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     There is so much, so much, that it would be impossible to describe them all without taking pages and pages of occasions, details, words, gestures, signs...The old series is full of them, but the J is famous also for its "clue" scenes such as the bath scene between Tsubasa and Misaki, the highlight of their intimacy both physical and emotional.  


Although the most known couple worldwide is the Hyuga x Wakashimazu, a.k.a KenKoji, thanks also to Minami Ohzaki's doujinshi and manga series Zetsuai & Bronze, deeply inspired in these characters (Shibuya could be Sorimachi), I had always seen rather the couple Hyuga x Takeshi, more logical in spite of the loss of the bishonen touch of Ken and the slight flavour of Shota the younger player adds. Sorimachi is another important element, extremely popular in Japan, and almost forgotten in the occidental world.


 ¿Love or friendship? The eternal dilemma. A good combination in CT always takes two characters. Synchronization, mutual understanding and loyalty. Together until the end. In the good and in the bad moments. Were one goes, the other follows: Kisugi and Taki, Tachibana bros., Jito and Sano, Matsuyama and Oda and the mentioned above in most of the cases. The international scene also presents interesting examples such as Diaz and Pascal, and in a weaker association, Pierre and Napoleon, Schester and Margus, Schneider and Müller or Schneider and Wakabayashi.


If we then want to combine the japanese national scene with the foreign, we get a cocktail of people that can match in several interesting ways. I guess the japanese fans have thought up many couples and published tons of doujinshi. But unless you have a good reserve of luck, if you have any at all, the 90% of the doujinshi stories are centered or feature KenKoji. It is like a plague. So frustrating! You only have to check the doujinshi section to see it for yourself. I want to thank those japanese who like any other couple and provide us with morbid food of what the series lack: too many good characters that usually perform  the role of  shadow of the main stars.


 But they are stars themselves. They have lots of fans around the world. And us, yaoi lovers, want to think in the never-ending possibilities that such and intense and cozy way of life  of the soccer players provide, don't we? So, for you all, here is a list of the couples I have come to think of, and some of the reasons why I think they match together. Feel free to add your opinion!! Write me and I'll just add your comments!







I know it is not yaoi, but I just ADORE this couple! And she's so understanding with him, she'd surely accept a double sexuality of her hero.




It's so logical it's almost non-yaoi, seems a couple designed by mother nature. 100% Afinity. The boundaries of love and friendship are here nonexistent. The whole series serve as  evidence, so no need to add anything. That's why I dislike WY, for Misaki is there  mistreated and almost  left the background right behind Sanae in the wedding picture XD.

 After that reencounter at the Eiffel Towr in Paris...who doubts it? And Misaki's reactions in the Holland Special?





First rivalry, then eternal friendship.

Against Hirado, it's left clear who were the 3 idols-source of strenght and inspiration- eternal friends: Roberto, Misaki and Wakabayashi. There are many promises between Tsubasa and Genzo throughout the story. Many emotive scenes in which they look at each other's eyes in a deep understanding  far beyond the rest of the audience. Ken&Koji just have that look once, but these two have many. There's nobody Wakabayashi enjoys more playing against than Tsubasa. There's nobody Genzo trusts more to be the best player in the world. There's nobody he trusts more, period. Maybe only Misaki...Nice threesome...




Eternal enemies that come to cooperate and excel together when in the national team. Hyuga is somehow obsessed with Tsubasa and the desire to defeat him leads Kojiro to exceed himself. It's also stated once in the series and another in the Road to 2002, that he wants to fulfill the promise he made his father, but in fact,is always that open desire not to be left behind from Tsubasa what moves him, what pushes him over the limit. Epic moment, that of the end of Nankatsu vs Toho, when Tsubasa falls over him, or when they change shirts, or the looks they throw each other in the Shin-CT when they perform or achieve something together, or when Tsubasa cheers Hyuga...The classic love-hate relationship with the great admiration inbetween...


