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Battle Chips

This section contains a detailed list of all the battle chips in Mega Man Battle Network. The list displays the name of the chip, type of damage it does, how much damage the attack does, and what the attack looks like when used. 

To make the list easier to navigate, a set of links has been provided below: 

(Battle chip list courtesy of Matt's Mega Man Battle Network Page)

Mega Man Battle Network: Battle Chip List

Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:



Shoots a single straight shot at the enemy.



Shoots a more powerful blast at the enemy.



Strongest of all cannons. Shoots an even more powerful blast at the enemy.

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Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Mini Bomb Neutral 50

Throws a bomb 3 panels ahead to inflict damage to an enemy.

Lil Bomb Neutral 50

Throws a bomb 3 panels ahead to hit all enemies in the row it's thrown at.

Cross Bomb Neutral 70

Throws a bomb 3 panels ahead. It will detonate, hitting all enemies in a cross pattern on any surrounding panels.

Big Bomb Neutral 90

Throws a bomb 3 panels ahead. It will detonate, hitting enemies on all surrounding panels.

Time Bomb1  Neutral 80

Throw a time bomb over to the enemy's half of the playing field. If it is not destroyed before the timer counts to 0, all enemies will be hit and lose 80 HP each.

Time Bomb 2 Neutral 120 Throw a time bomb over to the enemy's half of the playing field. If it is not destroyed before the timer counts to 0, all enemies will be hit and lose 120 HP each.
Time Bomb3 Neutral 160 Throw a time bomb over to the enemy's half of the playing field. If it is not destroyed before the timer counts to 0, all enemies will be hit and lose 160 HP each.
Mine 1 Neutral 160

Place a hidden mine in a random panel of the enemy's area. When the enemy passes over it, it detonates to cause damage.

Mine 2 Neutral 180 Place a hidden mine in a random panel of the enemy's area. When the enemy passes over it, it detonates to cause damage.
Mine 3 Neutral 200 Place a hidden mine in a random panel of the enemy's area. When the enemy passes over it, it detonates to cause damage.
Dynamy T1 Neutral 100

When used, you place a grenade ball in front of you, and it causes damage to anything that passes within the row it's in.

Dynamy T2 Neutral 120

When used, you place a grenade ball in front of you, and it causes damage to anything that passes on any panel diagonally from it.

Dynamy T3 Neutral 150

When used, you place a grenade ball in front of you, and it causes damage to anything that passes within the column it's in.

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Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Shot Gun



Shoots a single shot straight ahead. Go through enemy, while hitting any other enemies behind it as well.

Cross Gun Neutral 30 Shoots bullets in an x-formation at a group of enemies.
Spreader Neutral 30 Shoots at an enemy, but also hits all surrounding panels.
Ratton 1 Electric 80

A small mouse-shaped missile moves straight ahead, turning as soon as it passes an enemy to hit it.

Ratton 2 Electric 100

A small mouse-shaped missile moves straight ahead, turning as soon as it passes an enemy to hit it.

Ratton 3 Electric 120

A small mouse-shaped missile moves straight ahead, turning as soon as it passes an enemy to hit it.

Lock On 1 Neutral 10

Make a target appear and move around the enemy area. When an enemy is targeted, the satellite will start rapidly shooting a machine gun at the target.

Lock On 2 Neutral 15 Make a target appear and move around the enemy area. When an enemy is targeted, the satellite will start rapidly shooting a machine gun at the target.
Lock On 3 Neutral 20 Make a target appear and move around the enemy area. When an enemy is targeted, the satellite will start rapidly shooting a machine gun at the target.

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Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Sword Neutral 80

Slash an enemy directly in front of you.

Wide Sword Neutral 80

Slash all enemies in the entire column in front of you.

Long Sword Neutral 80

Slash enemies up to 2 squares in front of you.

Ftr Sword Neutral 100

Slash enemies up to 3 squares in front of you.

Kngt Sword Neutral 150

Perform a stronger slash at enemies up to 3 squares in front of you.

Hero Sword Neutral 200

Perform an even stronger slash at enemies up to 3 squares in front of you.

Fire Sword Fire 100

Slash at an enemy in the column directly in front of you, while inflicting fire damage.

Aqua Sword Water 150

Slash at an enemy in the column directly in front of you, while inflicting water damage.

