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For pictures of this quilt in the making and for details of the fundraiser
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2012 BMDCV Rescue Fundraiser
"The Guardian Angel Quilt"
Her Eyes Tell The Story.

I have been involved in rescuing and rehoming Bernese Mountain Dogs for over 10 years but during that time nothing has compared to the recent rescue of eight Bernese. Attached is an appraisal of each of the dogs rescued. Words do not do them justice for what they have endured.

Dog 1 (Girl - Tassie): approximately 7 years old. She arrived at 24 kilos, approximately the weight of a 5 month old pup. Her ears flats were thick with scar tissue and sores and full of mites and infection. A large tumour was growing on the side of her abdomen and her teeth were broken down to stumps. Her bowel was dilated and impacted with dirt. Although veterinary care was undertaken, the intervention was too late with her surviving only two weeks with her foster family before Tassie was humanely put out of her misery.

Dog 2 (Girl -Summer): approximately 5 years old. Substantially underweight, infected with ear mites, ear scaring and broken teeth consistent with dog 1.Very reserved girl who took time to trust her carers. Received veterinary care and responded well in foster care. Sumer was able to be placed with a loving family and progressing well at this time.

Dog 3 (Girl - Skittles): approximately 2 years old. Weighed 27 kilos and arrived with a shrunken inflamed eye due to cataract formation. Skittles was in very poor physical condition. Veterinary intervention and treatment was provided over a three week period while in a foster home. Skittles was very shut down mentally and did not respond to human touch or contact. For the first few days she had to be carried in and out of her foster home to go to the toilet as she did not initiate getting up on to her feet at all. She did not give any eye contact and would stand rigid if forced to endure human touch. Whilst in care for 3 weeks there was no weight gain, her eye caused her constant pain and her physical condition deteriorated. On x ray it showed significant Spondylosis (spinal degeneration) and bowel dilation. Skittles was euthanased as her quality of life and condition was so poor.

Dogs 4 and 5 (Girls - Hannah and Hannah): were approximately 12 months old. They were fostered together. While underweight, they were in reasonable physical health, reserved in nature and a little shut down mentally. With the help of their foster carers, they learnt to trust humans again. Two terrific families were then integrated into their lives whilst in foster care so they could learn to trust their new carers. This worked really well and both have adapted to their new homes. Early reports are they are both hoarders and collect shoes and other items around the house to sleep with! They are progressing well and a success story at this time.

Dog 6 (Boy - Riley): approximately 2 years old. Riley was underweight but in reasonable physical condition apart from a broken tooth which needed removal. Reserved in nature, but at least gave humans some eye contact. He was able to be placed directly with a family who had originally offered to foster our rescue dogs, but fell in love with him and adopted him. He is responding well, is thoroughly spoilt and is slowly adjusting to his new routine of sleeping on the couch and lots of walks.

Dog 7 ( Girl - Molly): was approximately 1 years old. She is a small girl, but showed some life in her eyes when we saw her amongst the 5 dogs huddled at the back of the station wagon when we picked her up. She was underweight, and like all the others did not walk voluntarily for the first couple of days. However, she responded really well to her lovely foster carer and soon followed her around everywhere. She developed a beautiful relationship with her 2 year old son, who she would sit beside and lick all over. She has developed an intermittent limp whilst in care, which is under investigation and treatment by the vet. She has a lovely forever family being integrated into her life and they are taking her on trial this week.

Dog 8 (Girl - Lara): approximately 3 years old. My saddest story of the rescue dogs. Lara was so shut down mentally when we picked her up, she was literally just a empty shell. I won't forget her huddled up against the side of the pen at the vets, eyes glazed over and head just hanging there. When you went to pat her, her mind would go somewhere else. In the first few weeks at her foster home, she has gained more confidence and became more alert. She has become a barker to stimulus, and started initiating fights with the other dogs residing with her (sniper attacks from behind as they walked past her). She howled for human companionship if left inside the house, even if she was left with another dog. Unfortunately she started showing protective traits over her carer and growled and rushed the husband in an unprovoked situation. Her temperament became an issue and serious concerns were evident due to her unpredictable nature. So as I write her story, she is being put down. She was assessed as being unsafe for general adoption. My consolation is that she was shown love and did trust her main carer even if only for 3 weeks out of her entire life. Her carer is with her whilst she is being put to rest.

Rescue is not a one person ordeal and when the call goes out there are always those willing to respond physically, financially or with support. I need to thank Wendy Valencic for all your help and support during this time with the rescue dogs. Ron and Marion, Faye and Tanya for offering their homes and their hearts by providing foster care for the girls and enduring some of the heartache yet some triumph. We could not have provided these dogs with their new lives without you. To all the members who have kindly made donations to the Guardian Angels Fund, you made all this possible.

The Guardian Angels fund is used to cover the associated vet costs in the initial assessment of dogs. It covers de-sexing, initial vaccinations, removal of over grown dew claws, removal of broken teeth and initial treatment to get the dogs to a base level of physical health. It also covers the cost of euthanasia if required. A small amount of money is used to buy a small token of appreciation to the foster carers and the supply of dry food while in foster care. No money is used for petrol or other costs associated with the transport of the dogs to and from vets, other food, bedding or other costs associated with these dogs which the foster carers kindly provide. If possible please feel free to donate to the Guardian Angels Fund by contacting the BMDCV to continue this cause.

Donations: Cheques can be made out to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Victoria with a notation that it is for the Guardian Angel Fund. Please foward to the Treasurer - Wendy Valencic, 3 Cooper Court, Hallam, 3803.

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