Misugi would like to be Hyuga, that he says at the Toho vs Nankatsu to Matsuyama. Have his strength, to be able to fight on equal terms against Tsubasa, maybe. Or perhaps not to feel weak next to him, to be as good as him, not to feel forgotten... He was enthusiastic about playing against Tsubasa in the first tournament. To him, Tsubasa was his dreamed rival. He almost got dissappointed, but in the end Tsubasa gave him the best memory of his he said. Misugi even remembers that game again in Shin, when playing against France under the rain. Misugi studies him closely, specially as a coach then in Shin... He's the one who can best understand him when he's willing to play in spite of his injuries...Anyway...there is Hyuga too...






There are many clashes between them, as when Matsuyama refused to let him play at the beginning of Shin due to his late incorporation to the team. Besides, Matsuyama matches better with other players, but evidence there is. The semi-final Furano vs Nankatsu is the biggest, specially when, not only as a honorable man, but also as a friend, Matsuyama prevents Tsubasa from falling to the ground in a bad position; or when the game is over and he stops Tsubasa from collapsing after his miracle shoot and even cheers him up, when he's the loser. It's all well hidden, of course. Matsuyama pays attention to both teammates and rivals, loves justice and give each what they deserve, with no concessions. Therefore it is difficult to have more clues about what he thinks of Tsubasa. Besides...there is Hyuga again...




If there were to be something between these two, it would be a senpai-kohai relationship of the sort. The only evidence again is the obsession to follow the steps, and the attempt to even go past them, of the master Tsubasa. On a curious, funny note: Tsubasa and Nitta both have a similar bird when they execute their letal shoots.




 Not very likely to happen, but also possible. If it weren't for Misaki, and even with Misaki involved, Ishizaki is the one who cares more and tries harder to understand or even help his captain. From beginning to end. Special moments are the final against Toho, when he stops Hyuga's Tiger Shoot with the stomach and reminds Tsubasa they are there to help him; and the final against Germany, soon after stopping Schneider's Fire Shoot with the head and getting a conmotion, when he makes Tsubasa stand up and score the victory goal. The importance of Ishizaki for Tsubasa is even remarked by Tsubasa himself, for instance, at the game vs Toho, also after Ishizaki had saved the goal with his head. "You're the first friend I got when I came to Nankatsu." There's no doubt about their mutual appreciation.





Reasons? What reasons? Two A++  warriors with the same hair but in different colour. Charismatic, emblematic Captains. In Shin the german  was his most fierce and number 1 enemy in the world (that was destroyed in WY). Tsubasa is the only player, leave Wakabayashi aside,  capable of getting on Schneider's nerves (or even scare him) ...In how many ways, I wonder...   (Note: "Schneider", says Tsubasa)



Again, two soccer genius meet and both are excited about it. They both carry the South-American school mark in thir play. And their challenge won't end in shin, that they promised when they changed shirts...Diaz visibly enthusiastic...Because of Tsubasa and his team, Diaz forgot about everything else during the game...If it hadn't been for Pascal...



The classic master-pupil relationship, with more subtle Shota ingredients than what the censorship could ever detect...Terribly obsessed is Tsubasa with his "Eternal Coach", as he calls Roberto. Everybody can easily remember how eagerly and earnestly Tsubasa followed always Roberto, how destroyed and depressed he got when the brazilian left without him, how much he fought to become a number one to be able to go to Brazil to train again with his master, the tears he shed when he finally met him again...Gott, it was almost like a whole love story, wasn't it?



Be it a threesome or not, the truth is that these two also got very close in the series, maybe also because of their common experience of living abroad. But that's not all. Let's not forget the emotive Meiwa game, when they end up holding each other, injured and exhausted. They really appreciate each other, as seen when they meet in Germany. The face of Genzo is memorable. And the way he speaks of him to Tsubasa in his letter...Of course it could be simply the joy to find someone from Japan and a good friend, but rarely has Wakabayashi been seen so happy with anyone...Always so cool and almost conceited...


