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2009 BEHAF - Emma Fundraiser


For the Results of this Fundraiser

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I am pleased to announce a Challenge for our BEHAF (Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund) - Emma Special Friend Fundraiser.  Patti Grijalva has made a donation and has asked me to use her tickets as a Challenge to get more donations to help with Emma's vet bills. The next 10 people who make a donation of $25 or more will receive an extra 8 tickets for Tier B.

Linda Adams has made a generous donation to the BEHAF Special Friend Emma Fundraiser and has asked me to use her tickets as a Challenge to generate more donations. Anyone who makes a donation of $50 of more to the BEHAF Emma Fundraiser will receive 4 FREE Tier A Tickets!!! Now is your chance to get more tickets to try to win some of the fantabulous prizes in Tier A!!!

Thank you Patti and Linda, for helping us raise more money to help Emma and BEHAF!

ABOUT FUNDRAISER   [back to top]

The 2009 BEHAF Mini-Fundraiser for Emma
June 8th - June 30, 2009

RESULTS to be announced ASAP!

Through this fundraiser, we are hoping to be able to help with Emma's vet bill of $ 11,765.43 and also to give any additional money raised to BEHAF for their general fund.

Thank you to those who have donated items for our fundraiser and for those who will send in donations. As you can see there are some terrific items that you can try to win by sending in your donations.

Tickets Prices:

Tier A:
$5 each
8 for $20
24 for $50

Tier B:
$1 each
6 for $5
30 for $20

Make checks payable to "BEHAF" - write "EMMA - Special Friend" on the memo line. Please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. Be sure to include a note telling Joye how to distribute your tickets for the drawing. Mail your checks and instructions to:

Joye M. Neff
1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1825

Joye Neff can convert foreign cheques to US Dollars with no charge from her bank.
Make foreign cheques payable to "Joye M. Neff" and follow the above instructions.

  [back to top]

Emma's situation came to our attention and it was decided to do a fundraiser to help with her extensive, unexpected emergency ICU vet bills.  Any funds we raise above the vet bills will be donated to the BEHAF general fund. By the way, Georgiana and Patrick are the Berner people who lost everything when their home burned in the California wildfires two years ago.

Miss Emma's BARC
May 26, 2009

By Georgiana Webber

Emma came to her Forever Home on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend 2002, exactly 7 years ago!  Emma was rescued from an auction in St. Louis by Amy Kessler and her intrepid BARC crew in April. I will never forget the sight of our own dear sweet 5 month old puppy looking out of her shipping crate at me at the Delta Air Freight Terminal in San Diego. I finally started to breathe again! The man at the freight terminal had to help take the crate apart so that I could get it into my trunk, and while he did that, Emma had a much needed potty break. She flew from her Foster Mom's home (Jaime) in Indianapolis to Atlanta and then on to San Diego.

As a puppy Emma had an endearing habit of grabbing the leg of your pants in her mouth and walking along side of you. I have an awesome photo of her on the afternoon we arrived at Home of her holding her leash in her mouth and trotting off across the driveway with head in the air and a smile on her little face as if to say, &ldquo;I'm Free&rdquo;. We did the usual puppy socialization class, Obedience I & II. Emma was the most rambunctious, bouncy puppy in obedience class! I think she thought it was 'Play Time' and all the other puppies were there just to play with her. I am sure the instructor was astounded when she passed her CGC a couple of months later!

Emma learned to pull her cart when she was 5 years old. She seemed so proud and excited when I brought out her harness and the cart. She never did any carting trials though because she has Grade II hip displaysia and moderate elbows (from x-rays taken at 2 years of age) and while learning to pull her cart a club member observed her limping. We just used it for occasional pleasure walks around the neighborhood.

Early this year Emma started slowing down quite a bit and was doing quite a lot of panting. At first we attributed it to her getting older and not as energetic. I became increasingly concerned when she wouldn't (couldn't) stand the whole time while having a bath in the tub. She would sit down and have to be encouraged to stand. Then in March we decided to do a nice family Sunday afternoon walk at the beach. We parked the car and started walking but she would only walk about 20 feet and sit down. Around this same time (February – March) she started having trouble getting into the car. We had to help lift her back legs up onto the floor board and then help her climb up onto the seat. She seemed to be weak in the hind also. We thought it was probably due to arthritis pain which we thought the panting was a symptom of as well.

