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Seasons of Time


  1. To Wizards of the Coast for various references to classes, alignments, and monsters available for slaughter. ^-^
  2. To Utopia's Roleplay Forum having survived huntess.
  3. To Heather Bruton for the awesome picture of the dappled horse at the end
Contact Fluffy at

My New Home

This site is to explain, in detail, the premises of the World of which the characters will be played on the Forum. I hope to eventually finish the Prequel and that would be useful for later situations but until I know what exactly is going to happen, it won't be for a long while. *hopes she'll have time during classes and work to manage everything*

Winter Dreams

The first installment of this World dives into the dreams of a dragon. Peace is forever out of their reach. War is all it knows, and you are caught in the midst of it.

1. World View of S’taq

WORLD MAP: *sigh* in light of the fuzziness from the stupid scanner I'll be revamping the larger map... "Coming soon" again

There is one (very large) continent known as Eseran, and one (equally large) ocean known as Viraga. The coasts on either side of the continent are littered with countless islands of which few humanoids live upon; they are small but uninhabitable by humanoid kind. A string of islands known as the Forbidden Isles stretch far and wide in a distant ring about the continent; these are the islands of the dragons and drakes. At one time, a large island half the size of Eseran had been raised to fly among the clouds as the first home of sky elves and winged creatures. It was the ‘seat of the world’ or the Chaei’ha in Elfish.

2. The Continent of Eseran

Most of what makes up Eseran are villages strewn across the continent. There are two major cities, one being Illiara which supplies something close to electricity and is the center of technology, the other being the eastern port city, Tirany. To the west, a port city known as Pallinar rules the plains, Auro’nahrah is the capital of the Elven kingdom, second only to Tal’monlay in the middle of the Tal’fraer Bay. Farther south and west is the capital of the Barren Wastes, Syn’alondah, home to the twin towers of Lyre and Pyre.

a. In the North

The Mountains are located mostly here. It is comprised of one province known as the Winterwards. It is also the major staple of Brigand (bandit) movements. It is thought that this province has no true capital, however, there is a Keep far to the North in which orders are given to outlying branches of forts and outposts kept by dwarves.

b. In the South

The desert known as the Ku'Ai or Barren Wastes. A barren, lifeless expanse with few oases in which to tend yourself.

c. In the West

The Soiagth (Soy) Plains, home of the common Centaur race and Halflings of varying degrees. Much of the area is farmland that produces enough food to sustain much of Eseran.

d. In the East

The coastal city of Tirany as well as the Deep Fell, home to the most horrid of creatures and the stomping grounds of many feuding Lords and Ladies vying for control of Tirany's rich commerce. This area was thought to be a well of dark magic, a tale recalling the last battle of the Celestial Wars between the deities and their dragon children.

3. The Sky and Space

a. Lenyriah

The largest of three moons (actually a planet). It has a grayish tint. The name, Elfish, meaning "Wasteland" fits it superbly as from what was known before Rivervale's ruination.

b. I'sys

The smaller blue (ice) moon that revolves around Lenyri, thought to be the home of the Goddess.

c. V'nir

The red (fire) moon of equal size to I'sys that revolves about Lenyri and the World on a rough figure eight track. It is thought to be the home of the Crystal Deity.

d. Constellations

There are numerous constellations from varying standpoints. Many mages believe the stars can tell the future, other mages believe that the stars are really the Gods, and other mages believe that the only use of the stars is to guide one’s soul into the Haven Fields. Scientists that have studied the stars repeatedly state that the stars are in fact guides, but not in the way the Mages believe. The stars are useful as a biological clock to determine harvest time for the farmlands. One of the most famous of constellations is of the Harvest Hunter that appears during the times to harvest and plant.


The People

1. Races

There are many different races and species of people. Some are dense, intelligent, overly obsessive, and (if like Fizban) suffering from a god-complex. For fair warning: I AM RATHER STRICT ABOUT RACES. I limited them only because I don’t have time to argue why there isn’t a certain kind of race or what have you…so instead I’ll type up numerous races in which you can play and I will expect you to be able to play him/her well.

A character sheet is not needed, however I’d like to have a notion of what you intend to portray, and I don’t mind e-mails ( I may add a template you can use at the end of all this stuff.