Elec. Sword

Electric 120

Slash at an enemy in the column directly in front of you, while inflicting electric damage.

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Other Elemental
Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Bubbler Water 50

Shoots enemies with a stream of bubbles, and hits all surrounding panels upon impact.

Aqua Tower Water 120

Make a row of waterspouts appear, damaging any enemies that touch the water.

Ice Punch Water 80

Hit the enemy directly in front of you with an icy punch, while inflicting water damage.

Wave Water 80

A wave moves forward, one row at a time, hitting all enemy panels to cause watery damage.

Big Wave Water 160

A giant wave moves forward, one row at a time, hitting all enemy panels to cause water damage to all enemies.

Red Wave Fire 100

A lava wave moves forward, one row at a time, hitting all enemy panels to cause fiery damage.

Fire Tower Fire 80

Make a row of flaming towers appear, damaging any enemies that touch the flames.

Body Burn Fire 100

All surrounding panels are hit by fire for a limited time, damaging any enemies that touch them.

Snake Egg 1 Wood 130

A small snake is released into the enemy area, and whatever enemy that gets hit by it will sustain wood-based damage.

Snake Egg 2 Electric 140

A small snake is released into the enemy area, and whatever enemy that gets hit by it will sustain electric-based damage.

Snake Egg 3 Fire 150 A small snake is released into the enemy area, and whatever enemy that gets hit by it will sustain fire-based damage.
Heater Fire 70

Shoots a fireball at an enemy. It also hits all surrounding panels upon impact.

Cloud Water 30

Make a cloud appear and send it to one of the enemy rows. It will then move north and south, raining on any enemies in the way to cause damage.

Cloudier Water 50

Make a cloud appear and send it to one of the enemy rows. It will then move north and south, raining on any enemies in the way to cause damage.

Cloudiest Water 100 Make a cloud appear and send it to one of the enemy rows. It will then move north and south, raining on any enemies in the way to cause damage.
Wood Tower Wood 140

Make a row of giant wooden towers appear, damaging any enemies that touch it.

Thunder 1 Electric 90

A small electrical ball moves ahead, hitting any enemy that touches it with a strong electric attack.

Thunder 2 Electric 120

A small electrical ball moves ahead, hitting any enemy that touches it with a strong electric attack.

Thunder 3 Electric 150

A small electrical ball moves ahead, hitting any enemy that touches it with a strong electric attack.

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Defense Chips
Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Met Guard Neutral N/A

Puts up a shield in front of you to protect you from attacks. Hold down the A button to keep it up. It lasts only for a few seconds, though.

Iron Shield Neutral N/A

Puts up a shield in front of you to protect you from attacks. Hold down the A button to keep it up. It lasts only for a few seconds, though.

Escape Neutral N/A

Allows you to escape from battle.

Steal Neutral N/A

Steal an entire row of panels so you can walk on them.

Interrupt Neutral N/A

Destroy an enemy's chip data, preventing them from attacking you in battle.

Ring Zap 1 Electric 100

A ball of lightning circles you once, hitting any enemies in its way.

Ring Zap 2

Electric 100

A ball of lightning circles you twice, hitting any enemies in its way.

Ring Zap 3 Electric 100

A ball of lightning circles you 3 times, hitting any enemies in its way.

Ice Cube Water N/A An ice cube is created in front of you to block from attacks. Not very effective against fire attacks, however.
Rock Cube Neutral N/A 3 stone blocks are created and appear on random positions on the enemy's playing area. Might prove useful!
Barrier Neutral N/A

A barrier surrounds Mega Man to protect him from damage. After hit once, it disappears.

Invincible 1 Neutral N/A

Makes you invulnerable to attacks for a limited time.

Invincible 2 Neutral N/A

Makes you invulnerable to attacks for a long period of time.

Invincible 3 Neutral N/A Makes you invulnerable to attacks for an even longer period of time.
Bubble Wrap1 Water N/A

A bubble shield surrounds Mega Man and protects from attacks. When hit, it disappears momentarily before returning. After you access the chip selection screen again, it stops.

