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Name: Ktulu

Real Name: Christopher James Mason

Hometown: Unknown (he won't tell anyone)

Date of Birth: November 16, 1977

Height: 6'4

Weight: 259 pounds

Hair Color: Platinum Silver

Natural Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Hazel Green

Distinguishing Features: Tattoo of Leviathan on left arm, scars around left eye

Wrestling Style: Strong Martial Arts and Innovation. His Martial Arts disciplines include:
-Karate (strong mix of kicks and punches)
-Judo (art of throwing and countering)
-Kung Fu (quicker and weaker than karate. Ktulu is well versed in Mantis, Tiger, and Crane styles)
-Tae Kwon Do (Ktulu's strongest and deadliest style. The Korean art of kicks and weapons)
-Happkido (an art based on defense and countering)
-Ninjitsu (powerful art combining aspects of Karate, Kung Fu, and Judo. Teaches to strike quickly with maximum strength with as little noise as possible. Very difficult to master)

History: Ktulu was born Christopher James Mason on November 16, 1977. He immediately was thrust into a terrible personal world. By the time Chris was in high school his father was on his fourth marriage. A raging alcoholic, Chris's father commonly took his frustrations out on Chris through very violent means, even going so far one time as hit shatter a window payne over his head and putting him in the hospital for three weeks with brain damage.

The pain and fear he felt at home spilled over into real life, where he found himself much too timid to make friends. Having grown up thinking violence was the way to deal with anger, Chris became a destructive, violent youth who commonly got in trouble for fighting, vandalism, or starting fires of some kind. Being in trouble only made him angrier, thus making him more violent. This vicious cycle continued on for most of his life.

At 17 Chris was expelled from school after a teacher berated his terrible work in front of the whole class. An angered Chris rose from his seat and charged into the teacher, knocking him to the ground. Before the other students could grab him, Chris kicked the teacher three times in the side of the head, knocking him out. Once news of this reached home, Chris's father again attacked him. This time, Chris fought back and shattered six of his father's ribs with a crowbar. Having had enough of his horrid life, Chris left his life to live on the streets. He survived through crime and mugging whatever little money he could. He spent most of his money on drugs, hoping they could alleviate his mental anguish, but instead they only augmented his repressed feelings of hatred and bloodlust.

Angry and embittered, Chris caught a lucky break when he stumbled upon an illegal underground fighting circuit. He worked as a trainer and sparrer with the regular fighters, and he gradually learned their fighting styles. Soon he himself was competing, and the opposition dropped like flies when confronted by his vast martial arts abilities.

Chris had finally found a source of money, but his past still haunted him terribly. He was very into heavy metal music and ancient mythologies, and after listening to Metallica's song "The Call of Ktulu", Chris decided to adopt the name as his own. He no longer wanted to be Chris Mason, because that name reminded of what his life used to be like.

Ktulu eventually gave up the underground fighting when he discovered the police had learned of its activities. One of the circuit's major contributers, Daimon Hauer, kept his eye on Ktulu, and approaced him to join his upstart professional wrestling promotion. Realizing Ktulu's mind was easily impressionable, Hauer was able to convince the then-20-year-old Ktulu to join. Ktulu rose quickly to being the fed's top star, constantly beating the opponents placed before him. He was slowly becoming recognized for his great ring work and overall superb ability.

But Ktulu was anything but happy. His drug usage was slowly destroying his sanity. He felt paranoid like everyone was out to get him, and he would suddenly snap and attack people for no reason. His depression consumed him to the point where one night, Hauer walked into his dressing room only to find Ktulu huddled in the corner, holding a Magnum to the side of his head while whispering to himself. Luckily, Hauer was able to snatch the gun away and had Ktulu taken away for help. When Ktulu returned, he was off of drugs but still terribly depressed.

In 2000, Hauer's fed was asked to come to Japan for a special Indy tour. Interpromotional matches brought about standing ovations from the crowd, and Ktulu was actually one of the two representatives for Hauer's fed the tour's tournament. Ktulu dominated the other top stars on the tour and won the adulation of the crowd, but backstage he still sat alone, feeling afraid to talk with the people backstage for fear of ridicule. He realized that in Japan, he could easily make a name for himself. What he DIDN'T realize was that in Japan, his life was about to be flipped upside down.

