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Disclaimer: We don't own the characters
of the productions that are
based off of other anime
or sentai. Page design and
original graphics copyright 2001
by King Andymion.

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The more things change...

Welcome to the fourth version of the Midnight Hana Productions web site. In my never-ending quest to make a more professional looking site, I've now come up with this design. It's a bit more abstract than my usual designs, but I still like this one. There are a couple of flaws which I will try to fix, but most of them aren't things that I normally worry about.

A lot has been happening recently. If you look on your left, under the menu, you will see Hana, our mascot (If you are using Netscape, click on the link to see a picture of her). Look for her to be around our site, pointing out recent additions, or giving an update. Hana was created by the webmaster's girlfriend (Kris-sama), and given exclusively for use on the Midnight Hana site and related Midnight Hana things.

If anyone has any ideas, comments, or questions, as always, you can send them to me at Please sign the guestbook, too. Thanks!


  • 18:30, Saturday September 22, 2001-
    My apologies for the lack of updates lately, but with recent events, both in my life, and in the world, it's been kind of difficult to have the presence of mind to make a worthwhile update.

    I know that there are still problems with the cast lists, and I'm still working on them. It's hard to keep up with info for that many people by yourself.

    The miscellaneous section has three new clips, which pushes the grand total to 7! *dances around* There's more coming, so please keep checking back!

    In light of the recent attacks, I feel that there is something that we should do as, if nothing else, a tribute to the people who lost their lives two Tuesdays ago. The attack upon the WTC buildings, the Pentagon, and the attempted fourth attack that thankfully failed was not an attack on America, but an attack on all of humanity. Any ideas for a project in memory of the heroes and loved ones lost on September 11, please send them to me at Thank you, and God bless America!

  • 20:02, Friday August 24, 2001-
    I updated the site with a new layout. Our Message Board is currently down, but I plan on fixing that soon. I added two new sections, "Banners", and "Articles." Anyone interested in writing an article about anime or voice acting in general, humorous or serious, e-mail me.

    Thanks for visiting, and please enjoy our site. If you like it, please tell someone else. ^_^