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This chapter is dedicated to Tinkerbell for braving the horrible sinus headache monster while I wrote.

Papa Zechs, Part 2

Zechs paced the floor in front of the hapless pilots, sheer evil radiating from his gaze. One moment, he was smug and superior, having won at war against the perfect soldier. The next, he was ready to take heads... well, Heero’s head anyway.

It didn’t matter that he expected this. The young pilot dared to touch his baby sister, and would have to live long enough to regret it.

He pushed his platinum blond locks out of his eyes, frustrated. He had no idea what to do with Heero now that he caught him. He didn’t quite plan on it happening THIS soon.

::::HMPH! Teenage hormones!:::: He thought, totally disregarding the fact that he was only about five years older than they were.

“I don’t suppose you would like to tell me where the HELL YOU HAVE BEEN?” He tried to remain calm, but failed spectacularly. At this moment, the only thing keeping Heero Yuy alive was the fact that Zechs was responsible for his well being.

“Out.” Heero leaned against the wall, picking dirt out from under his nails, the picture of indifference.

“Grrrrrrrrr.....” Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Duo and Hilde inching out the door. “Don’t-you-dare-move!” They both went wide eyes, then stopped. It was possible that poor Zechs had snapped his mind from the pressure of parenthood... “I’m not done with you two!”

“Heero! I know that Duo warned you. You had no excuse to take off like that! What if you were killed, or something? Did you ever think about how Relena would take it? How about the trouble I WOULD have gotten into?”

“Why Zechs!” Heero quipped sarcastically, “I didn’t even know you cared! Face it, I don’t need you.”

Relena moved behind him. Placing her hand on his shoulder, she ignored her brother’s glowering look.

“Heero.. didn’t you once tell me that you wished you had the chance at a normal life? Never having to fight? Well.. here’s your chance! Take it!” She urged, kneading his neck.

“Relena, I know what your trying to do, but I will not be treated like a child! I risked my LIFE for peace, interfered over and over to keep it, yet.. this is how they thank me!”

“Heero, grow up!” Relena now pulled back, eyes flashing, “None of us gave our youth up so that the people could say , ‘Thank you’! All of us, yourself included, fought because it was right! Yet, here you are, bitching and moaning because someone had the nerve to tell you to act your age! Damn, Heero! Maybe you DO need a parent! After all.. grown men don’t act like ten year olds!”

Having said her ‘peace’, she marched out of the room, ignoring her brother. Heero stared after her, dazed that his innocent little princess told him off.... what’s worse.. she was right.

“You are enrolled in St. Gabrielle‘s as a senior. You start tomorrow, Seven a.m..” Zechs’ voice broke through his self pity. Wryly, he motioned upstairs. “Oh, and stay out of Relena’s room.. the traps have been reset.”

“As for you...” He turned on Hilde, “What were you doing in Duo’s room?”

“I was apologizing for being such a witch earlier! What did you think I was doing?” the girl lied through her teeth, carefully avoiding his eyes.

“Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”

“I really don’t care. It’s the truth, Zechs. I don’t lie.” She deliberately turned her back on him and walked out of the room. Zechs started to call her back, but gave up.

:::: To hell with it.. there will be other nights to catch them..:::

Tiredly, he walked past the braided Shinigami and up the stairs to where his wife slept on, oblivious to the house of chaos she now presided over.


The next morning, they all met at the breakfast table. All four teenagers where dressed in St. Gabrielle’s uniform. Long pants and jackets for the boys, long, ankle length skirt and jacket for Relena and Hilde. All three tugged at the tie that threatened to cut off thier airway.

“Relena, don’t forget to be in the office by twelve. You have that speech in assembly today.” Noin reminded her sister in law.

Heero and Duo’s head shot up, each thinking that maybe they could use this to thier advantage/

“Why does she get to leave early, but we’re stuck in school?” Duo finally asked.

“Because she is the prime minister of peace, and you are just a shmuck.” Noin announced, passing him the eggs.

“I really resent that...” Duo mumbled, hearing Hilde choke on her food.

“I’m not going.” Heero said, challenging Zechs.

“Yes, you are. The sooner you’re gone, the sooner I can resume my search for your partner in crime.” He buttered his toast, then nibbled on the corner.

“He’s in what used to be the United States, in a wildlife preserve in Albany. Now, you don’t need to find him, and I can stay home.”

“I can’t believe you did that!” Duo yelled, “YOU TURNED on Wu!”

“Hmmph! Like he wouldn’t have done it to us..” Heero drank his coffee, and loosened his tie.

“Well, yeah..”

“Besides, there is nothing that stupid school can teach me that I don’t already know. Being raised by an Dr. J. was pure hell, but at least I got a good education.”

“True.. no one bothers to ask the orphan if he WANTS to grow up to be a mad scientist.. they just assume you do... ‘Duo! Hand me that Oscillator! NO! Not that one! Don’t act like you don’t know the difference! Thank you! Now, go repair the electo-magnetic energy converter! Did you do the homework I assigned you? NO? Why not?’ Man, I can go on and on about the torture that guy put me through!”

He shoveled more food in his mouth, chewing slowly as he looked out and met the blank stares of his new ‘family’. “What? Did you all think I was stupid?”

