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The Halls of Shame! God, What Were They Thinking?!


Phew! Something stinks! Namely the things that follow. Just as the Halls of Fame showed off the greatest feds and wrestlers I have met, here is where you'll find the bottom of the shit pile. The feds in the Hall of Shame have typically been run by people who break my three cardinal rules of e-wrestling:
-no simmed results
-no real wrestlers or blatant rip-offs
-encouraging out-of-the-ring RP's and no emphasis on swearing
Yes, I'm sad to say there are feds that broke all three. I don't know their statuses, and frankly, I don't care because they are AWFUL! Going along with that, I also have the top five worst e-wrestlers of all time. These were guys who would write "i will kik your azz u gay homo fag"... AND WIN!

Worst E-Feds

Worst Wrestlers

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