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Chapter 9

Ryo awoke in his room. He still felt a little weak but decided to go downstairs. As he got up he noticed Rowen in the bed next to him. He too was just waking up.

"Hey Ro. How ya feeling?"

"Fine for someone who just got shot with an arrow and healed by a mystic sword with the wrong person at the other end." he replied with a little laugh.

"Yeah well I don't know how it happened, but it did. I hope the others have more answers."

They both got up and made their journey down to the living room. All the others could be seen. Cye was cooking in the kitchen, Kento was playing video games, Sage was meditating in the corner, and Kit and Sara were talking quietly. Sage came out of his trance and noticed Rowen and Ryo coming down stairs.

"Hey you two. About time."

"We need to talk." Ryo said as he walked in.

"I agree." Cye said coming into the room. He was looking over in the direction of the two young girls.

"Alright. Now we know something's going on with my armor, but what is it?"

"Well those two seem to know more than we do." said Cye

"Kit, do you know anything? You can tell us. This all involves us now."

"Well..." she turns to Sara and she signals the OK. "Alright, I'll tell you since I know more than Sara does. Right after Ryo left his last home I recieved my armor, the armor of Jungle. Along with the armor I recieved my mission. The Ancient told me that a great evil would take over space and time. He told me that I needed to find 4 keys, the bearors of Space, Time, Unity and the Galaxy Prince in order to stop the evil from coming. I have found 2 of them. Sara holds the armor of Dimentions or she is known as the bearor of Space. I hold the armor of Time or I'm known as the bearor of Time. I regret to tell you that the bearor of Unity and the Galaxy Prince are still roaming about. Though I have a good idea of who they are."

"Who? Who do you think they are Kit? We need to know."

"I am sorry Sage but I cannot tell any of you that information."


"I'm sorry Kento!! If I reveal that information Kishu will take them!! I don't even know if I'm right yet."

"Kit? Can you tell me about the Unity bearor? Any sign of a way we would know who HE was?"

"I can tell you this, Ryo. The Unity armor is the most powerful armor out of the group. It is created by the power of will in a person. The armor show great speed and strength. The only down fall to wearing it is the pain the bearor is in after the first couple of times."

"Why are they in pain?" asked a very suspicious Rowen.

"Well your armors shape to fit your bodies. Meaning when you put it on it adapts to you. The Unity armor unfortunatly will not adapt to fit your body. I actually adapts your body to fit into it. If the bearor had the wrong muscle capacity it will create it for him. This causes a great deal of pain for it's wearor."

"Another ability of the Unity armor is it's able to use the Ronin, Time, Dimention and Ancient armor's weapons. It can summon a duplicate at anytime with twice the amount of strength." added Sara.

"We must keep searching for these missing keys. If any of them fall into Kishu's hands all hope can be lost."

Ryo and Sage nodded in agreement. They got up and walked to the clearing not caring if the meeting was over with or not.

"Sage are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah I am. Let's try contacting him."


"Where did they go?"

"Most likely to find some answers Kento."

"Well I hope they don't take long."


"Kit can I talk to you?"

"Sure Rowen, what up?"

"Well when you said there were 4 keys I found that your and Sara's title had alot to do with the armor they wore. Please tell me, am I the Galaxy Prince?"

"Rowen you will find your answer in time. I cannot reveal that now, like I said before. But you will find out."


Chapter 8
Chapter 10-Now Up!!!
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