*NOTE: This is the reason I didn’t want to type all this out you know… ^_^


2. Playable Characters (PCs)

*Alignments are discussed later…they are not necessary but sometimes it’s easier to understand your own character if you know their true demeanor…this might help limit the arguments about a character’s relevant decisions.

**You do not have to follow the description of the races. These are merely examples to help you decide. ^_^ These are the only races you are allowed to be, as I don’t feel up to arguing about certain races, and it will cut down the time needed before starting the thread.

a. Centaurs

Mostly inhabitants of the Plains, but sometimes found elsewhere. They are more for the sorcerous side of magic and often cannot grasp the knowledge of technology. They are thinkers and often stare at the stars. Their best mages speak of the stars in a far more mystical sense and are often thought to be druids. All centaurs live for approximately 80 years, although one centaurian was recorded to have lived for 104 years.

1. Forest (elf-touched) Centaurians: Often found in the forested areas of the Elven kingdom, they act as keepers of the forest and are devoted to the Glass Goddess. (Deities are explained later.) They rely on dexterity and strength to prevail.

2. Plains (human-touched) Centaurians: The socialists and star mages. They commune with the stars and are often thought of as either drunken bards or drunken mystics. They rely on cunning and charisma to get them out of their scrapes.

3. Sylvan (Fae-touched) Centaurians: The true mystics and druids. They take their studies of the stars seriously. There are not many of their kind as they are often secluded and genetic bottlenecking can happen even in this world. This is the only Centaurian species that can see in the dark (black and white only). They rely on wisdom to pass on their knowledge of the stars.

b. Dwarves

Found mostly in the Winterwards and the mountains, they are the standard bearded, drunken miners boasting about last season's raid of a Brigand's (bandit's) encampment. They are battle hardened and ready to beat the snot out of anyone daft enough to insult them (usually relating them to goblins or gnolls...they don't mind elves so much. ;) Most are fighters but many have found themselves to be Clerics or defenders of great fortifications and outposts.

All dwarves live for approximately 300 - 400 years…although it is difficult to estimate the age of a weathered dwarf.

1. Deep/Dark Dwarves: They aren’t the savory bunch of dwarves you’d normally hear about. They are evil to the core and have been twisted by the Celestial Wars and the dark creatures that serve as their masters. They are gruff, dark skinned and dark eyed monsters with very sharp teeth. They can see in the darkness (black and white only).

2. Hill/Earth Dwarves: They live in the hills below the mountains of the Winterwards. They are accustomed to the surface and would much rather deal with giants (usually about 9 feet tall) than delve into the underground.

3. Mountain/Fire Dwarves: The craftsmen of their race and just as good with an axe. Any metal can be shaped and artistically crafted to suit their client’s needs. From armor to weapons to gates or siege weapons, a fire dwarf is your pick. They are techno-savvy and are often to blame for cannons and portable firearms. Their eyes usually pulsate reds and oranges like that of fire.

4.River/Sea Dwarves: They are partial to being clerics or druids looking for the balance in the world. They are often sailors and many live within the Tal’fraer Bay. Their hair often resembles seaweed and their eyes usually mirror the sea. They can breath underwater without support for 10 minutes maximum.

5. Surface/Sky Dwarves: They live among sky elves in mountainous areas where eyries are kept. They are usually paladins who believe the only true freedom is on the back of a griffon, hippogriff, or Pegasus.

c. Elves

Pointy-eared (almost like cat ears), music and magic loving people that keep records (or try to) of the history within Eseran, subraces are numerous, perhaps the most numerous of all the races. Labeled as Keepers of the Elements. All elves are Immortal but can die much like a Mortal. Therefore they can be of almost any age to a maximum of 6,2398 years…thereabout.

1. Drow/Dark Elves: Masters of Deep/Dark dwarves and servants of more horrible hosts of devils and demons. They are the product of the soldiers that fought against the Crystal Deity during the Celestial Wars. They can see in darkness (black and white only). These elves are not like the usual dark elves you might know from either Tolkein or D&D. They can have any tone of skin from white to black, including their hair. Their eyes are any shade or perhaps no shade at all. You get to decide what s/he looks like.

