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06.21.03 Ehehe ^^;;;; I forgot this site actually existed! XDDD This is the lovely pile of crud that I usually call my very first website... right now, I've done better ^^; so go here:

My LiveJournal
Duel Jewel Determined

...and I have many more in the works, as well as layouts that I designed for other people... so please don't take this site seriously ^^; I'm actually very good at designing layouts now, and I now have 3 CSS layouts in the works. So... go visit my other sites!! And sign the guestmap on Duel Jewel Determined! ^--^!

-Signed, The Webmistress,

12.30.02 Yo, sorry to put ya'all down [but then again, who comes here...? :(], but there's another delay - but wait! I promise [ya, like that'll ever happen...] that I'll have the site up soon! I'm gunna fix it up on Trellix instead and switch servers. Sorry 'bout the wait! Plus - a new bandsite for the Revolutionary Girls, new ChanSistas raving fansite, and more [Now I sound like and advertisement...]! Oh well, appreciate the support [not like there is any ^-^;;;] and see ya soon!

-Signed, The Webmistress

09.11.02 Here's the real deal (and I'm tired of putting this off...)- the parental unit only allows me 20 minutes of 'netting a day, 'cause our desktop pc crashed and I'm using the parental unit's laptop. Soooo, that means its impossible for me to work on da site until 1, my desktop pc is fixed, and 2, until school comes to the next break (uhhh...winter?)...and ya, I'm sad too! All I can do in 20 minutes is check like two email messages and/or search for more Gackt and EXILE cd's... ^-^;;

-Signed, The Webmistress

Still sorry 'bout the wait, I'm in the midst of getting a new layout, navbar, redirect url, etc... It'll be absolutely more awesome than the old KOOLANIME, so hold your horses, kay? I'll put it up soon as I can... probly sometime this summer (2002)! ^_^;;
But while you're here, just answer two questions, kay?

-The Webmistress

PS: You can still access the anime music because I just updated it,
but it won't be up for long 'cuz I'm fixin' the layout for that too..

Did you:

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kinda like my old site

hate my old site

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kinda like my new site

hate my new site

Any comments?