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The 2008 BEHAF Fundraiser for Toby

(BEHAF, Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund )



Toby's surgery has now been done and here's a recent report from Brenda

"This morning Jaclyn called and said it would be good if I came down that Dr. Chambers wanted to talk to me. I had to be at the doctor myself in Gainesville and then to the hospital for lab work so it was really a run to make it. I got there at 4:30 and she said Toby was really tired from his walk and visit but brought him out. I had the camera ready to get his picture as he came through the door. All I got a picture of was the ceiling. he broke loose and ran to me. She said, Not once since he came here has he moved that fast!

I have been so impressed with the UGA staff. Dr. Chamber's came in and showed me the x-rays and he was so excited. He said that Toby's progress is far greater than they had even hoped for. As soon as the section was removed and the pins put in place the joint went back together. They will tighten them and re-xray everyday until Thursday. He said, Toby can come home on Thursday. He is to be on his feet only when I am by his side. He is allowed to put weight on it but very restricted activity.

Thank you all, for your comfort and support through this, I have been a basket case.

Toby's official diagnosis is;
Abnormal growth of his ulna and fragmented coronoid process
The ulna grew beyond the radius and in trying to walk he had fractured the coronoid process.

Surgery: On March 17th Toby was placed under general anesthesia for elbow arthroscopy and an ulnar ostectomy. Upon entering the elbow joint, Toby was found to have a fragmented coronoid process. No other abnormalities we found in the elbow. Afterwards an incision was made along the ulna and a section of the ulna was removed. A motorized external fixator was applied to the ulna using two pins. Toby under went numerous procedures where the external fixator was tightened to bring the bone down to joint the other section. This has enabled his joint to fall back in place. Dr. Chambers said that this abnormal growth in Toby was exactly the opposite of what usually happens in these cases and so they used his case to teach the procedure. He said, that most of them might never in their lifetime see this type problem again. He had the surgeon that invented the external device come in and apply it after they prepared the bone for it. Toby will wear this 4 weeks and then be put back to sleep to remove it. Dr. Chambers said, he could not say for sure if his problem was genetic or from an injury.

While there, they were able to determine that his vocal cords had be removed. They said that rather than someone clipping them they apparently complete removed them. They also learned that he was terribly afraid of men. Jaclyn said that every time a man came into his kennel he was so scared that he would wet all over himself. We knew he had that problem but had not related it just to men. The original owner was a young woman but we do know the breeders son was living there as he was her boy friend.

This is pretty much all I know. Toby is a very nervous little boy and now he has lost a lot of weight. We look forward to seeing him get well and hope that some day he will run and play with Zoie.

Toby at the hospital, March 18th

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Toby's post-op x-rays

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Toby's Discharge Photos, March 23rd

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Toby at Home, Day 1

He has to wear a T-shirt because he developed a couple of hot spots on the back of his neck,
They think maybe the E-collar did it? The shirt keeps him from scratching it.

Update March 26th

"Toby took a really big turn for the better yesterday. He is more alert and eating better and even wiggles a bit! He is on his way to recovering now. He doesn't seem to have near as much pain. Just 3 more weeks and he will go back and get this stuff off and walk again"

Update April 6th

I just have to let everyone know that Toby is doing great now! He is like having a stranger in the house. He is acting different than ever before. He is all smiles and bouncing all around. He puts his foot down now and is trying to use it. I am so excited about how he is doing. Amazing!

All thanks to BEHAF!


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