We started out trying to figure out what was going on with her at her regular vet and at my insistence he referred her to a cardiologist who did an EKG and said that her heart was normal. By this time (mid-April) she was panting very excessively. The cardiologist also did a full blood panel which came back normal, a Toxoplasmosis and a Myasthenia Gravis test which were both negative. I also sent a Thyroid 5 panel to Dr. Dodds for review. (As of this writing we have not received results.) From here we went to a neurologist who tested her reflexes and stated that the next test he would consider was an EMG to test the connectivity between nerve and muscle.  That test has not (yet?) been conducted. The surgeon who evaluated her with the cardiologist thought we should test for Laryngeal Paralysis so we scheduled an exam/possible surgery for May 20 th. 

Emma had the LP surgery at 4:45 PM on Wednesday May 20 and remained in ICU as she developed aspiration pneumonia the next day after aspirating saliva.  We waited to visit her for several days as we knew she would become very excited and she needed to rest and gain some strength back. It was the most painful 5 days of my life, with lots of ups and downs!  As soon as they saw some improvement in her condition we visited her. She was so very happy to see us! She wagged her tail and got up and hugged me so happily that she rubbed the tape off of one of her nasal tubes. She was all grins and couldn't take her eyes off of us. We brought her some of her favorite foods (frozen yogurt), chicken hearts and gizzards, some banana and even a couple of pieces of artichoke heart.  We visited her again the next evening.

Emma had to remain in ICU as long as she continued to be oxygen dependent. Every day she was showing some improvement so we were hopeful that she would be able to come home soon to recuperate in familiar surroundings. They had to take x-rays to evaluate the pneumonia. The surgeon told me that they evaluated her oxygen dependence level on a scale of 0-6 and she was currently around 2 or 3 on that scale. She was panting quite a bit but he said that was normal and helpful to move the pneumonia. They were also doing coupage to loosen the infection and she was on 2 broad spectrum antibiotics both intravenously and in the oxygen. Poor dear girl had to learn how to eat and drink all over again. She was very cautious and was not too interested in either for the first few days.  All of the staff at the hospital were very kind to her.  One tech called her a 'love bug' – boy that choked me up because that is what I call her all the time!  She's was there so long that she had become quite the favorite patient. The doctor hoping to wean her off the nebulized oxygen soon.  It was awfully painful to look at her sweet face with the oxygen tubes in both nostrils (one was even sutured to the top of her muzzle) and her IV in her leg. They had to shave the bottom left side of her face and neck and part of her shoulder. They had to switch the IV site to the other leg as had been 5 days since the surgery. We missed her so very much.

Update from June 1 st - Emma actually pulled her oxygen tube off her face around midnight on Wednesday, May 27 th. I guess she said she's done with that! They wanted to observe her off oxygen for at least 24 hours before releasing her. She was released to go home on Friday, May 29 th. Wow, 9 days in ICU! We had a very uneventful weekend but Emma was not interested in food much and often refused her 'meatballs' with meds stuffed in them. She is still having a very difficult time walking. She will walk about 4-5 steps then need to sit down and rest. She really didn't eat much at all and we called California Veterinary Specialists on Sunday evening with some concern. They suggested we bring her in for a free re-check so we made an appointment for 11 AM today, Monday, June 1 st.

It was determined at the re-check appointment that Emma was a bit dehydrated and needed to take some meds IV. Much to my dismay I had to leave our poor baby there once again for 24-36 hours. Once she realized that they were walking her away from me she put on the brakes and wouldn't walk. It took lots of coaxing to get her to go forward. She just didn't want to go &ldquo;BACK THERE&rdquo; again. It broke my heart. I know that she needs to make baby steps forward with her health issues and we are learning more every day on how to care for her and what to do to make her life better. We got a nebulizer today to help give her breathing treatments 3 times a day. I am getting lots of wonderful encouraging support from the folks on the Laryngeal Paralysis Yahoo group. I need to remember that she needs to take lots of time and lots of baby steps to get better.

Update from June 3rd: We're still having trouble getting pills into Emma - she is so smart. Today I tricked her by giving her little 'treats' of liverwurst and then gave her a 'treat' with a pill in it and she didn't find it! I'll keep her guessing! She seemed to walk a little better this afternoon.

