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My name Leona it means daughter of the sun. My last name Anthanasius. After my mother kicked my father out I switched to her last name it’s a real bitch to pronounce. But Iris since doing Japanese from middle school (or whatever the middle section before high school is) called everyone by their last name first and being as my last name was so irritating she call me A-Leona to start off with til we meet Chhaya who called me Garfield cause of my red hair then just shortened my name down to Lee like as in Bruce and Brandon Lee who knew that this would bring a curse to me to. So that’s what I was called by everyone Iris was always a trend setter. A-Lee that’s me.

I could hear Andy run after me. They must of told Andy the truth otherwise I wouldn’t hear him shouting at me. If I had known what would follow I wouldn’t of ran from the club. I would of called a cab and gone home back to my mother.
“LEONA!! QUIT RUNNING!!! TALK TO ME!!” Andy shouted.
I stopped running and I turned round slowly on the cobblestone path I was in I was surprised how well I’d managed it in the Geri shoes and the heels hadn’t snapped or got caught between the cobbles. It always happens on this evil path cobblestone paths a girl in Geri shoes’ worst weakness...

Andy rushed up to me and he grabbed me by both my arms everything happened so quickly as his mouth bore down on mine capturing my lips in the most passionate of kisses. His hands still holding my arms firmly in place at my side. He was always stronger than me even though he was kind of lanky. He had the typical anime weediness. I remember him pulling back from the kiss. Then that’s when the conversation from my premonition started as the clouds grew dark above us and the storm started.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know that was how you felt. But please be there for me. I love her and you’re my best friend. Be there. Just be there. I’d die if you weren’t there.” Andy said his voice was in more anguish than in my premonition.
“‘How about in spirit?” I joked knowing his next line immediately it was like a bad rerun of an old sappy drama.
“Don’t joke about this.” He said his voice becoming frustrated.
“Who’s joking?” I asked him.
The look on his face was pure annoyance. But he couldn’t tell if I was joking or serious that’s me for you I can’t take a joke. I’m too wound up. I’m over determined. I’ve been pushed over my limit for tolerance. Which makes me a regular bitch on several levels. I can dish it out I just can’t take it back. How Vegeta of me.
“You can be so impossible sometimes!” He snapped at me.
“Have a good life Andy. I’ll miss you.” I said I found myself wanting him to kiss me again and that’s when I heard the lightening and I saw it strike nearby in the center of the Avon the water beginning to spark suddenly. There we stood me and Andy getting drenched in the rain. Well the Avon was beginning to spark and boil like it was water in a cauldron.
I stepped back from Andy ready for my death ‘let him be haunted’ I thought bitterly. ‘Let him be tormented by my death, let his soul be seared like mine has for what he can no longer have.’
Iris and Chhaya ran up to us.
“I’m so sorry A-Lee.” Iris said.
I looked at her confused. “We have to get indoors and fast.” Chhaya added.
“We need to ground this power!” Iris said.
I looked at her. “What?” I asked.
“The stone said no!” Iris blurted out. “I’m so sorry I just wanted to help you out. I know you wanted answers but you obviously weren’t suppose to get them yet, now the Gods seem to be mad at me.”
“Which pantheon?!” I asked. “Which God did you invoke?” I was scared.
I prayed that it was Zeus. Greek was her pantheon, and she normally didn’t step outside of it.
“I asked Odin for his wisdom. But I forgot to ask for the older wiser Odin.” Iris said looking at me worriedly.
“Norse? You invoked Norse?! I don’t know anything about Norse. None of us do.” I panicked. All I knew was that young Odin was not the best one to invoke.
Iris was close to apologetic tears she meant well I realised and now I knew this was her punishment for helping me. She was going to watch me fry on the spot and my hand slipped round my neck to my quartz crystal and pentacle where they hung I looked down at my wrists I was wearing a heap of copper and bronze bangles I knew I was about to be the first wiccan human conductor and I stepped back from them and I shook my head.
I cried I was scared I wasn’t going to run. My mother knew. I knew. Even the little boy from the bus knew. Now they knew by the way I was stepping back. The rain hitting my body strong and hard like a million little needles.

