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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs
Articles and Information.

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Canine Cancer Books

Grizz's Story - A Greater Courage
A dog's journey with cancer and the family who stood by his side through it all.

Help Your Dog Fight Cancer by Laurie Kaplan MSC
What every caretaker should know about cancer, featuring Bullet's survival story,

Natural Healing for Dogs and Cats by Diane Stein
How to keep your pet healthy through massage, herbal remedies, accupressure, nutrition, psychic healing, homeopathy,accupuncture, flower essences, muscle testing;_ylc=X3oDMTB1c21tcDhkBF9TAzk2NjMyOTA3BHNlYwNmZWVkBHNsawNib29rcw--

Sander's Story
Connie's story of Sheltie Sander's fight with cancer, he was dx-ed 1999 and died in '06 still cancer free aged 14 1/2 yrs

The Nature of Animal Healing by Dr Marty Goldstein DVM

Speaking for Spot by Dr Nancy Kay,
Covers all aspects of caring for your dog , with much good information on cancer care.

*Back to the Longlease Canine Cancer Information Page*

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Happy Berner