Update from July 9th We saw her Internist today and he felt that she was responding (albeit slowly) to the 2nd course of antibiotics for her Aspiration Pneumonia. She still exhibits muscle mass loss but has made marked improvement in her mobility (most likely due to her weekly acupuncture treatments). We are still doing the nebulizer with coupage twice a day. She has some more energy and lots of 'spark' in her eyes. She will 'run' and chase after a toy in the evening when it is cool for a few minutes. She mostly does her 'bunny hop' but we keep her active each evening to encourage her to move and regain muscle tone. She is walking much better, but still exhibits some neurologic symptoms such as some knuckling over on her rear foot. It is not sure whether LP (Laryngeal Paralysis) is caused by or a by product of neurologic disease. All I know is that she is staying bright and happy - even though she has lost 14 lbs since the beginning of May!

All of the medical professionals who have met and monitored Emma absolutely love her. The vet tech's at Cal. Vet. Spec. admire her every time we go in and they definitely noticed the improvement in her walking. Dr. Bausone (her acupuncturist) adores her and he has really made a huge improvement in her mobility! It is so encouraging to have the veterinary professionals profess how great Emma looks and how improved she is! Thank you to all who have considered Miss Emma a worthy cause; we do ever so much appreciate everything that has been done for her. She is the spark in our lives and we will do all we can to keep her well and happy.

Thank you so very much for your kindness and support!

With sincere appreciation,

Georgiana, Patrick & Miss Emma's BARC

(hey Mom, I do feel better - just not too energetic right now)

EMMA'S PICTURES [back to top]
(click on pics to enlarge)

Emma coming down ramp
Emma's LP incision
Emma going up ramp unassisted
Rolling, happy Emma



The mission of the Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund, or BEHAF, is to provide some financial assistance to the owners of purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs throughout the world who are facing extensive and/or unexpected medical expenses for their dog due to catastrophic illness or accidental injury.

The goal of BEHAF is to assist owners in decreasing the importance of their financial issues in order to help them make medical decisions based on what is in the best interest of their dog. BEHAF is funded solely through voluntary contributions and administered by a voluntary Board of Directors who are Bernese Mountain Dog owners, and includes medical, legal, and financial professionals. Anyone who owns a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog who experiences an accidental or catastrophic medical condition, which may or may not be of an emergent nature, is eligible to apply for financial assistance, based on their financial need, according to the criteria set forth by the Board of Directors. BEHAF encourages the repayment of assistance through monetary contributions or volunteer work, so that we can continue to help those in need. In all cases, the decision of the Board of Directors is final.


For more information about BEHAF go to:


I am thrilled to announce that through our 2009 BEHAF – Emma Special Friend Fundraiser, we were able to raise $4,955.10 to help with the vet bills for Emma’s ICU stay at the Vet Hospital in California. There were 96 donors from 33 of the United States, 3 provinces in Canada and Australia. In first place with 7 donations each were: Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. Close behind in second place with 5 donations each were California and Michigan, and in third place with 4 donations each were Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio and Texas!!

THANK YOU ALL for making a donation to this very successful fundraiser.:




Tier A Items [back to top]

Tickets $5 each - 8 for $20 - 24 for $50

1A - Unframed Print by New Orleans Artist James Tweedy "Self Portrait" (Gus)

Donated by Bobbie Abern

Winner: Cheryl Thornton

2A -Berner Flask and Cup

High quality Stainless Steel Flask and collapsible cup with berners painted on them. The dog painted on the flask is Linda Seaver's Jam. It is made to be food and drink safe for use.  The cup is also stainless steel and has the same puppy painted on the lid. These are hand painted on leather. The leather slips off the flask so it can be washed.

Donated by Brenda Broome

Winner: Cathy Estes

3A - Berner Paw Print Pendant

The Berner Paw pendant is designed by Brenda Broome and custom made to raise money for Berners.  It is hand made of sterling silver and inlaid stones by a silversmith. It is surrounded by mother of pearl to resemble snow.

Donated by Brenda Broome

Winner: Janice Parky

4A - Signed copy of Bernd Gunter's "The Bernese Mountain Dog - A Dog of Destiny"

Donated by Professor Dr. Bernd Gunter

Winner: Peggy Dixon

5A - A "Pat Long Original Necklace" in Berner Tri-Colors.

