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Welcome to the
Berner L Photo Contest 2009

A Fundraiser with a difference!

You may submit up to two photos for each category
(no professional photos, please!)

Category 1 - Fun pics
Category 2 - Berner Studies
Category 3 - Berners and Kids

Please also suggest a short caption for your photo.

The prize for the Winner of each category will be a "candy basket plus" donated by Bobby Abern

{short description of image}
actual pic to come but will be extra special

Berner Goodies!!

The Winners' pictures from each category will be featured in Alpenhorn?

The overall winner with the photo with the most votes of all the categories will also be able to choose where the money raised by the submissions to this Contest will go, to Cancer Research, Berner-Garde or the Health Fund?

All the photos submitted will be included in a future publication, the proceeds of the sale of these books will also go to the designated charity?

Send your photos to Jean Cheesman

The final date for entries is April 30th 2009

And now to the fundraising!

The price for 1 entry per category is $3.00

for 2 entries per category is $5.00

The voting will run through the end of May and we will announce further details later, all members of berner-l will be able to add one Free Vote per category!

Send your U.S. check, payable to "??????????"  to the address below.

Write in the memo line: ????????

Please include the following

Phone Number
E-Mail Address
The number of submission/s to each category and/or the number of votes you wish to purchase for each category, who you actually vote for will stay anonymous!
Send to:
Joye Neff
1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1825

** I can accept foreign cheques with no additional fees to convert the funds to US dollars** 
  **All foreign cheques should be made payable to: Joye M. Neff and sent to me at: Joye M. Neff 1182 Firwood Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1825.

Donations to the ?????? are tax deductible under current U.S. tax laws, however donors should always consult their tax advisors regarding the tax status of their charitable donations.

Start sending those pics in now and potentially your Berner will win one of the wonderful prizes and be featured in the Alpenhorn and even if you don't win your photo/s will be featured in a future publication?

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