Old friends from the time Misaki was living in Hokkaido with his father. Had not the chance to fight one against the other at the tournament. Instead, Misaki led his teammates to make friends with Matsuyama and Furano team, and cheer them in their game vs Meiwa. Matsuyama and Misaki really appreciate each other, and I'm sure Matsuyama would really like to have Misaki in his team again. Were it the case, there would be a nice combi too. But not so passionate and intense as in Tsubasa's companion.


Why on earth is Misaki the only character besides his mother that calls Hyuga "Kojiro"? Not even his teammates do that!! But he does so from the beginning until Road to 2002. Amazing...It means a lot in Japan to call someone by its name instead of the surname. That, for an evidence. Then  the fact that they played together in Meiwa, where they rivalised because of their different views on soccer (maybe  because of  Takeshi too? ) , since they are completely opposite characters: the lonely tiger and the most sociable character in the whole series...That makes them match, too. You know what they say about opposite poles...And Misaki's never been afraid of Hyuga. Perhaps because he had Tsubasa with him...



This one really makes full sense according to the series. Friends in Meiwa, friends still when they meet again in the first game vs Meiwa. There we can guess Misaki was something like a role model to Takeshi, that not only Hyuga and the Meiwa school molded him.  Takeshi really resents having injured his leg afterwards in the final game and worries sincerely about him. They are much alike after all, these two. 


In Shin, Pierre starts chasing Misaki because he has heard about him: a guy who could fedeat him if he had the chance to play against him. They start to play but Katagiri stops them. Then Pierre is glad when Misaki defeats him at that sudden duel in a private training game of the French national team (ironically, with the help of Napoleon) and decides to join the Japanese team. Right before the game, he risks to go greet Misaki and, why not, Tsubasa, before running away from the avalanche of fans. And during the game Pierre is seeking continuously the man-to-man with Misaki, thinks that the japanese fianally has to avoid for his team to win. "Now it's not the time for a personal challenge". And in the last chapter of Shin, you can see Pierre with Misaki and his french friends at the airport, saying farewell to the plane in which the Japanese players return. Will Pierre take care of Misaki from that day on in Tsubasa's place? ^_- WY just provides Misaki with a nice Bus over him...


For nothing in particular. Just that Misaki is the one who read Wakabayashi's notes on Genzo to mark Schester and finally accomplished  his mission with success (at first, ok). Then, if Tsubasa was to be with Schneider, Schester would be a nice match for Misaki.



My personal favourite couple. Many japanese fans agree with me, I can't belive it. And it's quite a popular pairing in Japan! Why not? Shutetsu's control Tower and the Captain, the perfect match! Together in Shutetsu and then in Nankatsu, their friendship only shadowed by the arrival of Tsubasa & Co. But Izawa was always loyal to his Captain (as his other Shutetsu mates), as shown when they all meet again in Hamburg in Shin. Wakabayashi makes comments on Taki and Kisugi, but not on Izawa...why? Well, a look is worth more than 1000 words! ^_-




Close teammates in Hamburg. In Road to 2002 Schneider even comes to ask him to join his new team, Bayern Munich,  because he knows there's nobody better than Wakabayashi (or maybe because Genzo is his personal favourite). During Shin, Schneider constantly defies Genzo to play with Japan, be it by worths or by looks. And is constantly repeating to his teammates that he "would be very happy if he could play against Japan number 10 and Genzo Wakabayashi". To Schneider, as to Hyuga, score Genzo from outside the penalty area becomes an insistent objective.  Genzo himself is an objective for Schneider, I guess.



Another story of rivalry but with just apparent hate-hate only side (really?). Hyuga's first aim was just defeateing Genzo at the tournament, before knowing of Tsubasa's existence. In the final game he will fight with all his will and might to score from outside the penalty area, with no success. He will achieve, however, two goals. And will honestly recognize his defeat, not without advising him that the challenge continues. And in Shin they even get to the hands, before Hyuga listenst accidentally Genzo's conversation with Tsubasa and understands why Genzo's acting so cynical and jerk-like towards the team. Afterwards, he will be the first to ask him to join the team for the last game against Germany. Wakabayashi can be his second target to defeat, besides Tsubasa, but he shows then that he considers him a valuable ally given the  circumstances. For a striker, the biggest challenger is the goalkeeper...(wow, how many connotations this has...).


