. Optimus Prime's Tractor-Trailer Mode has the following vehicular statistics:
-Control: Un
-Speed: In
-Body: In
-Protection: In
In his Tractor-Trailer Mode, Optimus Prime has the following abilities:
-Headlights: Ex illumination

The Autobot Matrix of Leadership
Laser Cannon Rifle: In Energy, 30 miles

Sensory Link: While Optimus Prime himself can survive without his other two components, the same cannot be said for them. Optimus Prime, Roller and his Trailer Battle Station can all sense what the others experience, regardless of distance, including sensations such as pain. Optimus may control his other components with Un ability from a considerable distance. He may operate his Battle Station from 12 areas away, and Optimus may also direct Roller from anywhere up to 1,200 miles away

Talents: Leadership, Advanced Guns, Military, Martial Arts B

Contacts: Autobots

Optimus Prime's Tractor-Trailer Mode

Trailer Battle Station

Trailer Battle Station: Optimus' trailer can converts into a field command station. While it cannot move under its own power, usually being towed by Optimus Prime (or other trucks), the Trailer Battle Station serves as something of a mobile base for Autobot forces. It has the following abilities:
-Artillery Robot: The Artillery Robot can extend itself vertically on a boom arm, acting in either of the Battle Station's modes. In addition to its missile launchers, the Artillery Robot has a claw arm it can use to perform various repairs.
-Fuel Depot: The Battle Station is equipped with the means of keeping Autobot forces fighting. It maintains considerable fuel stores for Autobot warriors, or even Optimus himself, should a mission run particularly long.
-Dual Missile Launcher: In
-Communication Station: Mn communications


Roller: Roller is a remote-controlled reconaissance module that Optimus can control from up to 1,200 miles away. Roller has the following stats:
-Control: Un
-Speed: In
-Body: In
-Protection: Ty
Roller is capable of the following abilities:
-Headlights: Ex illumination
-Growth: (Permanent) Pr
-Gun Mount: Optimus can place his laser rifle atop Roller, which allows him to attack even while appearing unarmed himself.