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Full Name: Heather Jean Caulfield

Date of Birth: July 4, 1979

Height: 5'7

Weight: A woman's weight is best kept secret!

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Figures: Tattoo of a rose on back of right calf.

Wrestling Style: Heather was taught martial arts by Ktulu. While her skill level is nowhere near as high as his, she's still rather skilled. She also utilizes aspects of the high-flying lucharesu style.

History: Heather Jean Caulfield was born into the world on July 4, 1979. Ever since she was a baby, Heather was always smiling and never seemed to be unhappy. Ever since she was a young child, she has always been a friendly, cheerful, outgoing person. She made friends whereever she went. She was the one girl who in first grade the boys weren't afraid to talk to for "fear of cooties."

Heather attended a rather expensive college-prepatory high school, where she excelled in all of her classes. She was captain of the girls' softball team since her freshman year and was co-captain of the swim team since her sophomore year. She also was a star athlete on the volleyball and soccer teams, and she LOVED to dance. Having grown into a beautiful young lady, Heather found herself "the girl to be with", according to the guys at the school. While she enjoyed being friends, her dedication to her studies and sports teams left her with no time for a boyfriend.

While her first athletic love was softball, Heather was also a closet wrestling fan. She loved sitting down every week to watch wrestling with her father. Heather wanted foremost to be a fashion model or professional dancer (not THAT kind, you sick monkey!). But she decided that if she couldn't make it into either of those fields, then wrestling was for her.

Heather attended college to study fashion design and learned the tricks of the trade in the School of Dance. Just as she had in high school, Heather excelled in her classes and captivated the college mean with stunning looks and innocent charm. Unfortunately, the resentful attitudes of a small group of jealous girls would spell her downfall. The four most outcast girls in the college (i.e, they wore white make-up with black lipstick, fishnet blouses, and leather skirts with combat boots) were exceedinly jealous the Heather had everything they didn't: Good looks, good grades, popularity, and taste in clothes. The girls stole the university President's most prized plaque and hid it in Heather's dorm. When a room-by-room search was ordered, Heather was "caught" with the plaque in her room and was immediately expelled.

She knew it wasn't her fault, but still Heather didn't want to have to tell her parents that she had been expelled from college. She instead decided to apply what she had learned to get a job. She managed to be hired as a background dancer at a local dance club for various performers, but the pay just wasn't cutting it. She modeled for various low-key fashion shows, but these too weren't bringing in the money she need. Luckily, at one of she modeling shows she caught the eye of David Raines, the CEO of XJCW, an indy fed with a loyal cult following. He caught up with Heather after the show and asked her to come work for his XJCW. Overwhelmed by the chance to live out her secret dream, Heather gleefully accepted.

When Heather arrived at XJCW on her first day, she met with Mr. Raines and XJCW's top star, Foxx. Raines said that most beautiful woman in XJCW should be with the most dominant champion in the company, and thus told Heather she would be the valet to Foxx. Heather was surprised that she, being a complete newcomer, was going to be paired with the top star in the business. She quickly tried to make friends with Foxx, but it wasn't happening. Foxx had a massive ego and told Heather to just "stand there and look pretty" whenever she made a suggestion. Heather dealt with Foxx the same way she had dealt with all her problems: With a smile and a positive attitude. She found it increasingly difficult to put with Foxx's arrogance, but dared not speak against him for fear of losing out on her wrestling career.

Heather and the rest of the XJCW's stars were rather excited when they found out they would all be going to Japan for a special indy inter-promotional tour. The experts all had Foxx pegged as the winner of the special tournament established for the greatest competitors from each fed to enter. "It's gonna be so cool standing next to you when you win that trophy!" she said to Foxx. The arrogant Foxx, however, scoffed and told her that she had no place in the ring. Heather was no insatiably pissed at Foxx, but used that energy instead to make friends with the competitors from other feds. Despite what Foxx and Raines had told her, the backstage feeling among the numerous feds was not one of bitter rivalry, but rather of mutual respect for the business.