Hints? Not many. Rivals at the Japanese Goal. Both admire each other although they feel sometimes envious too. One has experience, the other agility and spectacularity. That's common knowledge. But on the other hand, in Shin we have some nice scenes as when Wakabayashi gives sudden advices to Ken to stop Napoleon's shoot, or when Ken asks him to take care of his revenge in the break-time of the final game, hand on shoulder, look that freezes/melts... (In WY, there are some scenes of Wakashimazu feeling rejected by the team, whose coach only seems to have him as the substitute for Genzo).


 They were ferocious enemies in the primary school, always quarreling about the field and the scores. Then they became friends in Nankatsu, and finally in the Japan Team. But they would make a rather funny couple prone to quarrel a lot...The Keeper-defender stuff is also valid!!

(Well, Genzo seems lost and Ishizaki laughs about it...)


It is not very likely that any of those two  would be with the captain having each other, but who knows? Specially in the case of Kisugi, it could be as logical as the KenKoji: Keeper and Striker. And as much as they love Tsubasa, the keep the loyalty for their old captain, whom they still call so.Ad let us not forget also loyal Takasugi!!







Takeshi admires, adores, loves, defends and follows his Captain wherever he goes. Hyuga has nobody who understands and supports him better, both inside and outside the fields. Takeshi took leadership of the team, together with Ken, when Hyuga wasn't allowed to play with Toho. Takeshi fought for him. And yet in Meiwa, in the final against Nankatsu, he was the first to complain to him about his obsession with scoring from outside the penalty area, making Hyuga open his heart to the team after we all had thought he would slap Takeshi; and Takeshi would be the most decided player to give a hand to his Captain to get the scholarship. In many occasions Hyuga has shown his clear preference for his assistance and of how much help he is to him. Even to Sanae he admits, with an air of nostalgy, that "I know, he appreciates me so much", when she begs him pardon for not having done as Takeshi asked her and tell Tsubasa to convince Hyuga to come back  to Toho for "they were desperate". Just that scene says it all...He is not just a little brother for Hyuga...NO!!






Ok, Ok, two bishonens, A+ players and on the same team, two extremes of the wedge: keeper and striker. It seems cool to see them together, but the series give so little evidence. Takeshi is always in the middle. Anyway, an important detail is that Hyuga is ALWAYS soft and caring with Wakashimazu, as shown when he gots hurt in the shoulder against Nankatsu, or whenever he falis to stop a goal. I have just seen Hyuga so soft to Wakashimazu and Takeshi. But the highest point between the keeper and Hyuga is again vs Nankatsu. It is a scene missing in the manga, or added to the anime. When Hyuga stops Wakashimazu from entering into the goal and both fall to the ground, there are just two seconds, two miserable seconds, in which Hyuga looks intently to Wakashimazu, and the keeper stares back, amazed. There is such intensity in those eyes, that even when I was younger and more innocent I was amazed...What could it mean? I wondered...and I still do...




I think outside Toho he is the perfect match for Hyuga. First they started fighting thanks to Hyuga's prepotence slapping him for being "in his way". The game in which Matsuyama gained respect from Hyuga, after making things very difficult for a weak and ill tiger. In the secondary tournament Matsuyama tries to talk Hyuga into coming back to the team, saying he wants to fight him again in the final game, after defeating Tsubasa himself. He still has to make him pay for the defeat of last time. But when Matsuyama ses Hyuga on the ground, even if he doesn't play, looks happy and wishful. Hyuga also looks satisfied with Matsuyama's play in the two games he watches. And Matsuyama looks almost a complete Hyuga fan in teh final game against Nankatsu, when he even shouts Kojiro to keep on fighting, and achieving it! In Shin their relationship comes to a dfinitive good terms. They fight together and think together and train together late at night. They don't want Tsubasa as their saviour, they want to have a value of their own...



