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What sup? - Saturday, Nov 10, 2001
Jesus, it's been a whole month that i didn't update the site. But that's because i have NO TIME AT ALL. It's just the usual, the homework and shits... However, I managed to upload 3x3 Eyes II episode 6 and 7. If you are looking for username and password, go back to the old site and grab it. Then enjoy the O-so-sad "ending" of 3x3 Eyes!

Oh by the way, i added a mustPick section, it will be for very good looking wallpaper etc. Have fun!

IP finally changed - Wednesday, Oct 24, 2001
After i shutdown and reboot the server, no people join in the FTP , and i was wondering why... For some reason, about midnight, my ISP suddenly reset my IP address... it's been almost 6 months that they haven't change it. Maybe they saw me constantly uploading stuffs haha... but hell with them , they can't stop me! 'Cos i use dynamic IP redirect mwhahaha!

Reviews section open - Saturday, Oct 20, 2001
I had just spent some time on the reviews section. Actually that will also be the anime list since i am planning to reviews all the titles and series i have so far. I am getting the old stuff from the old site. So don't expect too much hehe...

New version of FAQ is up - Friday, Oct 12, 2001
Well, assignments and exams were killing me and somehow i survived... In the past 2 weeks, i had been working on the F.A.Q. and try to improve it over the old one from Digital Fusion. Most of you will find it useless hehe... but still, since many people are still asking questions on the forum, which means the previous F.A.Q. wasn't good enough. I hope this new version will be better.

I am amazed! - Wednesday, Oct 3, 2001
Holy smoke, i am amazed! The site is still, so far, compatible with NN4.x. I thought it will probably mess up with all these layers floating around... but i guess not! I just created a new forum from Ezboard, and it takes quite a lot of time to set it up nicely with a good looking. Their setup pages are rather confusing and down most of the time... It's kind a slowing things down. Anyhow, please help me to find out, if any, the bugs on the site. Ciao!

A.I. is changing - Tuesday, Oct 2, 2001
As you can see, the site is slowly taking its shape. Although i don't have much time to code it all the time, i am coding it little by little. It should take a while before it can fully replace DF. This site should be low resolution & NN4.x friendly since i am trying to use layer only (but NN4.x is pain in the ass... ) Anyhow, if you have any suggestion and comments, i am always welcome them as usual. Feel free to post them in the DF forum.

Gosh, i slept only 5 hours and did my exam this morning @ 8AM... It's time to take a morning nap! Zzzz...

A.I. Launch - Monday, Oct 1, 2001
Well, the new version of Digital Fusion had been launch... however, it is no longer call Digital Fusion, as you can see, it is now Anime Infinity. In short, it can be A.I. or Infinity. Why changing the name? Well, that's because Digital Fusion, the name itself doesn't have anything to do with animation. Originally i was making DF for fun since i love jap anime... but now the site is growing and getting more and more visitor every month. So that's why i decided to give it a new (& easy) design.

So here you are, looking at the alpha version of Anime Infinity. Please enjoy your stay.