2. Ghost Elves: Treated poorly during the Celestial Wars, they are the lost souls of the enemy soldiers used against the Crystal Deity. They have been granted penance only when they help to defeat the Dark Elves and Dwarves still inhabiting Eseran. They can see relatively well in darkness (black and white only). They look as pale as true ghosts and sometimes have an eerie glow about them; however, they do not have the abilities of a true ghost. (But they can sure freak out someone ^_^)

3. High/Surface Elves: The usual diplomat or nobleman (or woman). They are the high-strung sort and very rarely consort with the lowly of humans (or even those of their own race). They are the more successful merchants and rely on their charisma and silver tongue to get their way…and if they don’t get it…s/he might throw a tantrum.

4. Life Elves: The clerical sort working to find the center of Healing magic. They have paved the way for others to follow the discipline of the Goddess Order. They give their services freely, often using their healing magic freely as the Goddess wills. Some are believed to converse with the Goddess.

5. Sea/Water Elves: The merpeople of the sea. They are highly dexterous and quick on their feet. They make the best sailors in Eseran and their talents are often tested on the rough waters in what is known as the Tempest in the western part of the Mah’razara Sea. They have gills (located at the base of their necks) allowing them to breath underwater for extended periods of time.

6. Sky/Wind Elves: These elves are responsible for the manufacturing of a crystal that can levitate structures. These structures are often referred to as “whirliemagigs” or “twirlie-thingies” by the less educated of Eseran. These structures can range from golems with a ‘soul’ to a flying contraption that can carry numerous people from one side of the continent to the other in an Eseran week.

7. Sun/Fire Elves: The fiery personality fits this kind of elf perfectly. With red hair and eyes that burn with a magical flame, they make the best sorcerors. The females of the species are hard to tame, making them a target for some ambitious dwarves that like a challenge. They are often brash and impatient, causing stirrings in the Senate in Illiara.

8. Sylvan (fae-touched): The most rare of elves and the most prized by various Lords to keep within their courts as wizards, sorcerors, or simply as ‘pets’. They use illusions regularly to look more like a high elf, but their personalities usually contradict their adopted look. Their eye color tends to give them away as they can never hide their true selves. (They are often seen as half-elves; see HALF-ELVES for more)

9. Twilight/Gray Elves: The most intellectual, they are often librarians in Illiara or a Lord’s fort. Many take the life of a scholar, discovering the mysteries left to the Children of the Deities. Sometimes, a more adventurous sort of this type is employed as a spy or assassin. They are usually reserved and quiet unless speech is truly needed.

10. Wild/Forest Elves: Keepers of Nature or the Mother Goddess. They are technologically stupid, keeping more toward the naturalistic views of the ‘old ways’. They converse with plants, animals, rocks, and the stars. They believe water is a creature, a living thing, like everything else. (Think EXTREME PETA and you’ve got it ^_^)

11. Wood/Earth Elves: Wood elves patrol the wilds of the Elven kingdom. They are often sought as bodyguards because of their fortitude and endurance on long excursions through various degrees of weather and terrain. They have respect for their Wild Elf cousins but some believe they are far too extreme at times. Wood elves are great archers and pride themselves on their feats of courage and the scars they received to prove it.

d. Gnomes

The product of a dwarf and a human, they are stout little critters that won’t hesitate to bite your ankles off. They are often gung-ho but some have managed to retain their human intellect. Those that do retain a bit of their human intellect are called Tinker gnomes for a reason. ^_^ All gnomes live for approximately 125 years.

e. Halflings

The slender product of an elf and a dwarf, they are committed to showing their worth and many enjoy the plains as the tall grass tends to hide them from their quarry (usually kobolds). Many are seen with a centaurian friend. All halflings live for approximately 140 years.

f. Half-elves

There are half-breeds of all sorts of elves. The most popular cultures are that of the elf/humans and halflings. Elf/humans are about as abundant as humans and have a greater capacity of technical knowledge than full-blooded elves. Most other half-elves are not as techno-savvy. All half-elves live for approximately 130 years.

g. Humans

The most adaptable of creatures can also be the most complex. They are the quickest of wit and are makers of technology. They dabble in the arts of magic but are not as well versed as the elves in which they envy and loathe. All humans live for approximately 90 years.

h. Naga

Also known as the reptilian wildlings. The race consists of separate groups called a “cast”. They have the most similarities to their breed of reptile (in this case all snakes), however, they do showcase arms in which to hold a weapon or whatever. Their heads are usually that of the snake although some have shown more humanoid features. They usually don’t have legs, although some ‘deformed’ offspring have shown the makings of a leg or both.