Misugi admires Hyuga's strength. He would like to have it for him. And he is his only hope to see Tsubasa defeated, so he tells Hyuga to convince him to go back to Toho. As Matsuyama, in the final game he looks like a complete Hyuga fan. And during the game against him, much before, we see the only occasion in which Hyuga feels MERCY for an enemy in the whole series, which he will have to pay hard afterwards. Misugi is the reason, Hyuga the power and instinct, no doubt. 



The first time Tsubasa faces Nitta, in that invasion to their training, he thinks afterwards that he has given him the same feeling as when he played against Hyuga (well, he thinks also that Soda has the eyes of Hyuga, when he sees him for the first time froma window, Tsubasa is obsessed...). Hyuga pays close attention to Nitta during the Nankatsu vs Otomo game, claiming even the importance of the team work (Whoa ha ha ha) when he sees him failing. Then, in Shin, Hyuga is shocked about Nitta avoiding shoot directly to Müller. He says "I know you've always been a striker and have its instincs. So why haven't you shot?". Besides, they also play in good combination and have similar spirit, only that Nitta is younger and not so strong.





This would be gore or masochism. I cannot help being influenced by "The Epic Captain Tsubasa Story" which I read years ago in which Schneider was a nazi who wanted Tsubasa's colaboration to eliminate the enemy of the pure raze, Hyuga. How can they match together? Well, I can see a whip, and some thorns and...well...bloody stuff...Just see how "carefully" he treats Hyuga...I haven't seen him treat another adversary like this...



"While Hyuga is not in the team, I'll play in combination with Takeshi", these are Sorimachi's words. I am sure he admires the younger player and would like to have the chance of such a relationship as he has with Hyuga. Sorimachi is the second striker in the team, high-scoring in the tournament. The japanese fans love to add him in the stories. And I am sure if Takeshi anytime chose him, it would be for his resemblance to Misaki...He's almost Misaki with darker skin!


They don't have much contact during the first part of the series, but we see them together in the hospital, the final game's eve, and the next day at the stadium, where Misugi has reserved a seat for him. They share the sense of justice and honor and inner strenght. They are both good and friendly people who seem to care for all the players. And what the heck, they made a lovely combination. 


 Best friends in Furano, they are together also in the Japanese team. Matsuyama trusts his teammates so much that in this game in which Oda was not so acerted, before the vs Nankatsu one, he trusted him even if it meant losing in case he failed again. That shows much about Matsuyama and about his generosity. And maybe also about what Oda means for him...And Oda is the one who jokes/talks more about Yoshiko's feelings for him...Perhaps some jealousy?


*Always* together, that's the motto of the silver combi of Nankatsu, as they call themselves. They are conscious of their unbreakable friendship and the mutual affection and complicity  is clearly shown in the picture of the team in funny poses. Together they have loyalty for their former captain Genzo and their also forever captain Tsubasa.  


 Enemies in the first Nankatsu, teammates in the whole Nankatsu, again enemies when Urabe moved to Otomo, again treammates when the fantastic four came back to Nankatsu under the leadership of Misaki instead of Tsubasa (after Shin), and forever friends when they end up in the same team at the J-league. Always joking, always fighting, after Tsubasa, Urabe is the player Ishizaki appreciates more. Hence the result of the bet they do, when Urabe and his teammates have to cheer Nankatsu as the price of his losing. 



Incestuous relationship, of course. But they are *always* together. Closer than anybody. Live, play, dream, go together *everywhere*. They are almost as one!! And they care so much for each other...Who could possible get in the middle? They just accept the help of  big, tough guys such as Jito or that in  Hanawa...It is, bodyguards almost...


The typical David and Goliat couple...Loyalty vs Protection. Deathly combination and complete understanding of each other. They gave Nankatsu a really hard time but afterwards their combination is broken in the Japanese team where each goes his way. 


This would be something worst than the Hyuga x Soda. These two are the characteristic blond-black sides of the same coin, as shown in this series. Violent, agressive and rude, but also sensible when touched by disgrace. I like the couple...




