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Dog’s Name:         Pinuki                                                                                                                                                                                                    Client: Ileane Kenney

Date of Birth:       2 Aug 2003                                                                                                                                                                                           Date: 2 June 2011

Breed:                    Bernese Mountain Dog


Current Health Issues




Current Treatment/Notes

Bilateral epistaxis

2 Jun 2011

See Current Medications.

Persistent left sided epistaxis

3 Mar 2011

Left carotid ligation.

Lipoma left side of cranial cervical musculature

8 Feb 2011

DIAGNOSTICS: CT scan (22 April 2011) , MRI scan (3 Mar 2011) ,  Cytology (8 Feb 2011)               

Weight bearing lame in left hind limb, left stifle effusion/early cranial cruciate ligament injury

3 Feb 2011

See Health History Form, and Orthopedic Consultation Report (2 Mar 2011)

Stiff mechanical gait in both forelimbs, mild effusion in both elbows/elbow osteoarthritis


Not evident to Client. See Orthopedic Consultation Report (2 Mar 2011)

lipomas left and  right thoracic

<3 Jan 2009

DIAGNOSTICS: Needle Aspirate (4 Nov 2010,  13 Jul 2009)

cyst right front leg







Nasal Biopsy

Mild chronic lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis. No organisms or neoplasia are revealed.

10 May 2011


Generalized mucosal thickening; polypoid appearing lesion (resembling cluster of grapes) - removed

10 May 2011

Complete Blood Count (CBC)





Normal platelet count

Normal: neutrophil seg LOW, lymphocytes HIGH

1 Jun 2011

9 May 2011

19 Apr 2011

17 Apr 2011

12 Feb 2011

Serum Chemistries





9 May 2011

19 Apr 2011

12 Feb 2011

Coagulation Profile: prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

: PT: , PTT

Normal: PT: 11s, PTT 76s

9 May 2011

17 Apr 2011

Computed Tomography (CT) of Skull

Small nodule in the rostral most aspect of left nasal cavity is of unknown significance; Lipoma in the left dorsolateral aspect of the neck

22 Apr 2011

Thoracic radiographs (right lateral and ventrodorsal views)

Slightly decreased amount of scant right-sided pleural effusion. Otherwise, unchanged thorax.

21 Apr 2011

Thoracic radiographs (opposite lateral and ventrodorsal views)

No evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease. Small volume of right-sided pleural effusion; given patient’s clinical history, this fluid likely represents hemorrhage. Multiple subcutaneous masses and nodules associated with thoracic body wall. Fat to soft tissue structure observed superimposed over left proximal 8th rib is believed to represent nodule/mass associated with subcutaneous tissues.

19 Apr 2011

Buccal Mucosal Bleeding Time (BMBT)


19 Apr 2011

Fastpanel PCR Tick Borne Panel Profile

Negative for all diseases

19 Apr 2011

Blood Pressure

Normal: Systolic: 100, Diastolic:

Normal: 127/85   127/71    124/85

17 Apr 2011

24 Mar 2011

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Titer


2 Mar 2011



12 Feb 2011