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My entire web site has been deleted...I don't know what happpened, who did it or anything but bare w/ me I should be ablle to get it up again. The only thing that bothers me is my blog is gone!!! Completely nullified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This this was the one thing that I held on to...the thing that kept me sane!!!!!Now it's GONE smashed to bits...My baby...The thing I really took pride in...where I could express myself...God help me I will destroy who did this to me...Whoever did this has killed part of me...I pray that I will have vengence...My blog contained all of my memories and I hope to God I can find it...that it too wasn't destroyed... but we shall see...I suspect I shall have to begin again...This time it will be sadia from he beginning...I do believe I will scare some people...But they didn't know what my site meant to me..How much it was a part of me...they SHALL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!