The city was Osaka. Foxx had just absolutely squashed his next opponent in the tournament. Though she couldn't stand Foxx, Heather was still proud that he had advanced. On that night, a large group of wrestlers from the various feds all planned a little get-together party for everyone to get to know each other at. As usual, Heather had to go, since this was another chance to make new friends. As she walked down a somewhat narrow hallway, she noticed something in the corner of her eye.

"He was sitting all by himself," Heather recollects. "I didn't know why he was, since there was a party going on. I admit, I thought his long jet-black dyed hair and glaring eyes were kind of cute, in an odd way." Heather introduced herself, but the man remained quiet and unaffected. Heather introduced herself again, and kept trying to start a conversation. This enigmatic man wasn't having it, though. Finally, he caved. He introduced himself only as Ktulu. Heather asked him to come with her to the get-together, and Ktulu begrudgingly accepted. Ktulu tried to remain quiet, but Heather kept pulling him by the wrist and telling him to come on and meet the people.

While Ktulu really didn't care much about Heather at the time, Heather saw Ktulu as another potential friend. She also found his unique appearance to be rather appealing. She constantly followed him around backstage, trying to get him to talk. Initially Ktulu just dismissed her- in a kindly way. "He didn't talk a lot earlier," Heather says. "I was both kind of angry and kind of sad that he didn't feel I was someone he could talk to. But he was never rude about it." Heather continued her quest to get Ktulu to open up, but so far she couldn't even get him to smile. She bought him ice cream, played silly practical jokes on him, and even teased everyone backstage that they were an item. Whenever others were around and Ktulu showed up, Heather would give him a friendly hug and make a raspberry at the others, just as a joke.

Heather slowly got Ktulu to break away from his reclusiveness, but he still was very reserved about many matters. Heather considered Ktulu to be her best friend backstage, but she knew that if Foxx or David Raines found out, it would certainly spell disaster for her career. She still remained loyal to XJCW. In the tournament finals, she found out that it would a battle between her new best friend and Foxx. The night before the match was to take place, Foxx demanded a meeting with Heather. Heather obliged and Foxx immediately told her not to interfere, not to get in the ring when he won. Foxx continued to brag about how his "superior abilities" and how Ktulu was nothing but a disgusting, depressed, psychotic loser who didn't deserve to live. A fuming anger built up inside Heather, and all the frustration Foxx had given her finally boiled over. "You're so full of shit, Foxx!" she yelled. "I've been watching him in the ring, and I wouldn't be surprised if he kicked your butt in less than twenty seconds!" WHAM!! For the first ever, someone had spoken negatively to Foxx of himself, and he did NOT take kindly to it! With one swift swing of his hand and smacked Heather right across the face with the back of his hand.

Heather looked so somber and unhappy as she walked out with Foxx for his match with Ktulu. She didn't want to look up at Ktulu, due to her black eye and due to not being in her best friend's corner. The match went see-saw, back and forth. Foxx eventually began using his devious cheating methods, and gained the upper hand. As Ktulu was knocked to the mat halfway through the match, he look at Heather. Her eye was black! She looked up with sad frown, staring into his eyes. As sick and twisted of a man as he was, Ktulu could not tolerate one thing: Violence on women. Enraged by what he saw, he proceeded to demolish Foxx for the entire rest of the match. As he set Foxx up for The Abyss, Heather jumped onto the ring apron to distract. Instead, she gave him a thumbs up! Ktulu delivered The Abyss before scoring the pinfall to win the tournament!

"I did what I felt was right," Heather explains. "Foxx was a filthy, egomaniacal jerk. But Chris... well, beyond all his demons I found a sweetness in him. Call it crazy, but I really thought of him as an angel." And an angel he indeed became. A guardian angel. After the match, as Ktulu celebrated, Foxx recovered and attacked him from behind. Grabbing a nearby kendo stick, Foxx threatened to beat Heather into a bloody pulp for having betrayed him. Ktulu managed to get back into the ring and jumped in front of a swing of the cane from Foxx. The shot busted open his eye, and left a nasty scar.