Bubble Wrap2 Water N/A A bubble shield surrounds Mega Man and protects from attacks. When hit, it disappears momentarily before returning. After you access the chip selection screen again, it stops.
Bubble Wrap3 Water N/A A bubble shield surrounds Mega Man and protects from attacks. When hit, it disappears momentarily before returning. After you access the chip selection screen again, it stops.
Leaf Shield Wood N/A

A shield that protects Mega Man, and when attacked, you recover HP instead of taking damage. However, the shield disappears after being hit once.

Aqua Aurora

Water N/A

A shield protects Mega Man from all attacks that cause less than 10 HP of damage. If hit by an electric-based attack or an attack over 10 HP, the shield will disappear.

Fire Aurora Fire N/A

A shield protects Mega Man from all attacks that cause less than 40 HP of damage. If hit by a water-based attack or an attack over 40 HP, the shield will disappear.

Wood Aurora Wood  

A shield protects Mega Man from all attacks that cause less than 70 HP of damage. If hit by a fire-based attack or an attack over 70 HP, the shield will disappear.

Drop-Down Neutral N/A

You are invisible to all attacks until you start attacking.

Pop-Up Neutral N/A

When you're not attacking, you're invulnerable to all attacks!

Iron Body Neutral N/A

Mega Man turns into an iron statue that stays in one place for 30 seconds. You are able to attack with your Buster during this period, and any damage enemies inflict on you will be of minimal damage.

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Recovery Chips
Battle Chip: Type of Damage: Amount of Damage: Effects:
Recov10 Neutral N/A

Recovers 10 HP in Battle.

Recov30 Neutral N/A Recovers 30 HP in Battle.
Recov50 Neutral N/A Recovers 50 HP in Battle.
Recov80 Neutral N/A Recovers 80 HP in Battle.
Recov120 Neutral N/A Recovers 120 HP in Battle.
Recov150 Neutral N/A Recovers 150 HP in Battle.
Recov200 Neutral N/A Recovers 200 HP in Battle.
Recov300 Neutral N/A Recovers 300 HP in Battle.
Drain 1 Neutral 50

Dash straight ahead quickly to attack the enemy, recovering some HP from that attack.

Drain 2 Neutral 70

Dash straight ahead quickly to attack the enemy, recovering some HP from that attack.

Drain 3 Neutral 90 Dash straight ahead quickly to attack the enemy, recovering some HP from that attack.
Candle 1 Neutral N/A

Make a candle appear in your back row, which constantly recovers your HP as long as it's left undamaged.

Candle 2 Neutral N/A Make a candle appear in your back row, which constantly recovers more HP as long as it's left undamaged.
Candle 3 Neutral N/A Make a candle appear in your back row, which constantly recovers even more HP as long as it's left undamaged.

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Other Attack Chips
Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Anubis Statue Neutral N/A

Make an Anubis statue appear, which damages all enemies as long as it's undamaged.

Muramasa Neutral N/A

Attack enemies according to how much damage you've taken.

Shock Wave Neutral N/A

Send a shockwave straight ahead, hitting all enemies in its path.

Sonic Wave Neutral 80

Sends a stronger shockwave straight ahead, hitting all enemies in its path.

Dyana Wave Neutral 100

This is the strongest of the shockwave attacks; it sends a shockwave straight ahead, hitting all enemies in its path.

Quake 1 Neutral 90

Throw a ball 3 squares ahead of you, causing a giant Quake to crush the enemy.

Quake 2 Neutral 120

Throw a ball 3 squares ahead of you, causing a giant Quake to crush the enemy. Dust will hit the surrounding panels to cause damage to nearby enemies, too.

Quake 3 Neutral 150

Throw a ball 3 squares ahead of you, causing a giant Quake to crush the enemy. Explosions will hit the surrounding panels to cause damage to nearby enemies, too.

Guts Punch Neutral 60

Hit the enemy directly in front of you with a punch.

Dash Neutral 50

Dash straight ahead to hit an enemy.

Howitzer Neutral 150

Shoot a rock 3 panels ahead to make the panel it hits disappear. Any enemies in the way will be damaged greatly.

Tri-Arrow Neutral 40

Shoot 3 sets of arrows straight ahead at the row you're in, hitting all enemies in that row threefold.

Tri-Lance Neutral 60

Shoot 3 sets of lances straight ahead at the row you're in, hitting all enemies in that row threefold.

Tri-Spear Neutral 50

Shoot 3 sets of spears straight ahead at the row you're in, hitting all enemies in that row threefold.

