Welcome to Kame Sen'nin's

Warning! lol, some areas of this site may contain one or all of the following. Animated Vilonce, Course Langue and/or Blood. Viewer discression is advised. Over protective parents strongly caution. If you have any questions, comments or complaints feel free to email me at Kame.Sennin@Dragonball-GT.zzn.com


11 - 07 - 02, Nothing new. :(

Nope no new updates for the month. :( My lazy ass is still working on updating the new version of this site for the move to the new server...... cause angelfire sucks!

- Kame

11 - 07 - 02, Errors in The Total Codex

Recently I noticed that there are errors in The Total Cadex Portion of my site. When you try to view some of the pictures in the Myth 2 portion, Angelfire reports that they aren't there....... -_-' fuckin bastards. I figure that the pics and or html pages were lost when Angelfire cut their free MB from 50 down to 20. Sorry but I won't be fixing this error since I plan on moving anyways.

- Kame

Copyrights Shit: Toei Animation as well as a bunch of other companys around the world have the rights to Dragonball, DBZ, and DBGT. Bungie Software has the rights to Myth's 1,2, and Myth 2 Chimera, also Myth The Total Codex. The rights to Aliens, Predator, and Aliens Vs. Predator goes mostly to Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Capcom has the rights to Resident Evil. Suprisingly the rights for Myth 3 go to a company called GodGames. maybe thats why its sucks. This by-the-way is not a list of all of the companys who have the rights to the above products, only the most noted ones. there are many other companys who have the rights to the above products. But to be quite frank I don't feel like listing them all. They know who they are and anyone who's bought one of their products knows too.

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