Some accept them into the ranks of the other races, although most are uncertain of their allegiances. All Naga live for approximately 250 years.

1. Asp Cast: Black vipers that tend to the Laws of the Naga casts. They are often reserved and leave the short tempers to the Cobra cast in which they command. They believe in their own deity, a female asp known as Vashaei: The Mother. They are the politicians of the Naga casts and partake freely in the Council located in Illiara.

2. Cobra Cast: Usually gray with white accents, they are the hated enemy of the Mongoose wildlings. They are vicious fighters and comprise most of the Naga army. The Asp Cast commands them. Usually seen as guardians of an Asp Cast member.

3. Green Cast: Often consisting the druids or clerics of the naga. They are admired for their peaceful ways; although they often contradict what the Cobra cast feels is the correct action. They are commonly of green tones but some have shown a brownish sheen. Usually found on the plains or in the hills.

4. Python Cast: The largest constrictors, they use their thick coils to choke their opponents or crush their skeletons in the powerful grasp. They are often monks and are the best swimmers. Usually found within swamps or jungles.

i. Wildlings

Hybrid creatures that were a product of the Celestial Wars, many hail from the Elven kingdom, while some hail from other areas (Winterwards or the seas). If the magics affecting them were severe, they would look much more like a gnarled human. If it affected them less, they would look more bestial (i.e. hind legs of the animal, claws, ears, etc.) All Wildlings live for approximately 70 years.

NOTE: Wildlings were at first animals. Shaped by the magic, they have become something more…and yet somewhat unstable psychologically.

~* These are limited as I’m not certain how well they can be played. No offense to the players but as a precaution for those who would wish to power play they cannot always be given freely. Don’t argue with me, argue with those who wish for a powerful character with few flaws. It’s their entire fault! -nods sagely- Discussions are permitted, however it all depends on how awake and willing I may be to discussion the matter further. *~

1. Squirrels: Yes, your fun loving nut of sorts. They still carry their own language consisting of chitters and squeaks. Most have kept their bushy tails and have retained their uncanny ability to climb –almost- any surface, as long as there are enough cracks to allow it. They are sometimes thieves, but many keep to the Deep Fell from which they originated.

2. Rats: Most are thought to be thieves, but are more commonly adepts AKA shamans. Little is known of them as most keep to the shadows, instilling the fear of their kind being thieves. (And no, they don’t spread Plagues…they’re not dirty critters…just misunderstood.)

3. Mongoose: The weasel of all weasels, most are rangers, choosing to guard their homes, be it the plains or the forest from the Naga casts. Their bestial urges drive them to this level of thinking and many do not question their want to destroy the Naga casts. However, being that there are so few, many have fled Eseran to search for brethren of their kind, no matter how fruitless the search may be.

4. Rabbit: Yes, there are even rabbits, although they are not as numerous as one might think. Magic has twisted their reproductive habits and has cut their litter numbers in half. The rabbit is quick and have retained their ability to jump, in so that the rabbit is suitable as a monk. Those with the hind legs of their bestial selves can often run as fast as a galloping centaurian.

5. Lynx/Bobcat: The smallest of the cat species, they usually keep to the forests as rangers or a sort, living free of the world with little care to pursue relations with those outside their world. Usually solitary hunters, they very rarely come into contact with any creature, even themselves, except perhaps their meal.

6. Cougar/Panther: Shades of fur vary. The lighter furred follow their own paths (into the mountains), while those of a darker shade take to the forest or perhaps one of the large cities. They are either of a ranger lifestyle or that of a thief hidden in the shadows.

7. Tiger: The fighters and perhaps more of a sailor than most of the Wildlings. Only a few have seen them and have cared to cross paths with them. Males are very strong while the females are very dexterous.

8. Coyote: The Trickster. They are the mischievous and less seen, next to the fox wildlings. They are most certainly thieves, but most of the time they are simply there to annoy ranchers, farmers, and those who hunt them. They have fascinations with all sorts of traps and often find themselves toying with the functions.