A classic. The french combi that so well understands on the field. They get closer and closer through each game and I think Pierre is the only capable of taming Napoleon...Have you seen how much Napoleon dislikes Pierre's fans? Misaki was there when Napoleon first appeared..."Who's that? Do you know him?" he was asked by Pierre with great curiosity. After all, he had helped Misaki to win the challenge with Pierre... As if saying "Ok, win this, play with Japan and leave Pierre to me"...perhaps...^_- 


The Super keeper-Captain topic. There is admiration and trustfulness in the air when they are together on the ground. Sometimes one feels those two would be enough in a team. Of course it is not the case, but such feeling makes me realize of the importance one could have for the other...I just love this couple. The cold-violet eyes and the freezy-blue eyes, full of self-condifence and will to fight. 


 Combination in Bremen, but less in the German team. Two teen idols and excellent players with a possibly interesting past together which is not shown in the anime. 


 Their past together is not shown in the anime but it is in the manga, where Pascal even tells Diaz during the game vs Japan "Diaz, remember I am always behind you", for when he needs support. Words that reach him deep within. He was plying alone and suffering alone.  Diaz had always refused any offer unless Pascal went with him. He might be the soccer genius, but not like Tsubasa, ne never leaves his "Misaki" aside...He's always "behind" him and *with* him. 



Remember how was the first time for Takeshi in Meiwa? Who helped him then? That is told in the game Toho vs Meiwa. It was Wakashimazu. And during this very game, it's as if Hyuga's spirit was in Takeshi, and Wakashimazu supported him from behind. Those three, anyway, are like the Tsubasa-Misaki-Wakabayashi group in all senses. And all the time Hyuga *is not* there, Takeshi and Wakashimazu go together everywhere...also to speak to their Captain. 


 Any evidence in particular, since they have rarely spoken to each other, not even in the National Team, but they are both very agressive inside and outside the ground and I just can imagine how such couple would work...


This is just a paranoia I thought up many years ago. Whenever I listened to the song "Limbo rock" I could see these two dancing and singing dressed as hawaians in a tropical beach. Duel fo the giants it could be...


  Urabe trusts Nitta as being the next Tsubasa, and supports him strongly as his hope to defeat Nankatsu, younger though he is. He trusts him until the end, and gets shocked by the mistakes he commits during the game. Anyway, they look really good friends. And together with the rest that once was in Nankatsu, will move to this team again. Now they are also in the national team together. 


 There is no specific reason. I just find they match together due to their stature, position and similar style. Don't they?



The younger players in the tournament and in the japanese team. Takeshi would make a good assistant to Nitta too. I just felt that.



In this case only the flashback in Europe when Tsubasa is in hospital serves for the purpose. Pierre admired Tsubasa deeply, accompanied the Japanese Team as a guide in Paris (well, I guess not only because of Rika's suggestion) and seeked strongly and persistently the man-to-man fight with Tsubasa during the game, in which he was finally defeated...In Shin that admiration turned to be for Misaki...But well, I'm still not sure if they are supposed to be the same Pierre...


  Two european champions. The emperor and the knight. In the movies they get to play in the same team. In the flashback when Tsubasa's in hospital is Pierre who intruduces Schneider to the Japanese team. I think they would make a nice winning couple. Pierre could be Schneider's Misaki in fact. An assistant with his own skills and charisma. 


 The two great bishonens of Germany match perfectly together. Both are very independent and skilful of their own, so there is not such *mutual necessity* element implied. 


 Heffner just appears in the Ova and the flashback, but it was a relationship similar to that of Müller, only that much weaker. The funny hairs and the air of "I'm Schneider's protector" Heffner gave out are unforgettable. 


 In the spanish translation of Shin, Vitorino celebrated his goal not with the classical "Yatta Baby" but with the "Ho ho, How good I am", and was so proud of himself that I don't think he can love anyone but his own reflection in the mirror. I guess the japanese version is different, but anyway I can't get this picture out  of my mind. And sure as hell  I can't see him with Schneider...


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