Hammer Neutral 100

Slam a hammer on the enemy on the square in front of you.

Typhoon Neutral 30

Shoot 3 twisters straight ahead to hit any enemy in its way.

Hurricane Neutral 30

Shoot 5 twisters straight ahead to hit any enemy in its way.

Cyclone Neutral 30

Shoot 8 twisters straight ahead to hit any enemy in its way.

Gaia 1 Neutral 100

Slam a hammer down, sending a shockwave through 3 columns in front of you.

Gaia 2 Neutral 130

Slam a hammer down, sending a shockwave through 3 columns in front of you.

Gaia 3 Neutral 160

Slam a hammer down, sending a shockwave through 3 columns in front of you.

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Panel Status. Chips
Battle Chip: Type Of Damage: Amount Of Damage: Effects:
Remo Bit 1  Electric 80 A Remobit appears in front of you, and an electrical claw floats in the air above the enemy panels, removing any panels hit with its lightning. If the Remobit is destroyed, the attack ends as well.
Remo Bit 2 Electric 100

A Remobit appears in front of you, and an electrical claw floats in the air above the enemy panels, removing any panels hit with its lightning. If the Remobit is destroyed, the attack ends as well.

Remo Bit 3 Electric 120

A Remobit appears in front of you, and an electrical claw floats in the air above the enemy panels, removing any panels hit with its lightning. If the Remobit is destroyed, the attack ends as well.

Geddon 1 Neutral N/A

Cracks all enemy panels, making them disappear after being stepped on for a limited time.

Geddon 2 Neutral N/A

Makes all enemy panels that aren't being occupied disappear for a limited time.

X-Panel 1 Neutral N/A

Remove the panel directly in front of you for a limited time.

X-Panel 3 Neutral N/A

Removes the entire row of panels directly in front of you for a limited time.

Repair Neutral N/A

Restores one of your panels knocked out in battle.

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Power-Ups (Enhancements)
Battle Chip: Type of Damage: Amount of Damage: Effects:
Buster Bomb Neutral N/A

For an entire turn (until you access the chip selection menu again), you can constantly use Mini Bomb to attack with the B button instead of the regular Buster.

Buster Sword Neutral N/A For an entire turn (until you access the chip selection menu again), you can constantly use a sword to attack with the B button instead of the regular Buster.
Buster Punch Neutral N/A

For an entire turn (until you access the chip selection menu again), you can constantly use Guts Punch to attack with the B button instead of the regular Buster.

Slow Gauge Neutral N/A

Slows down custom gauge at top of screen during battle.

Fast Gauge Neutral N/A

Speeds up custom gauge at top of screen during battle.

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Hero Summon
Battle Chip: Type of Damage: Amount of Damage:


Roll 1 Neutral 60

Summon Roll and she'll attack the nearest enemy. You'll then recover some of the HP taken from the enemy.

Roll 2 Neutral 80 Summon Roll and she'll attack the nearest enemy. You'll then recover some of the HP taken from the enemy.
Roll 3 Neutral 100 Summon Roll and she'll attack the nearest enemy. You'll then recover some of the HP taken from the enemy.
Guts Man Neutral 40

Guts Man is summoned and he shakes the ground, cracking all panels on the enemy's half of the battlefield, as well as causing the specified amount of damage.

Guts Man 2 Neutral 70 Guts Man is summoned and he shakes the ground, cracking all panels on the enemy's half of the battlefield, as well as causing the specified amount of damage.
Guts Man 3 Neutral 100 Guts Man is summoned and he shakes the ground, cracking all panels on the enemy's half of the battlefield, as well as causing the specified amount of damage.
Proto Man 1 Neutral 140

Proto Man is summoned, and he attacks the enemies in the column closest to him with a sword attack.

Proto Man 2 Neutral 160 Proto Man is summoned, and he attacks the enemies in the column closest to him with a sword attack.
Proto Man 3 Neutral 180 Proto Man is summoned, and he attacks the enemies in the column closest to him with a sword attack.
Fire Man 1 Fire 100

Fire Man is summoned, and a row of fire appears, damaging all enemies in the way.