Chhaya shook her head at me. “Lee come with us. We’ll find you somebody. You don’t have to be alone.” She stuck her hand out for me to take.
I looked at them I was the one who had always had the flings the million and one guys lining up at my door yet there they were the bitter ones towards most men. I realised all the years I thought I had been in their shadows they were now forever going to be in mine.
“Sometimes it’s better off to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.” I stepped back.
“Dudette we’ll find you a James Woods! We promise. An older guy who’s real cute mature, totally articulate, a major honey like the guy at sticks last year. If not a young Tim Roth just don’t do this. We need you.” Chhaya remarked.
I saw Andy’s face fill with pain he knew I was directing it at him. Yet the quote itself from the world of make believe a cartoon. Ironically enough Megera used it to Hercules in the Disney version of the Greek myth.
I saw the lightening streak across the sky and I held my hands up in the invocation form and the three of them screamed at me and it was the last I heard before the lightening struck me jolting my wet body and zapping through my veins. The electrical feeling was like having a million tiny little wasps crawling and stinging under your skin making you jolt and spaz out... and then there was blackness.

I was dead I was sure of it yet my mind was conscious of something I was still in a form. Yet I had a choice of what I wanted. They say that before you’re born we are all conscious of what we will look like and we all pick our forms and shapes and part of my mind wasn’t ready to be dead and I chose to stay as I was but there was something odd for some reason. I thought it would be cool to be reborn in to a cartoon knowing the reality and the limits and the possibility of immortally on screen. The never dying theory. It would give me forever to find that somebody to spend eternity with. My last name after all did mean immortality. Maybe that’s why I was brought back the same way I died in a jolt of lightening, but I had a little something extra I furry appendange that could double as a fashionable fluffy saiyan belt.

When the black turned in to light I sat up suddenly and looked round myself the lightening was everywhere. I recognised the scenery to be real yet not. It was all animated in bright and dark contrasting colors. I held my arm out in front of myself I still wore the clothes I had died in. At least it was fashionably good. I’m so vain. But do you blame me? Who doesn’t want to die young and leave a good looking corpse. I decided to pay more attention to detail and I realised what I saw. I stood on planet namek and it looked like it was about to explode. From one death to another you can imagine my panic I was just getting over the shock of dying for the first time. I really didn’t want to be torn limb from limb as the planet exploded.
“Somebody up there really hates me.” I remarked and I ran away from the canyon as it began to collapse in on itself I knew apart from Goku I was the last survivor on namek. I had to do something I knew by the scenery Goku wasn’t going to be flying this way he was going to be getting off this planet. So I had to get his attention to help me but how? Fly? There was no way no how I could fly. For a start I hate heights. I did the only thing I knew I could do I called upon power from my dimension like Goku calling upon the spirit bomb I called up a Goddess what Goddess though I had no idea as I stuck my hands up in the air drawing on the power of the watch tower maybe if I raised my energy level just enough to grab his attention or perhaps let myself get possessed. Then I’d be able to move faster.

The invocation worked wonders as I ran from where I invoked my speed so much more increased. I leapt from spot to spot like Krillen and Gohan had in earlier episodes when they didn’t want to be detected.

I skidded to a halt as I saw Goku’s ship I looked round and ran inside.
“Hello?! Anybody!!” I shouted I knew they’d all long gone been wished back to earth.
This planet was about to blow and fast I had to find Goku. Why Goku? I don’t know why. The Z team always counted on him to help them get out of a jam. Plus he was the good guy. The hero. Savior. Hopefully he’d be my savior to now.
I ran up to the controls and I looked at the numerous amount of buttons, I frowned biggly I knew it was a frown. I was no mechanical genus, my uncle yes, me no... I started to learn but it’d take me a few months to learn the controls I didn’t have a few months. I couldn’t even drive how on earth could I get a space ship to take off.
“I have to locate Goku.” I said. But I couldn’t even locate power levels like the z team could I could sense a high power and in the general direction but their skills were so much more greater attuned than mine were.
But it was then I felt the two large power levels, not like the ping of the show but like a buzz of energy.
“Goku’s still fighting Frieza I have a chance.” I remarked.
I ran from the spaceship using the new speed I gathered from the unknown Goddess.

It was a few minutes amazingly enough before I skidded to a holt seeing Goku turn round as Frieza fired a blast at him.
“You fool!!” Goku shouted at him and he sent out the supposed ‘final’ blast that would finish Frieza off.

Goku floated there in all his super saiyan glory and then he looked at me. He did a double take. I must of looked so out of place in my modern time fashion he landed and looked at me confusion written clearly across his features.
“Where did you come from?” he asked. he was trying to figure out if I was friend or foe.
I swallowed now was time to feed him some bullshit story so he could save my ass.
“My ship it got caught in this electrical storm as I was passing over and it crashed. It’s beyond repair I sensed you over this way... I need your help. This planet-” I began looking round and gesturing to the animated world.
“Is about to explode I know. Hang on.” He finished.
I let out a gasp as Goku’s arms wrapped round me and he flew with me to the nearest ship. I had my eyes shut the entire time. I was probably just like some little scared girl to him.

