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Hello everyone. If you like playing Runescape but you hate spending hours getting your level up this program is definately for you. I would have liked to post my program on this site but there is a limit to how many megabits you can put on so unfortunately I couldn't. First Ill tell you about how I made it.

I go to a computer college and I decided that in my spare time I would make a program for my favorite game runescape. I thought about what I didnt like to do the most, and that is spend hours getting my level up. So I decided to make a program that could do it for me. After a couple months I managed to finally finish it and get all the bugs out. This is how it works:

1) The program looks for any opponents in your map (the yellow dots) and fights them. So before you let me use this program for your character you might want to log off near enimies you can survive against.

2) This program picks up any valuable items that the enemies drop like armor and swords and turns them into rune two handers. Its actually possible to get a inventory full of rune swords. (see pic bellow)

WARNING: DO NOT LOG INTO YOUR FILE WHILE MY PROGRAM IS RUNNING!!!!! IF YOU LOG IN YOU MIGHT LOOSE ALL OF YOUR ITEMS!!!!! ( I only run the program in your file for 3 days so other people can have turns so after 3 days it will be safe to log back in )

Dont worry I never scam people. Thanks to my program I never need to. lol

Now heres a couple screens of my program to show you what it does:


Here is an example of what your inventory may look like.

Here is what your stats should look like after 3 days starting from level 5. Your level will go even higher if your a high level.


So if your thinking of trying this program out email your username and password to And remember not to go into your file for at least 3 days after you email me!!! Also if you give me a wrong username or pass I wont be able to get in your file so make sure you type it right.