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Chapter 11

"The guys have been acting kinda wierd since we told them about our mission. Do you think they're up to something?"

"No they're probably just a little upset that we won't tell them."

"I want to keep an eye on them. So when one of them leave one of us follow. Get it?"

"Yeah, Kit. I get it. You want to make sure."


"Do you guys have a wierd feeling? Like something's not right?"

"Yeah. I've had it ever since we came back from the clearing yesterday. I thought it would go away, but it hasn't."

"Well then Kishu's up to something again. Keep your guard up. Don't drop it for a second. Let's go search the city and woods."

"Ryo and me will go to the woods with Blaze. Cye, Kento and Rowen, you guys go to the city."

They nodded and armored up.

"Ryo where do you think they are?"

"Up to no good and past never changing." he joked. Sage and Ryo walked through the path to the clearing. The trees around them were torn up and broke from the recent sparing chases. Rowen was always running and jumping through them. To many wierd things had been happening since Kit and Sara had arrived. That's why they had trained so much.

"Ryo get down. I see something." Sage wispered as he jestured to the clearing. Ryo and Sage crouched behind some bushes.

"Demon. Why is he here?"

"Oh Ryo!!" he taunted "Come out, come out, where ever you are!! Come on you can't be scared of me now!!"

"Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to make you mad." wispered Sage.

"Come on out!! Afraid that you'll get beat again. We have a new friend to show you!! You already know him though. Remember the only man that could beat you. Do you remember Rema?! I know you do!! So come on out and greet him."

~It can't be. They couldn't have him on their side.~

"Well it worked." he wispered to Sage. "What do you want Demon!" he said as he stood up.

"Just a fight. So come on or are you chicken."

"Yeah right. Just a fight.... What's the catch? What do you want this time?"

"To have some fun in a FAIR match. Or do you think you're too weak?"

"Let's do it."

~Ryo don't do this. He's up to something.~

~Well we'll have to find out sooner or later why he's here. And I might as well be the one to drag it out of him. Stand down Sage. I don't want you to get involved.~

"Oh and there is one catch. NO ARMOR ALLOWED!!! Haha!!" he smirked.

"Fine. You first. I don't trust morons to keep their word." Demon banished his armor and Ryo followed. The fight commenced. Ryo stood in classic stance while Demon stood upright.

~Now is the time to do this. I have one chance. I must please that bitch soon or she'll have my head.~

Demon started to walk towards Ryo without a care in the world. He came about three feet from him when Ryo jerked around to kick him in the face. Demon caught his foot and pushed it aside. The split second it took Ryo to catch his balace allowed Demon to get close enough to complete his plan. He put Ryo in a headlock and proceeded to choke him. Sage jumped in and tried to help his leader out but was hit back by a red energy blast. The blast had come in the opposite dirrection. He turned to see a new enemy.

"Get away from them Halo. You don't need to get involved."

"And who might you be? Another one of Kishu's scum?"

"My name is Rema. And the only scum here is that weak boy you call Ryo."

"He's not weak. Just fair."

Ryo at this point was on his knees. Demon let go of his neck. Ryo was having a hard time breathing taking huge gasps of air. Demon finally let go and kicked his back. This sent him to the ground face first. He came up behind Ryo and placed his hand on his back. He took his hand off and disappeared along with Rema.

"Ryo you ok?"

"Yeah. What a jerk." he said as he rubbed his neck. "He was probably just testing us again."

"Well lets play it safe and go find the others."

"Wait where's Blaze? He came with us didn't he?"

"He was right behind me." Sage paused. "Must have run off."

"He is supposed to protect me. Why would he run off?"

"Something's not right here."

"Let's go." They both started to run towards the city at full speed.


Rowen, Cye and Kento walked along the streets of Toyoma. They had been looking for a about an hour or so. They walked the crowded streets with their sub-armors on under their clothes. Rowen had split off of the group for a moment.