We arrived at Frieza’s ship and we rushed down the hallway Goku holding on to my hand pulling me behind him he was heading towards the control room. My mind wanting to be far from being dead. The only thing I was scared of was dying again. The first death wasn’t fun so you can imagine I didn’t want to experience it again.
“C’mon! Work damn you!” Goku shouted as he punched at the controls.
I looked round I couldn’t believe my luck why had I been brought to namek after everyone was gone? Why couldn’t I be safe on earth with them. But they didn’t know me what would I do or where would I go? All these thoughts running through my mind it was then I heard the explosion and I let out a scream as the ship fell in to a lava filled canyon.
“Oh no!” Goku looked out the window as we fell I clung on part of control board as we plummeted and I closed my eyes waiting for my second turn at death to come.
So much for immortality.’ I thought.
“Another ship.” I heard Goku’s voice and I opened my eyes and he grabbed me no warning or nothing before we or should I say he leapt while holding me from the ship in to the Ginyu pod and Goku punched in some co-odinates and before we knew it the pod shot off through space with the planet Namek exploding behind us.
I felt the status take over as there was some sort of sleeping gas let out through the pod. I watched Goku power down from super saiyan and he looked at me. It was then he noticed my tail I saw his look of confusion.
“You’re a saiyan?” He blinked.
I wasn’t sure what I was in this world I was sure I had chosen to be a witch, but then I remembered thinking about having the furry accessory.
“I’m a half saiyan.” I replied quietly.
Goku nodded we looked at each other long and hard. In the series Goku had no appeal to me like Trunks or Vegeta had, or even Gohan, well teen Gohan. I knew that was out of the order though. But right here his body close to mine I felt my face flush slightly and I looked out the window of the pod as it shot through space.
“You don’t happen to have a home planet or a name do you?” he asked.
“I never want to go home.” I whispered remembering the pain I had been cause. “It hurts to much.” I added as I looked at my animated reflection in the glass of the pod.
I still held a form of red hair not my beloved auburn that I had since birth. I guess auburn is a hard color to have in an anime. My hair was just red not red like blood but with a slight tinge of orange to it and I had my golden blonde bleach streaks. My eyes a mixture between brown and black I guess that had something to do with the saiyan part I had obviously chosen to have in this life.
“You were running away from home?” Goku asked me.
“Lets just say who I was there is now dead.” I replied. I wasn’t lying.

I still felt the pain of death and the hurt of Andy. He’d still kissed me I felt like it was the kiss of Judus now. A kiss that marked me for death. I swallowed and I silently vow never to let another man in to my heart. I could never go back. My mother, my brother. My friends. Iris I felt sorry for the self torment she’d put herself through. Now was the time to start anew I was reborn how old I was in this body my guess probably about the same age or close enough a kid practically. I was under twenty-five I’d still be called girl. I guess the title of woman had to be earned.
I could feel Goku’s sympathetic look towards me, he always did have the biggest heart on the show.
“You have a name though right? I’d feel bad for calling you ‘girl’. I’d sound too much like Vegeta.” He said I could tell his voice he was exhausted, we both were the invocation wearing heavily on me I silently thanked the Goddess who had helped me and I tapped the floor of the pod with my right foot letting the energy go back to where it came.
“My friends call me A-Lee.” I said. No use in telling him my full name I was starting over. Besides I had trouble pronouncing my last name as if he’d manage it.
“A-Lee.” He repeated tiredly.

I started it though I yawned. A yawn even in an anime world has the same effect as in the real one yawn causes another to form and I heard Goku yawn. I turned and looked at him his chest was bare with bruises and cuts from his battle with Frieza. I was lucky in a fight of such power I would of surely been creamed no worries. I could smell the sweat and it wasn’t as bad as human sweat. I felt him pull me back to rest in to him.
“We should get some rest.” He said.
I nodded slowly resting my head on to his shoulder. I could feel the warmth of his body as I slowly let the status take over. Goku though was already out like a light, and snoring if I had been back in my own world I would of thumped him for snoring. It was so loud but the status made me sleepy and ignore that. Last thing I saw was the blackness of the sky and the stars twinkling in the distance as the pod travelled through space towards the planet that Goku would spend a year training on. The planet Yardrat. After that he’d go home back to earth and I would go where? I drifted off with that thought in my mind. ‘Where am I to go and what is to become of me?’

To Be Continued...