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X-Men: X-Posed!

the shocking exposé as reported by Mercuria Stardust

"It is yellow journalism of the worst variety."
-The New York Times

"Young Ms. Stardust is clearly out of line ... One must ask oneself if her parents are aware of her activities."
-The Boston Globe

"Complete and utter tripe."
-Washington Post

"Brilliant! Why didn't WE think of that?"
-The National Enquirer

"I don't know where she gets all of this, but it certainly isn't true."
-Dr. Henry McCoy

"We eagerly await a follow-up article."

So now that you know what THEY think, welcome to X-Men: X-Posed! The article has attracted a lot of media attention and become a source of controversy, so my lawyer has informed me that in order to avoid a lawsuit I am required to warn all viewers about its content:

The following is the absolute gospel truth. Seriously. I'm not kidding. But it also contains slash (male/male sexual relationships); femslash (female/female sexual relationships); some profanity and sexual innuendo; and references to cross-dressing, student/teacher relations, and voyeurism. If you are not of sufficient age/maturity level to view such things, or do not wish to view them, please do not click on the link below. I'm sure we'll both feel better for it. Furthermore, all images contained in this article were captured and uploaded by the praiseworthy Haruka, whose website may be viewed here.

X-Men: X-Posed!

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