Pat will handmake this necklace especially for the lucky winner. See sample in photo.

Donated by Pat Long

Winner: Christine Crowe Delapp

6A - Berner Pet Pantry

Will be shipped by vendor to the winner.

Donated by Renee Jacquire

Winner: Amy Kessler
7A - Lithograph of De-Li's Foreign Touch aka "Louis"

Signed and Numbered by Artist Joe Dalton.
Joe was inspired to sketch a Berner Head,
after falling in love with "Louis" ringside.
Unframed, it measures11 X 14.

Helen has donated 2 lithographs, so 2 winners will be drawn.

Donated by Helen Hollander

Winners: Kathy Sibley and Ellyn Bartges


Tier B Items [back to top]

Tickets $1 each - 6 for $5 - 30 for $20

1B - Delta Society Student Manual ($60 value), a copy of 'Nose to Nose', a set of 5 notecards and a porcelain mug

Donated by Penny Petrone 

Winner: Robin Sternberg

2B - Two bags of Lisa's delicious BARKSCOTTI

Two winners will be drawn.

Donated by Lisa Baldwin

Winners: Deb Saks and Audrey Donovan

(Prizes will be baked and mailed to the winners in early August)

3B - Berner Necklace and Bracelet

The necklace is on a 20" silk cord with a hook closure; the Swiss cross cuff style bracelet will be created to fit who ever wins this lovely item. The bracelet has a magnetic closure with a safety chain

Donated by Patty Tomaszewski

Winner: Renee Jacquier

4B - Two gift certificates to The Truman Collar web store

Two winners will be drawn.

Donated by Debby Fitch

Winners: Dot Decker and Jennifer Brightbill


5B - Wall Hanging

Kay Taylor has made this beautiful Swiss Cross quilted Berner Wall Hanging.

Donated by Kay Taylor

Winner: Lisbeth Plant

6B - Lindt chocolate in red Swiss dish

Donated Amy Grinnell and Heidi Oliveri

Winner: Brenda Broome

7B - Glass Pin

Donated by Betsy Brainard and Sally Phillips

Winner: Susan Downing Thompson

8B - Title Collar with up to 10 Title Charms and a matching 6&rsquo; lead. 

Winner may choose the Biothane color and collar size.

Donated by All Things Bright & Biothane

Winner: Carrie Roos

9B - Framed "Baker's Dozen" photo

size:  18" tall x 26" wide

Donated by Jill Evans

Winner: Judy Fowler

10B - Basket of Sugar Free Candies

Donated by Bobbie Abern

Winner: Robin Sorensen

11B - 2010 Bernese Mountain Dog Calendar with photos by Bernd Gunter

Donated by Professor Dr. Bernd Gunter

Winner: Brenda Broome

12B - Huge Costco Berner

Donated by Sandrea Kornblum

Winner: Christine Crowe Delapp

13B - Berner socks

Donated by Sandrea Kornblum

Winner: Pat Tackett

14B - Two Berner Frames

Two winners will be drawn

Donated by Lori Jacobson

Winners: Patti Rosner and Dot Decker#

photo n/a

15B - Pair of Beanie Baby Sized Overwhite Berner Stuffies

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Annie Bell

16B - Berner Corkboard -w- Pegs and Berner Tile

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Ellyn Bartges

17B - Ceramic Heart for ribbon or bandana to be strung through to make a choker-necklace

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Nancy Galunas

18B - Ceramic Heart for ribbon or bandana to be strung through to make a choker-necklace

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Brenda Broome
as gift for Georgiana Webber

19B - Silver wallet sized frame -w- crown

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Karen Thompson

20B - Sterling silver stretch bacelet -w- paw charms

Donated by Lisa Hawes

Winner: Alison Branson

21B - 2 Baskets of Buffallo Chew Treats plus a toy and 1 Basket of Beef Treats plus a toy

3 winners will be drawn

Donated by Andrea Brin

Winners: Joann Prellberg, Mie Kingsley and Judith Van Nostrand

22B - Hand Painted Berner Platter

Molly will paint a similar platter for the winner.