Osaka, Japan was where the seeds were sown for Ktulu's new life. In the semifinals he emerged victorious, and found he would be facing Foxx, the favorite to win the tournament, in the finals. Backstage, Ktulu was sitting by himself in a dark corner, just waiting for the day to end so he could leave. "Hello," a cheerful voice said to him. Ktulu didn't even budge, thinking that it must have been for someone else since no one would want to talk to him. "Hey, you awake there?" the same voice asked. As Ktulu looked up, he was suddenly awestruck. She was beautiful. Her eyes were blue like the sky, and her red, ponytailed hair allowed her innocent face to show. She smiled at him as he looked up at her with fascination. "Whatcha doin' in back there? Don't you want to hang out with everyone back here? C'mon, everyone's talking about their matches!" Ktulu sheepishly stood and nodded his head while looking at the ground.

"Ktulu. Just call me Ktulu," he said. She smiled and laughed a bit. "Ktulu, huh?" she replied. "Well, OK. My name's Heather. Heather Caulfield. I'm a valet for XJCW." Ktulu smiled, even though he knew that was Foxx's federation. He and Heather walked together to where the other competitors were meeting each other. Ktulu didn't want to talk about himself because he was afraid Heather would laugh at him or call him a "weirdo", but as the night went on, he felt he had finally, FINALLY met a real friend. And what a cute one at that!

The friendship between Ktulu and Heather seemed rather low-key to Ktulu, who still felt nervous about having friend. Paranoia was telling him that this may all be an elaborate prank, but as time passed he thought differently. The two would commonly just talk to each other while backstage at the different city venues the tour stopped on. Slowly but surely, Heather was warming her way into Ktulu's icy heart, and he finally fell in love with her. He decided not to tell her though, still feeling awkward about the whole thing.

The final stop of the Japan tour was in the capital of Tokyo. The main event was signed: Ktulu vs. Foxx. Ktulu entered first, armed with his usual kendo stick. The lights dimmed for Foxx's spectacular entrance, and Ktulu watched in shock as Heather walked out with Foxx! Heather was not only a valet for XJCW, but was in fact the valet for Ktulu's final round opponent! Heather cautiously waved to the fans, but it was apparent that she wasn't thrilled at all. She watched gloomily at ringside with... a black eye! Ktulu noticed halfway through the match that Heather now had a black eye!! This lit a new fire in Ktulu, who lashed out at Foxx with a violent streak, bashing his head repeatedly into the guard rail, ring posts, and whatever else he could. At the end of the match, Ktulu lifted Foxx up for The Abyss, but Heather jumped onto the apron to distract him! However, as they looked in each other's eyes, Heather instead gave a thumbs up to Ktulu, who for the first time ever actually smiled with joy and finished Foxx off to win the tournament!

Ktulu and Heather celebrated in the ring, proudly displaying Ktulu's newly won trophy. An angered and embittered Foxx recovered and took Ktulu's kendo stick from ringside. He charged the two from behind, knocking Ktulu through the ring ropes and sending Heather into the turnbuckle. Foxx had snapped as was threatening to hit Heather with the kendo stick. She begged him not to, but he reared back and swing with a spiteful strike. Ktulu, however, had managed to recover, and jumped in front of the attack, getting hit in his left eye. Security promptly restrained Foxx, but the shot left a scar under Ktulu's left eye, the first of two which Ktulu now has around that same eye. (The story of the second will be forthcoming later.)

Ktulu finally had found a true friend in Heather, and as history has shown us, something much more. Unfortunately, XJCW's president David Raines was more than just a little pissed off that his top valet had not only turned on his feds greatest star, but also had decided to go with someone from another federation. Heather was instantly fired. Heather was offered a contract with Hauer's fed, but despite the Indy tournament champion being a part of it, the fed went bankrupt. The new relationship was off to a tough start. Ktulu was used to simply wallowing his way through times like these, but now wanted instead to help console Heather through them.


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