9. Fox: More attuned to the magic that created them, they often search the world for more information on the magic that created them and the wildlings. They are the ‘purpose finders’, usually seen as scholars and are sought after to provide education to those of strong noble birth.

10. Wolf: Usually resembling the timber wolf, they are ruthless trackers that never quit until the prey or subject is caught. They are rangers that partake in bounty hunting when possible. They particularly enjoy hunting down coyote wildlings because of the challenge presented to them in the process.

3. Non-Playable Characters (NPCs)

I’m shorting this so it’ll be easy for you to understand…

a. NPCs are there for you to use…however…I may have a few characters that I shall wish to play only myself. Hopefully I’ll remember to give notice of who is to be a Free NPC and who won’t.

b. Fizzy will know where to come in and is welcome to throw a few things at the PCs when the time is presentable, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

c. Dragons: True, there are dragons and drakes and such, and yes I know there are such things as pseudodragons, but there is a very good reason no one can have these as characters. It is a reason I do not wish to explain more than once, and this reason is...


Argue with me and you’ll regret it. I have my reasons and I don’t have to explain myself for it. You may actually learn why later…if you don’t…badger a later character and I’m sure one of my NPCs will figure it out and inform you…albeit perhaps in a riddle…you may yet never know.


3. Alignments

Alignments range from Lawful to Chaotic to True Neutral to Evil. (I prefer that most PCs be something other than True Neutral characters as this is a VERY HARD alignment to accomplish as I am of this alignment naturally I can easily emulate it well.)

a. Lawful Good

You do what you must to protect the innocent and defeat all evil. Usually Paladins that run off on their own believing they can destroy any evil that they come across...which often gets them killed.

b. Lawful Neutral

The basic soldier and often Rangers. They kill only those things that are guilty or evil. They follow laws but not necessarily society's laws.

c. Lawful Evil

Usually the leader of Hordes. They keep order and only kill when they are opposed or to keep the order.

d. Chaotic Good

Those who follow their own rules but think as a good person would.

e. Chaotic Neutral

The "madman" of sorts, those who follow their own rules and laws and usually look out for numero uno.

f. Chaotic Evil

Those that will kill anyone just because that person is there (pure chaos).

g. Neutral Good

Usually those that try to follow the given laws of society and do the best they can to be labeled a good person.

h. "True" Neutral

The undecided of all people. They fight when they feel the odds are favorable and sometimes they might knock out a companion to even the odds against the opponents, usually making them not so favorable with their companions.

i. Neutral Evil

Those that try to follow some set of order but have chaotic evil tendencies.


4. Deities: (the basics as more may be discussed should anyone be interested…i.e. clerics)

a. The Goddess: The Creator of the Lands (AKA the Mother Goddess, the Loving Mother), thought to have brought the Dragons, and the other races to life. Most creatures of good and especially of law worship her. Her favored weapon is the staff.

b. The God: The Death of the Lands (AKA the Crystal Deity, the Undying One), he gave his blood for the Goddess to form the Dragons that fought against the Devils of the Other Realm. He is the protector of the Goddess and brings Death unto those that wrong her Words. All those with a lust for power worship him. His favored weapon is the great axe.

c. Lesser Deities: The lesser deities exist, but many have no power in S’taq and therefore pay little heed to the denizens. The only lesser deity of note is that of the Naga goddess, Vashaei.

d. Heroes: Heroes consist of those adventurers remembered in tales, poems, and songs. They aren't necessarily worshipped, but many bards praise them for lending their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


5. Vocations/Classes

Base classes are allowed, otherwise speak with me and I’ll see about working the class you desire into the story (this includes assassins).

a. Barbarians

An illiterate class that cares only to bash anything living, or not depending on intelligence, Barbarians can induce a bloodlust rage once a day after a full night's rest (8 hours). They have no concept of technology and/or magic.

b. Bards

The poet-singers of many tribes and villages, they keep the history and tales of the Lands and recite what tales are remembered, especially the tales of heroes. They are neutral when it concerns technology and magic. They are also considered scholars, but tend to carry more magical means than the common scholar.

c. Clerics

Clerics are the priests, using the magic of the Goddess to heal those they can. They are often called to hunt the undead. They are neutral when it concerns technology and magic.

d. Druids

Druids are nature friendly (tree-hugging hippies if you will ;). They often have animal companions with them, and many are very religiously attached to the Goddess. They favor magic.