Donated by Molly Searcy

Winner: Michelle Ryan

23B - 3" x 3" Candle Holder, Berner Puppy Head with Swiss flag & edelweiss and Berner Stickers

Donated by Sue Sanvido

Winner: Kara MacWilliams

24B - Two Dozen of Mary-Ann's Famous Custom made Scones

Will be shipped overnight to the lucky winner.

Donated by Mary-Ann Bowman

Winner: Gregory Peirce

photo n/a

25B - Stuffed Berners

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Carol McArthur

26B - Frames

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Melanie Lainey

27B - Two Berner Statues

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Barb Thornton

28B - Golf Towels

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Adele Hershey

29B - American Flag Berner Magnet

Three winners will be drawn.

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winners: Marsha Schaublin, Brenda Broome as gift for Georgiana Webber and Annie Bell

30B - Busy Buddy Treat Jug and Salmon Mini Treats

Donated by Andrea Brin

Winner: Christine Crowe Delapp

31B - Book - One Nation Under Dog by Michael Schaffer

Donated by Andrea Brin

Winner: Libby Kesner

32B - Stuffed Berner Hand Puppet

Approx. 12" tall.

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Annie Bell

33B - Ceramic Chalet

Donated by Kathy Schmitz

Winner: Karen Thompson

34B - Personalized Handmade 8X8 Scrapbook, a Shadowbox, or a Picture frame—the winner's choice.

See photo examples and web link.

Donated by Patti Finley in loving memory of Patti's Airedale, Magic

Winner: Melanie Lainey

35B - Salt and Pepper Shakers

Donated by Jenise Klos

Winner: Linda Glover

36B - Four Packs of Photo Ppaper

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Karen Thompson

37B - Berner Notepad and Magnet

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Amy Kessler

38B - Framed Berner Puppy Picture

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Karen Thompson

39B - Berner Christmas Ornament

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Liz Caldwell

40B - Memorable Moments Photo Album

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Karen Thompson

41B - Photo Album

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Pat Long

42B - Photo Album

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Pat Long

43B - Photo Album

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Pat Long

44B - Berner Tile

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Judy Benoit Pugh

45B - Stuffed Berner

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Annie Bell

46B - Stuffed Berner with Heart

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Christine Crowe Delapp

47B - Two Stuffed Berners

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Carol McArthur

48B - Berner Mom with Two Puppies in Basket

Donated by Ann Comfort and The Gang of 12 (An International Group of American and Canadian Berner Friends)

Winner: Karen Thompson

49B - Berner Tote Filled with Items

Lightweight canvas tote embroidered with a Berner puppy, a Berner Stationery Pack (notepad, magnetic list pad, magnet, a Berner Pen, a small Berner picture frame, an AKC dog toy, The Little Big Book of Dogs and a Natural Balance meat roll.

Donated by Terri Babcock

Winner: Sandy Evans

50B - "Berner Paw" Scarves

Crocheted with fuzzy yarn, black, then rust then white on the ends, with a "fun yarn" that looks like puppy pads mixed in with the white.
Donated by Susan Modlin

Winner: Heidi Oliveri

51B - $25 Gift Certificate to Sock Store

Donated by Heidi Oliveri

Winner: Karen Thompson

THANK YOU to the people who donated items to help make the fundraiser for Emma be a huge success.

THANK YOU to the people who generously donated money to help with Emma’s ICU vet bills.

THANK YOU to Beth Nelson, who did the fantastic website for our fundraiser and to Jean Cheesman, who hosted the website and added the names of the very lucky winners to the site.

THANK YOU to Patti Grijalva and Linda Adams who donated their tickets from their donations for challenges to encourage more people to make donations to our fundraiser.

THANK YOU, BEHAF, for providing a vehicle to help Berners in need. The mission of the Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund, or BEHAF, is to provide some financial assistance to the owners of purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs throughout the world who are facing extensive and/or unexpected medical expenses for their dog due to catastrophic illness or accidental injury. We are happy that we were able to support BEHAF and Emma through our fundraiser.

By the way, I am happy to report that Emma is improving every day. Georgiana Webber and Patrick Berg wish to thank everyone who supported the fundraiser and helped Emma through BEHAF.

Questions? Contact Joye Neff

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Site background photo of Brooke and Harley by Deb Boucher