~Where are they? They gotta be here. Why wouldn't they come here.~

"You're right Rowen. Why wouldn't we?" Demon had appeared before his eyes. But before Rowen could alert the others he was knocked out by a hard blast to the head. "Thank you Rema. You are a great help. At this rate we will finish our mission in record time. That should please Kishu for once." He bent down and placed his hand on Rowen's back and then pulled away. He then disappeared just as he had done before.


Ryo and Sage ran into the city. Sage had armored down hoping he wouldn't need to fight.

"There's Cye and Kento up ahead." informed Sage.

They met up with them. Rowen came walking out of an alley way just as they had gotten together.

"Why weren't you with the others?" ask Ryo.

"I saw something wierd in the alley behind that building." he said jesturing to the bank.

"Well was there anything there?"

"Yeah there was. Demon came out of nowhere and I was knocked out."

"Demon? You're sure it was Demon?"

"Yeah why?"

"He just got done attacking us." said Sage.

"Why didn't you tell the others to go with you!? What if he would have captured you!? I don't see why he didn't you put your guard down and got knocked out and were helpless!"

"I'm not helpless Ryo and I'm certainly capible of taking care of myself!"

"Well then why the hell did you get knocked out?"

"He came out of nowhere RYO!! You wouldn't even be able to sense him that fast!!" The arguement was heating up fast. Both warriors were acting very aggressive towards each other. Their other three friends stood aside ready to jump in at anytime to stop a fight.

"I bet I would have been able to!! Just like I've been able to in the past!!"

"Well then why are your parents dead?!"

Ryo just looked at him. Unable to speak he glared at his comrad. The fire in his eyes blazed into a well known inferno.

"How dare YOU talk about MY parents that way!! I was FOUR!! YOU didn't even know you had armor back then!! Oh and while we're on the parent issue, how come YOUR father BEAT you?! HUH?! Too weak to defend yourself against that drunken BASTARD?!"

Rowen lunged for Ryo. Kento took hold of him before he could land a punch.

"Kento let me go!!! This isn't your problem!!"

"Not until you calm down."

"Why should I not pound the crap out of this no excuse for a friend or leader ASS HOLE!!!!"

That was it. Ryo's fuse blew and he went after Rowen. He landed one punch to the face. Sage lunged on him from the side forcing him to the ground. Cye help Sage hold the burning warrior down.

"Not having a family is better than being stuck with you anyday!!!!"

"Then leave!! You would never know what it feels like to be beaten by someone who loves you!! You will never know what it's like to hold back you anger from someone like my father!! EVER!!!"

By this time Ryo and Rowen had settled down enough for the others to let them go. They all stood up ready to become the barrier of their anger.

"And how do you know that I've never been beaten before?! Tell me one time that you or anyone else had asked me about my foster homes?! You really are a jack ass Rowen. Warrior of Wisdom. Ha. Yeah right. You don't know anything." Ryo started to walk in the opposite dirrection.

"That's right!! Walk away!! You never had anyone who loved you!! They all killed themselves to get away from you!!" At that comment Ryo started to run. He ran into the forest and kept on going. Tears swelling his eyes up.


"What the hell was that?"

"I told you to stay out of it Kento!"

"You know that his parent's deaths were accidents. So why did you say that?!"

"Because it's what I feel to be true." He turned around and just stood there. The guys just looked at him.


"You follow Ryo, Kit. I'll stay here and watch these four."

"Don't say anything about you know what yet. I think he'll tell them in good time. Don't interfere either. We can't change the future just because we know what's going to happen."


"Rowen you can be such a jerk sometimes. You're too smart to say that Ryo has nobody who loves or cares about him!! Turn around when I'm talkin to you."

Rowen suddenly collapsed onto his knees. He was holding his chest and was breathing very heavy.

"Rowen..? You ok little buddy?"

Black mist start to flow out of his back as he shook. It formed a black ghost-looking spirit. It laugh and disappeared.

"What the.....?

"I gotta go after Ryo. He's in danger."

Chapter 10
Chapter 12- Coming Soon!!
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