“Err.. Regardless.. both of you WILL go to school, if only to learn how to act your age.. And, Duo.. I think I should have you tested.. it’s possible that you don’t belong in high school...” Zechs admitted, horrified that someone so... childish might actually have a brain underneath all that hair.

“DUH! I’ve been trying to tell you that!” he shook his head, “Did everyone really think I was dumb? Professor G went through so many research assistants, he decided to just train me. ”

No one met his gaze, testimony saying that they had, indeed, thought he was one sock short of a pair.

“Gee, thanks! I’m touched by your confidence!”

Grabbing his coat, he left the room and started to walk to the blasted school.


Wufei deftly skinned the rabbit, setting the hide aside to cure. If he was to be stuck in these primitive woods for two years, then he would need raw materials. Rabbit would make warm slippers, as well.

He didn’t even consider not lasting out the years. He was strong! Quitting was unthinkable! He will not bow down and accept a parental figure this late in his life! Didn’t he prove his manhood countless times before?

Staking the meat with a metal rod, he draped the rabbit over the spit and set it to slowly turn. He then went out to gather what edible greens he could find. Returning to his camp, he at first failed to notice that he had company.

“Chang Wufei?” The man said, drawing the Chinese pilot’s gaze.

Wu sprung up, automatically folding himself into a defensive crouch.

“Who are you? Identify yourselves!” He ordered, not really expecting them to answer.

“Lt. Joshua Morgan, Preventer Chang. I’m sorry, but I’m under orders. I must ask you to surrender yourself into our custody at once.”

“You expect me to just give up?” Wufei gaped, disbelieving of their nerve.

“I have a message from Preventer Po. It is hoped, sir, that you honor your vows to uphold the law, before you dishonor yourself.”

:::::CURSED WOMAN!:::: He thought, outraged that she would use his own honor against him! The vows he took as a Preventer took precedence over his own wishes. ::::Just wait, Woman.. WE WILL fight this one out!:::::


Zechs sat in front of the crackling fire, his legs hooked over one arm rest, and a glass of french brandy cradled in his hand. A satisfied smirk graced his lips as he remembered the pitiful site of Chang Wufei’s arrival. the last of his flock was home, and he finally had time to take a break.

He still didn’t know what to do about Duo. Every instinct in his body screamed that the boy needed encouragement. His test results where phenomenal, placing his IQ range well into the genius level. He couldn’t let the boy go through life as a mechanic!

Hearing a soft step, he looked up, smiling. His wife padded into the room wearing little more than a sheaf of silk and a smile. Stopping in front of him, she leaned over, giving him a teasing glimpse of her bounty.

“You coming to bed, Zechs?” She murmured, before kissing his lips.

“Hmm... In a minute. I’m not done here.”

“Honey.. your sitting here, drinking a brandy. What‘s there to finish?.”

He dipped his finger into the liquor, sensuously tracing her bottom lip with the potent drink. His smile changed as he captured her lips with his, hungrily bringing her closer.

“This...” He murmured against her lips.. “You, on the floor, the firelight casting your body in shadows.. My lips exploring your skin, slowly mapping it out in my inner mind.”

She gasped, sinking into him as he painted the erotic picture into her fantasies. Eagerly pulling her lips away, she gazed into his eyes, losing herself in their clear brightness.

“Show me....”

She lowered herself onto the floor, pulling him down by his hand. Laughing, he landed on top, caging her with his arms.

Kissing her, he lowered the straps from her shoulders, slowly pushing the bodice down towards her hips.

His mouth followed the path, until he sat up. Looking at her, he picked up the brandy glass. Her breath was ragged, and her eyes were glazed.

He dipped his finger into the brandy and brought the liquor to her breast. Painting the nipple with dark fluid, he smiled as her nipples grew taut in the air.

Quickly, he surrounded the lush peak with his hot mouth, reveling in her gasps. Her hands cupped the back of his head, holding him in place..


A loud crash sounded throughout the hall as the metal grates once again covered the windows and the bars were once again in place in front of the doors.

Damn brats!! Which one was it this time?

He kissed his wife before he got up off of the floor. Walking into the bedroom, he got her robe and handed it to her before stalking out the door and down the hallway.

Passing Relena’s room, he nodded to her, thankful that she, at least, was alone. Wufei looked out, coolly smirking at the older pilot as he passed. Heero, was laughing.. something that he had NEVER seen before.. and Duo and Hilde were missing.

He put his ear to the door, listening to the groans and squeaks of young love. Cursing, he walked down the hall, and to the access panel. Punching in his code, he waited.. and waited, and waited...

“Alright! Who changed the code?” :::Damn hackers!.. hackers?? HILDE!::::

He fumbled with the screws, finally removing the access panel. What none of them knew about was the emergency cut off. If the building lost power, they solar cells would power the mechanism that controlled the bars, and lift them from the doors in case medical help was needed inside.

Within moments, the clang of metal was again heard as the barriers were swallowed up into the ceiling. He walked back to Duo’s room, where Noin was waiting. Opening the door, he gaped.

Hilde had tied Duo up to the bed using the velcro bindings.. and she was riding him. Her body was stiff, a scream ripping from her lips, and she collapsed on top of him. Duo quickly followed, His body arching into the air as he spent himself into her warm body.

::::Damn brats!::::



heheheheheh.. stay tuned for chapter 3! :)