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Submission Rules


1.We don't care if they do not contain Mirai Trunks or Goku in them, they just have to be DBZ related.

2. Submit your own works.

3. Please make sure there is this disclaimer:

                       " Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original Dragon Ball Z characters."

4. Please put your own claimer for your characters. We are not responsible for any stolen material.

5. Please make sure all fics are rated G, PG, or PG-13

6. Choose categories for your fanfics:

               ex. Romance, General, Comedy, etc....

7. Please contain a description of your story {you could always email it to us separately}



1. Just make sure you have a name on your artworks.



1. Please include the name of the episode with your quote.

2. Make sure you put down which character said each quote you submit.


If you have anymore questions, just ask.

To submit email us at:


