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For pictures of this quilt in the making and for details of the fundraiser
See Below




  Berner U  
  Berner Charities  
  Health ~ BMDCA  

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2012 BMDCV Rescue Fundraiser
"The Guardian Angel Quilt"

For the Full Story behind these Quilts and to see the development as all the blocks come together
Watch this space!


August 8th 2011 and here's the 1st block for the Quilt!
It was made by my good mate Pauline. It is called California Star. I really like the way the colours work together. Makes me pleased that I went with my instincts and chose this combo. Looking forward to seeing what comes in next!


September 6th 2011 and here's the 2nd block.
Sue, the maker says it represents her life on a wheat farm.
The grain sewn in long straight rows.

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September 11th 2011 and blocks 3 and 4.
Made by a dear friend in her 80's who loves Berners and quilting.

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September 13th 2011 and blocks 5 and 6
Made by Gael Goldsack, hand sewn with applique

From Gael: After reading the Guardian Angel story, I didn't want to read another like it ever again. My small contribution to this fundraiser is in the vain hope of never having to read such a story again. The images of the eyes of those poor Berners are engraved on my mind. Such cruel treatment of such beautiful, forgiving dogs is beyond my comprehension.

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September 25th, blocks 7 to 12
made by Kristine Mackie

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Blocks 13 to 15
made by Bev Arthur

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Blocks 16 to 21
made by Lindsay Thomson's mum

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September 26th, blocks 22 to 29
made by Chris who has never quilted before

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September 27th, blocks 30 and 31
made by Carol Eastley from Hobart Tasmania

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September 27th, blocks 32 to 39
made by Carol Blackwell of Sydney New South Wales.

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October 2nd, blocks 40 to 45
made by Ruth Chandler of Boroowa New South Wales


October 3rd, block 46
made by Bev Arthur

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October 4th, blocks 47 to 52
made by Jenny Cugley, Perth West Australia

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October 5th, blocks 52 to 60.
made by Karren Walker and her quilting group in Tasmania

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October 8th, blocks 61 and 62
made by Robyn Fosang from Melbourne, Victoria

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2 blocks
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October 12th, blocks, 63 to 65
made by Pat Clark of MI, USA

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blocks 66 to 77
made by Lyn Wheatland of Melbourne Victoria


Block 78
made by Robyn Farren of Melbourne Vic

Here is part of a story that explains this block ... it has been personalised with names. ...

The names are of our Berner family. Qenia started it for us. Sadly she passed to Berner Heaven last year. She was my daughter’s dog for 6 yrs and a truly majestic dog. Since this happened my daughter has rehomed a ginger Border Collie, Kebo, who loves his Berner friends. My other daughter brought Benson into the family 6 ½ yrs ago as a rehoming. We had just lost one of our border collies so our space was quickly filled whether we were ready or not. Benson was excellent medicine for our remaining B/Collie, Bonnie. This same daughter became the proud owner of Ally 3 yrs ago, having promised the breeder a litter... In August 2009, Ally had 11 puppies, one of whom was Jessie, who came to our home at the age of 12 weeks. At this time Bonnie was very ill and passed away within a short time. She was 16 and had never had a sick day. Jessie of course was great for Benson, who had lost his playmate. They are now almost inseparable.

So there are 4 Berners and 2 Berner Collies in our family past and present.

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October 19th, blocks 79 to 88
made by Elizabeth Koudsy of Sydney

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Blocks 89 to 90
made by Anne Bew of Canberra

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October 22nd, blocks 91 and 92.
Two more fabulous blocks by Robyn Fosang

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November 11th, blocks 93 to 97.
Five more fabulous blocks by Pat Long, Berwyn, PA

From Pat: I have chosen to focus my limited time and energy on health and educational issues for the Bernese breed. My heart is in rescue, but I recognize my inability to turn away from big brown eyes. I can, however, help with fundraising efforts for rescue whenever possible. Annie Bell has done so many beautiful quilts for our American fundraisers that when she put out a call for quilt squares for an Oz rescue fundraiser quilt that I was happy to volunteer! And I was even happier to learn that I wasn’t the last contributor to mail in my squares!

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November 12th, blocks 98 to 105.
Eight more wonderful blocks by Gillian Humphrey, Sidney


November 13th, block 106
The first of Annie's blocks
more to come!

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November 16th, blocks 107 to 110
Blocks made by Sandrea Kornblum

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November 28th, blocks 111 to 113
Blocks made by Ivana Leonard of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

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Blocks 114 & 115
by Stephanie Hartwich of Kyeamba NSW

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Blocks 116 & 117
by Vanessa Hodgkinson of Murrumbateman NSW


November 29th, Block 118
A block based on a photo of Special Spike by Cheryl Hancock in Perth, West Australia
<Special Spike's Tribute Page>



November 30th, Block 119
by Becky Caesar from Ohio

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December 9th, Block 120
another block from Ivana Leonard

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December 10th, Blocks 121 snd 122

blocks made by Sue Murray of Melbourne Victoria.

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December 11th, blocks 123 to 128
made by Julie Ross

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Blocks 129 to 134
made by Lynney Wall, Melbourne Victoria

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December 14th, blocks 135 to 137
made by Michelle Arklay of Spargo Creek Victoria

From Michelle.... The paw pieced was meant to be the centre of of the stars but I was making the wrong sized block (12” instead of 9”), reading instructions again is very important, isn’t it, especially after such a long time after receiving them.

I was dedicating the “muddy paw” to Bella, my Berner who passed away 5 years ago. She was my engagement present (my husband gave me the choice of an expensive ring or a cheap ring and an expensive dog) and then flower dog at our wedding, complete with a garland of flowers. The brown fabric is the same colour as the soil where we live, so we saw lots of muddy paws like this over her lifetime.

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December 16th '11, blocks 138 to 140
new blocks from Annie Bell


Annie's Harri-ette's Contribution!:-))

.... all assistance short of actual help ....
signature piece by Harri-ette the horrible dog.
It this were salmon, John West would reject it....

and it will be, sorry baby girl!

December 17th 2011 - Progress today. three quilts have risen far from the blocks: a king, a single and a cot. There will be a lap quilt but four hours concentration is enough for one day and it will have to wait until the first 3 are done. This will allow time for blocks that are in caught up in the Christmas post to arrive and be included..

Thanks to Pauline Battersby for your help and experience as a second set of eyes. It would have taken so much longer. Thanks also to Rosemont Patchwork at Tuggeranong for use of their design wall.

There are four photos below The first is all the blocks. they covered tables that normally seat 20 students. When I finished laying them out, I needed a cuppa. Where to start?


The first one laid out was the cot quilt. The sashing will be lemon or a soft yellow. The border will be a french braid (3 strand Plait) representing a leash. It will be a generous sized cot quilt. As yet it does not have a name. If you think of one please send.


Next was the King-size: It took about 2 hours to figure out. Michelle Arklay's paw print block was chosen as the centre and it grew from there. It seemed logical to put Stephanie's hearts at the centre top and bottom. We moved and moved blocks, until Pauline noticed that there was a pattern emerging - a diamond made of applique blocks. We had enough to centre around the pawprint. We then placed and moved blocks to ensure a balance between greens/darks, the tans and the whites. It was emotional. The blocks will be given a simple black sashing. I have given no thought to the border yet but it will come. The working title of the quilt is 'Bernese are Diamonds'.


The single quilt: was almost as easy as the cot because of the lessons learnt from the King. Starting with the applique blocks we found that we had almost enough to make a cross. Vanessa's creative block stood out as the logical centre. I remembered that Lindsay's mum had sent an extra block that needed a border. The blue block is merely a place holder. The working title of this quilt is Berner Kisses. I'm thinking that this one will be sashed with a fabric which has a gold in it as some of the block have a japanese and yellow/gold is common colour. Again I have no immediate inspiration for the border but it till come.


The remaining blocks will be auditioned for the lap quilt and any left will become cushion covers to go with the quilts - apart from one block which is being made with fabric paint - similar to one made for the SA quilt in 2006 and won by Joye Neff. So there is at least five prizes in this fundraiser thanks to everyone.

Updates December 29th '11

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Blocks 141 & 142
These are blocks I've been waiting on. They have come from North Pole Alaska. One might be permitted to allow for addition time for their arrival considering their start point. These have been made by Kristi Davis.


Here is the king sized quilt with the sashing attached. Apologies for not getting a complete pic but the quilt is currently 96 inches square (2.43m) I have room to move on the borders (up to 9 inches so there is a lot of scope).

Update on the cot quilt: When I auditioned lemon with the blocks it didn't work but an alternative neutral has been found. This quilt has been started today and is going well. Photo to follow within a couple of days.

Planning to start the third quilt on the weekend.

Update December 31st 2011


Here is the completed top of 'Berners Guard my Angel'.
It is 65 inch square. This is the so-called 'cot' quilt.
One down two to go.

Happy New Year everyone.

Update January 1st 2012


Here is the completed top of the king sized quilt - 'Berners are Diamonds'.
Two down; one to go.

The third one will take a little time as there are some applique blocks that need to be completed before I start putting it together. I hope to have the third one complete by the end of next weekend.

Enjoy the results of your efforts everyone.

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January 2nd 2012 - Here are four more blocks
143 and 144 are mine.
145 and 146 were made by Sue Murray of Melbourne Victoria.


January 4th - Block 147
made by Jackie in Sydney


Block 148
This 4-pointed star made by Lyn Wheatland of Melbourne.

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Blocks 149 to 152
made by Shane Millard's Mum, Adelaide South Australia

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Blocks 153 to 156
made by Lesley Koonce of Rancho Cordova CA

Update January 8th

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Blocks 157 to 160
made by Annie Bell


Here is an update on the third quilt, the single.
Sashings are on, borders to come.

Update January 9th 2012


Here is the completed top of 'Berners Watch Over Me'.
It never ceases to amaze me how they come together and the emotional response I've got from each.

Update February 17th '12


. Here is the layout of the last quilt from the blocks made by the Guardian Angel Quilters. It is called 'The Little One'. It will be together by the end of the weekend. So expect another photo within days.

I have been contacted by a number of people interested in selling tickets. I'd like to get a FAQ sheet together for you so you know your lines and are able to show what is on offer. I hope to get that ready for those interested by Wednesday.

This quilt contains the last of the blocks so there is none left for cushions. Which, given the crazy couple of months that are emerging in my life right now, is probably a good decision. In the meantime, hug those Berners, right now I have Harri-ette under my elbow and Suki at my feet, there is a thunderstorm underway

Update February 18th '12


Fourth quilt top is complete: 'The Little One'. It goes to the quilters this week.

Thank you to all participants for enabling so many quilts to be made.

Update March 19th 2012

All four quilts for this fundraiser are back from the quilters ready for the binding, They will not be started until I finish the binding on Happy Dance a Quilt for the BMDCA Health Auction which also arrived home today.


. The Auction is on May 10th.

It fits a King sized bed, and will be sent to America ASAP. I hope you understand.

And more on the Angel Quilt Fundraiser


This is Bernie's fabric painted block
This will form the basis of the 5th prize which will not be created until Easter.

Update April 17th 2012

I'm mortified . Block 161 was a beautiful fabric painted head of a Berner called Bernie owned by Nicole Miranda and family .... until this morning.

I'd squared the block up on the weekend and had cut the strips ready to frame it tonight. As I ironed my clothes I made a mental note to speak to Ivana about any challenges I might face making the cushion.

After getting dressed for work I was picking up my bag to head to work and noticed a strip of fabric lying on the loungeroom floor. I thought OK Harri-ette has move that, if sh'e chewed it , it is easily replaceable as I have heaps left over. I turned around and saw a chewed shoe (old but now gone to God) on the ottoman. Then.... rust coloured fabric on the sofa. I picked it up. Harriette shreded Block 161! I can't repair it without turning Bernie into something akin to a Berner/Boxer cross.

There was obviously a reason Jean why I didn't get a pic of the completed block to you on the weekend.... I thought I was too tired from the Bid work I've been doing to think clearly and so not mess it up.

Maria Crifasi: I know you're on the floor; remembering Miz Daisy.....

I've rung Nicole, apologising profusely. She laughed heaps and has kindly offered to make another for me. So the 5th Prize will be Bernie MKII

Nicole Miranda THANKYOU!!!!! I owe you big time. At 3.5 you'd think Harri-ette was beyond this. If no-one believes that I really have Harri-ette the 'orrible dog: you'd better believe it now. It did cross my mind to rehome her ..... but obviously she is in my life for a reason....

The Evidence


Update April 26th 2012

ITS BRAGGING TIME! DRUM ROLL PLEASE..... The value of each Guardian Angel Quilts is back.... and IT IS GOOD! SCRAP THAT! ... FAN ... BLOODY... TASTIC. (Pardon the French) This fundraiser is exceeding expectations in so many ways.... and has done so since June 2011 when it started.

Here are the values - in AUD:

King Sized Quilt - Berners are Diamonds $1175
Queen Sized Quilt - Berners Watch Over Me $875
Double Bed Quilt - Berners Guard My Angel $675
Single Bed Quilt - The Little One $750

Value grand total of $3475.
(I'm being really juvenile and to quote Bart Simpson: Eat my shorts.)

The quilts have been made with love by 34 people and (two quilting groups).... Aussies and folks in the USA (with two attempted sabotage runs (one successful) by Harri-ette the 'orrible dog). Proceeds go to the Guardian Angel Fund - the fund that assists Rescue by the Victorian BMD Club. .

Thanks to Rosemont Patchwork for the use of their design wall, to Altogether Quilting for their wonderful quilting - both understand me well and offer sage advice.

This information is also for the ticket sellers to use when promoting the fundraiser.

I think any accountant or actuary would be hard pressed to find fault with the value for money of $2 per ticket or3 for $5. Consider: the price of your morning coffee could keep you warm overnight. I hope that the Guardian Angel Quilt fundraiser brings out the best from people's wallets (and billfolds)... The quilts forever homes will be found on 9th June at the BMDCV Specialty in Melbourne where Lisa Ebnet is judging. I look forward to scrunching up heaps of tickets in between exhibiting and selling last tickets....

Update May 28th 2012

Thanks to Nicole Miranda there is a new 5th prize for the Guardian Angel Quilt project. It is a beautiful picture of her beloved Angus at around 6 weeks of age. This is truly a lovely block.

Bernie MKII


Block 161 Bernie MKI (the one that Harri-ette shredded, see above) is being curatored by my mate in VA. It appears that it can be saved, mounted onto some stiff paper and it will be framed. Once Miz H falls from the twig, I will put it into the Health Auction!

Update June 5th 2012

Here is the picture of 5th prize complete! It will be kept well clear of Miz Harri-ette!

If won by an Aussie it will travel with its filling. If won by someone overseas, I'll be sending just the cover. (Postage costs a bomb). I hope the winner if from overseas understands.


Hugs those Berners, they need one.

Annie (Berner Tragic) in Australia with:
NEUT. CH Zanzebern Sir Galahad (Gideon von Wink),
CH Zanzebern Nicoletta (Suki-lala) and
CH Zanzebern Cha Cha Cha (Harri-ette the 'orrible dog).

Zanzebern Shining Knight (Harry Brat) 22/6/02-22/3/08 - heart dog, forever young
CH Zanzebern Ignatius (Special Spike) 1/8/05 - 19/10/11 - supreme master of the happy dance

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