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Chapter 4

When Sage showed up in the clearing Ryo had already started to meditate. He crouched behind a bush out of site. About an hour into his session the wind started to kick up a little. It blew up some glistening dust towards the two boys. Ryo suddenly came out of his trance. He grabbed his orb out of his pocket and armored up. Sage started to reach for his orb when he realized Ryo still had his. They had given Ryo their orbs after they went away. Cye kept his because he was too far away to call upon his if he needed it.

~Where is it? Why is this happening again?~ asked Ryo himself.

Then from out of the trees came a woman. She had silvery, white hair and was wearing a white dress that came up to her neck and went down to her legs.

"Hello boys." her icy words ran down their spines.

~Boys?~ "I'm the only one here lady!! What do you want here?!?!?!" Ryo yelled

"Well you'll soon find out Sage of the Halo and Ryo of the Wildfire."

"Sage?!?! Where are you Sage?!?!" he pulled out Sage's orb. ~Well I hope I'm sending this in the right direction!!~ "Catch!!" Ryo tossed the orb into the air in Sage's direction. He caught it and he armored up.

"Time to end this battle before Earth is in danger again. Attack!!!"

"THUNDERBOLT CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"FLARE UP NOW!!!!!!" Their attacks were cut off when an energy bubble surrounded the two warriors absorbing their attacks and sustaining them in the air.

"I will not kill you this time Ronins. I am Kishu of the Dream Realm. I am here to stop this world from having dreams. I need the energy that is contained within the purest of dreams. I must find the keys hidden withing this world and then you will be at my mercy." After she finished a glittery yellow mist surrounded her and suddenly disappeared. The two warriors fell to the ground and let their armor fade away.

"Why did you follow me? Don't you guys trust me anymore?"

"I just didn't feel right. I was getting some weird vibes after you left."

"Well be lucky I had your orb with me. I carry it because it helps me clear my mind. You better hold onto it now. We'll all be needing them." They walked slowly back to the house bearing bad news. They all had to fight again.

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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