own realm to rule!  *Rubs hands together greedily*

Check out my awesome fics!

So, you thought I couldn't write anything original, did you?

My tribute to the many Doctors!

Send me your really great fics!

Some really great books you should check out!

So, you wanna know about me, huh?

Alright, let's see what you're really thinking!

Please let me know how much you love me.

These people know how great I am!

Got questions, comments, reviews?  Send them all!

Mmmm...a true hottie to protect me *drool*

Words of Wisdom

"Think of the solution, not the problem."

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander

"Wizards First Rule" by Terry Goodkind

Next Scheduled Update Unknown

Last Updated Tuesday, March 26

3/26/02     I apologize profusely for not updating in, well...almost a year, but you know how college can be. Even if you don't you can live with it. I don't have anything to add right now, but I have just started working on some stories again and hope to have something soon. I hope you'll return at a later date to check for anything new. But, I guess I better get writing...lars the goddess.

9/2/01     Well, I beg forgiveness cause at this very second, I have nothing to update. Between both my computers breaking and trying to get through the first weeks of college, I just haven't had much time to write. I promise that I will at least try to finish something for you soon. Your faithful writer ~lars the goddess

7/27/01    I finally did it!  I finished my largest fic, The Three Trials for Power.  It is all posted and I would love for everyone to read it and tell me what they think.  I also have the beginning of a new fic I'm working on up, it's a crossover with Gundam Wing and a British show called Doctor Who.  I hope all of you will give it a chance and visit my Doctor Who page to gain a small amount of understanding of what it was about.  I think that's all for now.  I might have put something else up and forgot to mention it, but I'm sure you'll find it just fine.  Yours truly, in all her glory...Lars the Goddess

7/13/01   Well, here's my first real update!  (Everyone applaud me...please?)   First off I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Friday the Thirteenth!  Don't worry, it's not really a bad day, I've actually had tons of good  luck during it.  Anyway, in updates I have one new fic which is really good, the Doctor Who page is now running with a little information, my reading list is redesigned so it's more pleasing to the eye and has book descriptions, and you can now learn a little bit about me, hope you all are happy.  So, how's that for my first update?  I think it's pretty good.  If you'd like to help me by sending me some stories to add to my next update, I'd be appreciative.  After all, I can only do so much!  Until next time...Lars the Goddess

6/21/01  Hey there fans of anime. I am (trumpets sound) LARS THE GODDESS!!!!! Yeah, I know it sounds funny, a guys name with goddess after it, but it’s not really all that sick. I am actually a girl and received this nickname when someone mispronounced my name. After, everyone kept calling me Lars, so it stuck and I couldn’t resist adding the goddess to the end. Let’s just put it this way, I’m a big fan of anime, as long as it is good.

Well, I really just began this page on a whim, so don’t expect too much at first. I’m gonna try to get more things for it really soon, so I guess you can hold your breath if you’re really confident in me. (I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILTY FOR ANY PERSON WHO PASSES OUT AFTER VEIWING THIS PAGE!)

All warnings aside, I’ll let you know what to expect to find on this page. Right now, I’m starting out with Gundam Wing, the first anime I ever experienced, and hopefully, I will later be able to add some things for other anime’s. I will also have some simple original works that I have written for assignments through out my high school and freshman year of college. I hope you enjoy it and maybe even give me a little feedback on what you think of the contents.

In an attempt to bring quality fanfiction to all those readers out there, I would like to also ask for those of you with some to submit it by e-mailing me. I will accept fanfiction to any anime as long as it follows my guidelines. So if you have something, please read my guidelines and mail it to me.

         Mine! All mine! Mwahahahaha!