Fire Man 2 Fire 120 Fire Man is summoned, and a row of fire appears, damaging all enemies in the way.
Fire Man 3 Fire 150 Fire Man is summoned, and a row of fire appears, damaging all enemies in the way.
Number Man1 Neutral Varies

Number Man is summoned and a dice is thrown; 10x the amount shown on dice determines damage all enemies take.

Number Man2 Neutral Varies Number Man is summoned and a dice is thrown; 20x the amount shown on dice determines damage all enemies take.
Number Man3 Neutral Varies Number Man is summoned and a dice is thrown; 30x the amount shown on dice determines damage all enemies take.
Stone Man1 Neutral 100

Stone Man is summoned, and 3 sets of boulders are dropped on random enemy panels to cause damage.

Stone Man2 Neutral 100

Stone Man is summoned, and 4 sets of boulders are dropped on random enemy panels to cause damage.

Stone Man3 Neutral 100

Stone Man is summoned, and 5 sets of boulders are dropped on random enemy panels to cause damage.

Ice Man 1 Water 60

Ice Man is summoned, and giant ice blocks come out, row by row, to attack all enemies.

Ice Man 2 Water 80 Ice Man is summoned, and giant ice blocks come out, row by row, to attack all enemies.
Ice Man 3 Water 100 Ice Man is summoned, and giant ice blocks come out, row by row, to attack all enemies.
Colour Man1 Neutral 90

Colour Man is summoned and water and fire towers are sent to attack the enemies.

Colour Man2 Neutral 110 Colour Man is summoned and water and fire towers are sent to attack the enemies.
Colour Man3 Neutral 130 Colour Man is summoned and water and fire towers are sent to attack the enemies.
Elec Man 1 Electric 90

Elec Man is summoned to hit all enemies with lightning.

Elec Man 2 Electric 120 Elec Man is summoned to hit all enemies with lightning.
Elec Man 3 Electric 150 Elec Man is summoned to hit all enemies with lightning.
Bomb Man 1 Fire 120

Bomb Man is summoned, and throws a bomb into the enemy area. It explodes in a cross fashion, hitting enemies in the same row or column as the bomb.

Bomb Man 2 Fire 140 Bomb Man is summoned, and throws a bomb into the enemy area. It explodes in a cross fashion, hitting enemies in the same row or column as the bomb.
Bomb Man 3 Fire 160 Bomb Man is summoned, and throws a bomb into the enemy area. It explodes in a cross fashion, hitting enemies in the same row or column as the bomb.
Magic Man1 Fire 100

Magic Man is summoned, and a fiery wave attacks some of the enemies.

Magic Man2 Fire 120 Magic Man is summoned, and a fiery wave attacks some of the enemies.
Magic Man3 Fire 140 Magic Man is summoned, and a fiery wave attacks some of the enemies.
Wood Man Wood 60

Wood Man is summoned, and giant wooden towers come out, row by row, to hit all enemies.

Wood Man 2 Wood 80 Wood Man is summoned, and giant wooden towers come out, row by row, to hit all enemies.
Wood Man 3 Wood 100 Wood Man is summoned, and giant wooden towers come out, row by row, to hit all enemies.
Skull Man 1 Neutral 150

Skull Man is summoned, and a giant skull is dropped on one enemy to cause lots of damage.

Skull Man 2 Neutral 180 Skull Man is summoned, and a giant skull is dropped on one enemy to cause lots of damage.
Skull Man 3 Neutral 210 Skull Man is summoned, and a giant skull is dropped on one enemy to cause lots of damage.
Shark Man 1 Water 90

Shark Man is summoned and 3 fins, one in each row, dash straight ahead, hitting any enemies in the way.

Shark Man 2 Water 110 Shark Man is summoned and 3 fins, one in each row, dash straight ahead, hitting any enemies in the way.
Shark Man 3 Water 130 Shark Man is summoned and 3 fins, one in each row, dash straight ahead, hitting any enemies in the way.

Pharo Man1 

Neutral 100

Pharo Man is summoned, and 3 coffins appear, one in each row, and blast all enemies with a laser attack.

Pharo Man2 Neutral 120 Pharo Man is summoned, and 3 coffins appear, one in each row, and blast all enemies with a laser attack.
Pharo Man3 Neutral 140 Pharo Man is summoned, and 3 coffins appear, one in each row, and blast all enemies with a laser attack.

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