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The History of 22

Chapter One

“Destination three minutes away,” croaked the computer voice, “initialising thawing sequence,” croaked the same voice again. Almost immediately steam began to hiss into the cockpit of the small pod, “activating temperature gauges, increasing temperature to twenty one degrees,” croaked the computer. As the last of the ice around the pilots seat melted away a body became visible. This body was that of Tornip, a second-class saiyan warrior.

The pod continued to speed along its path in space towards a medium sized greenish planet with swirls of grey and white clouds encompassing most of its atmosphere. Finally Tornip awoke as his pod entered the atmosphere and began its final descent towards the storm ridden ground.
“Ah, I have arrived!” announced Tornip as he opened his eyes and looked out of the small, scratched porthole on the side of the pod.

“Father, Mother, come quickly look! A real falling star” shouted a young child on the planet surface as he looked up and saw the glowing pod falling towards the planet. The child’s parents rushed outside to see the falling star, getting quite excited. The three watched, all smiling as Tornip’s pod crashed into the ground a fair distance away. Smoke billowed from a crater that had formed from the force of the impact.

The door slowly moved upwards on the pod, juddering at times.
As Tornip emerged from the pod he instantly pressed a button on the scouter that lay on his right ear and came forward across his right eye.
“Hmmm, not much to scan here!” laughed the saiyan as he fully emerged from the pod and flew up to ground level. “Lets see, seventy six, eighty nine point three, ah here we go, two hundred and thirteen. Well I can see why Freeza wants this planet out of the way, the inhabitants here have as much power as my little finger” thought Tornip as he scanned the closest powerlevels. “This is very disappointing indeed,” said Tornip. “Well I might as well begin,” laughed Tornip as he crouched then flew into the air. He speeded up and began to fly in a southerly direction.

“Mother, what’s that up in the sky?” asked a teenage girl as she saw something glinting in the air above the village.
“I’m not quite sure Sakura, maybe it’s a star?” replied the old woman as she looked up and wiped sweat ofher brow. The small sparkle intrigued the girl. Dropping her tool she ran from the field and into the village.

“Okay this is the closest village, I could destroy it from here but that would take away all the fun of seeing the people run” laughed Tornip. He began to descend with a large evil grin on his face. Helanded in the village square, and shocked the villagers in the square. He looked at what seemed to be a male of the species; he was quite tall like allof them, with no ears and hair on his head but three eyes, one on his chin theother two in the usual place. He was covered in a thin layer of white fur that covered his darker skin below and mad his muscular body look bigger than it actually was. Tornip grinned evil and brought a hand back tuning to look at the others around him. He looked straight into the eyes of a young boy before bringing his now glowing hand forward and firing an energy blast at the mansending him through the wall of a building in a shower of charred fur andblood.
“Argh! Monster, monster” screamed the people as they ran in terror.

Tornip laughed as he fired blast after blast killing men, women and children. “This is the most fun I’ve had in ages!” shouted Tornip as he jumped forward and kicked a woman in the back snapping it. After his little killing spree he looked around him at the smoking and bloody bodies lying on the ground or lying on the bottom of holes in walls.
“Who’s next?” joked the saiyan as he looked around him.
To his surprise a young man attacked him from behind, kicking himin his brown and black armour.
“Was that supposed to hurt?” asked Tornip as he turned and scanned the young man.

The man looked at Tornip in terror before attempting to attack again. Running at Tornip the man began to growl, as he reached the smirking saiyan he threw a flurry of his hardest punches, which Tornip blocked with one hand. As the man backed off he began to breathe deeply to regain his breath.
“My turn!” announced Tornip as he flew at the man and slammed a fist into his chest causing the man to cough up blood. Tornip backedoff and let the man fall to his knees holding his chest wheezing before launching another attack. Running at the man Tornip jumped into the air andbegan to fire countless energy blasts at him, the explosions from these blasts sent the man bouncing along the ground until he hit the side of a building.
“You were quite foolish to attack me, I would never had known you were there, now you’ve gone and put yourself up for a world of pain and suffering,” laughed Tornip as he landed next to the man, now bleeding from gashes all over his face and body.
“Y..ou wi..ll pay f..for” the man said between coughs of blood and deep breathes.
“Oh really!” replied Tornip as he lifted the man by the head and laughed.
“Well you wont make me pay as where you’re going you won’t be able to do anything! Hahahahaha” laughed Tornip as he surrounded the man’s head with energy then exploded it.
Tornip laughed more as he watched the man’s body quiver on the floor. “Are you cold or something?” joked Tornip, “Well speak up!” joked Tornip again as he kicked the body. “That was very amusing! Now to finish the rest of the planet off!” said Tornip in a serious voice as he charged a large ball of energy with his hand. Throwing the ball into the air he began to grin evilly again.

“Time to transform!” shouted Tornip as he looked up and directly at the ball of glowing energy. As he looked he began to grow and get muscular, his body began to increase in size. Tornip continued this growth causing his eyes to turn completely white then completely red as hegrew more and more and got more muscular. After a few minutes he started to become hairy and his tail unravelled from around him waist. Fur completelycovered his body as he reached a height of around seventy foot. Tornip had now completely turned into his transformation, the oozaru.

Looking around at the village in his new form he noticed the last of the survivors fleeing, while watching his mouth began to bulge and sparks of energy began to escape through his lips. Finally he opened his mouth and fired a monstrously huge beam at the fleeing people and disintegrated them all. He began to walk across the planet destroying villages and towns as he found them and after day turned to night he came to the last town, which was the biggest yet. Firing the same beam of energy from his mouth he began his attack. Explosions and cries of fear and terror filled the air as Tornip continued his onslaught destroying most of the city in only a few blasts. Pretty soon though his transformation ended and he returned to normal.
“Look at those pathetic insects, they just run around not knowing what to do or where to go. I bet that deep in the dark recesses of their minds they are glad that an ambassador of the Saiyan Empire arrived,” said Tornip as he fired blasts at people running.
“Where is the moon on this planet? That’s the only way I can stay in oozaru form for a very long period of time” thought Tornip as he killed another helpless person.
“Damn this place! They have no moon! I’ll have to do it the hard way!” shouted Tornip as he levelled a building with a large energy ball.

Morning arrived and Tornip awoke in the crater that he had slept in. “Well, this planet is ready” he thought to himself as he crouched then blasted off into the air towards his space pod. Half an hour passed before he reached the pod, and when he got there he found the last three survivors of the planet hitting the pod with sticks and their fists.
“Go away monster” shouted one as he hit the pod, “You’ll be sorry you ever came here!” shouted another.
“Well,Gentlemen” Tornip began catching the attention of the three young men, “If you must know, I was just about to go home actually” he continued.
“You wont be going anywhere unless you can get through us!” shouted the smallest of the men.

Tornip tapped the button on his scouter, “Well, that wont be a problem since you only have a power level of sixty!” laughed Tornip
“Well what’s you powerlevel then?” asked the biggest of the men not expecting an answer.
“If you must know, my power level is six and a half thousand!” Tornip announced with pride.
As the men laughed thinking that he wasn’t telling the truth, Tornip flew at the three and knocked them all out with one punch a piece. As they lay on theground Tornip charged and fired beams from his eyes that went straight through the three men killing them instantly. Getting into his pod Tornip sat for a moment and thought of how great is was to be a saiyan.
“Computer engage launch,then set a course for Vegetasei!” ordered Tornip. “Activating launch sequence,” replied the croaky voice.
As the ship flew up through the atmosphere, ice beganto form around Tornip and he fell asleep just as the ice fully covered him andthe ship blasted away from the planet on a course for Tornip’s home.