e. Fighters

Fighters are simple and usually are at the front lines. They favor technology more than magic. In fact, they favor anything that doesn’t kill them.

f. Monks

Monks are something like martial artists and don't particularly care for either technology or magic. They live the simple life, often begging for food and looking to others for their needs (i.e. vow of poverty). They are honor bound, and so, their antithesis is the assassin.

g. Paladins

Paladins are the law (sort of). They bring order to chaos and try to destroy evil wherever it goes. They are partial to healing magic, but are unsure of technology.

h. Rangers

Rangers protect people from the dangerous creatures in the forests. They patrol the wilderness in search of Brigands (bandits). They are partial to magic, but care little for technology. They are stealthy and usually very dexterous.

i. Rogues

Rogues are thieves or outcasts of varying sorts. They love toying with technology and are dangerously in love with magic (though they cannot cast magic unless their race is capable of it, they have often been able to use magical items with some skill).

j. Sorcerers

The sorcerer can cast magic like a wizard except the sorcerer does not know as many spells and must discover these spells on their own through trial and error (i.e. usually by weaving their own spells of varying design). The sorcerer may utilize technology with some skill. Sorcerers often have familiars in order to heighten their concentration of magic in the formation of spells. In so, Sorcerors have found a way to shorten a wizard’s spell at least in half the time it would normally take to cast that spell.

k. Wizards

Wizards are most popular in favoring magic over technology. Their bloodline believed to have come directly from the Goddess herself, however there is much debate in this line of thought. Wizards are protective of their familiars and are often judged by the quality of these familiars. Many wizards have an insatiable lust for power, usually causing many of the wars fought in Eseran. Many seek to control the various dragon kin for their own purposes…many have failed.

l. Less Skilled Vocations/Classes

1. The Adept

The witches (witchdoctors) of villages and forested cabins, they don't have the resources of wizards or clerics. They are often found in isolated communities but are most prevalent among more bestial humanoid and giant species like goblins, gnolls, bugbears, and ogres. (Example of an Adept: Kryn Thenloe the Herbalist of Jerone Village.)

2. The Aristocrat

Aristocrats are the Lords and Ladies of high society. They were born into wealth (or married into it). They are the political side and influence everything magical and technological. (Example of an Aristocrat: Lord Vinvarai Kintale of South Vale)

3. The Commoner

The peasants and peons have their own class from pig farmers to cotton-picking-hunting-dogs-beer-brawling-back-country-rednecks. They can't fight as well as fighter (or even pitiful bards) but they have the best skills in their vocation. (Example of a Commoner: Prik the Wheat Farmer)

4. The Expert

The artisans and merchants with villages and cities, they are often your friendly neighborhood blacksmith hammering away at your new sword (or horseshoes). (Example of an Expert: Quill Durgard the Weaponsmith)

5. The Warrior

The warrior is proficient at everything, but fighters are more skilled. (Example of a Warrior: Dul'ran the Scorpion)

6. The Apprentice

Apprentices are not as good as the real deal, but they are playable. Anyone can have an apprentice, just ask me about it and we'll discuss it in detail. (Example of an Apprentice: Moreldin the Magician)


6. Prestige Classes

Other classes may present themselves later, but for now this will have to do.

a. The Assassin

Pretty straight forward so I feel no need to explain.

b. The Dwarven Defender

Dwarven Defenders do exactly as their name implies. A line of dwarven defenders is a far better defense than a 10-foot-thick wall of stone, and much more dangerous. Most defenders are fighters, paladins, rangers, or clerics. NPC Dwarven Defenders are usually found in citadels within their own units separated from other (regular) fighters or warriors. Occasionally, a lone, wandering defender can be encountered on some mission, although he usually guards his words so closely that it's difficult to learn what his quest actually entails. You must be a Dwarf to utilize this expert class.

c. Swashbuckler/Duelist

The dexterous fighter, usually a mixture of fighter and rogue, the duelist is always looking for a fight. They use style, grace, and fast reflexes to make a rather flashy entrance. Their self-confidence tends to exceed them and lands them within a small guarded cell.

Very nice horse that closely resembles a companion of an NPC

Office Chair Syndrome (OCS)

._. |: .-. :| ._.

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