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Konnichiwa! You finally made it here!

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I guess you are a manga or anime fan! just like me, and I imagine many more have created there webpage based on others (japanese) anime, for example : Dragonball, Akira, Evangelion, etc, But why not create your own manga, your own story...

That's the main reason why I decided to start one of the first online manga!! My series' name is SHINRISEI . You can start reading it from the link below. But it would be too selfish just to put my drawings, that is why I've created a new projects' page specially made for you! For those mangamaniacs that want other people to look at there work, gain experience and be creative. Also I will be creating a japanese language learning page for you to be able to understand some manga names... (If you like manga you gotta like japanese stuff!)

Look!! this page is still at a construction period but I will update as soon as posible! "So come and get it!" Also! all my backgrounds, images and stories are a Trademark! that means it is my property and if you are going to download any image or background please email first!

Shinrisei history

New proyects

My gallery

haz click pa ve k pasa pioja!!!
