About Nursie...

Name: Nursie(really it's Melissa but I prefer Nursie...)

Occupation: Nurse... LPN- Licensed Practical Nurse Currently working the surgery floor at the local hospial.

Birthdate: I am 27 years old, married with one son...

Family: My son's name is J' and my husband is Shawn.

Hobbies: Obviously writing and drawing... watching television,(I LOVE Harry Potter and Smallville... Dan Ratcliffe is gonna be a cutie when he grows up... When I read the books I can imagine my son having adventures... along with watching the films. Tom Welling is my dream man... my husband just has to accept this... Since Mr. Welling is I'm guessing happily married I don't think we'll be eloping anytime too soon. BUT Damn is he hot!)

The Lord of the Rings- Return of the KingI was the last movie I went to see. (I've been spending too much time at work =P) Music, Matchbox 20 is my favorite group...Reading... What can I say... much to my husband's dismay... I have taken up reading a fair bit. Along with all the Smallville and Harry Potter fanfiction I can read with out causing myself a migraine in one setting...I am have finished book 5 of JK Rowling's ongoing masterpiece Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. J and I have red all five books at least a dozen times and are awaiing the 6th book with impatient anxiety. I seriously think I am more excited for the upcoming third film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,than my 7 year old!

Appearance: See above picture...

*Hugs to all*


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