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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs gallery of Friends

Hot Spot Rups!

But he looks so cool!

Hot Spot Rupert, BMD, stays cool

From Michaela , 6th Sept. '02

" >>........... young Rupert has a nasty Hot Spot. I have read about them on the berner-l, but none of my dogs have ever had them. Would you believe it, in my ignorance I thought it was one of those things the US dogs suffered from! Still, Rups has got one - I think he was bitten by a horsefly- and blimey, what was a tiny sore one minute was a sore the size of my hand an hour later. And I'm not exaggerating here. The vet said that out of 11 dogs that he saw that day, 7 came in with a hot spot. Normally he sees a handful of them in a year. Must be the dry, hot August we had. Here's a photo of my itchy, scratchy boy. I put one of Neil's T-shirt's on them to protect the wound on his shoulder and oddly enough, he really likes wearing a T-shirt. I take it off, he scratches, I put it on he's fine. Is my youngster telling me he just wants to wear human clothes?"

Wishing Rups, BMD Baby Bear, so well and hoping that itchy, scratchy feeling goes away very soon!

"Wow" says Simbo, "Can I have a T-shirt too?"

For more pics of Michaela, Neil, Harvey and Rupert go *Friends' Gallery Page 4*

For more information about Hot Spots,

The Berner-l on Hot Spots courtesy of Pat Long

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