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With a sudden arrival of members after I have got the joiin up. I know will have to reconstruct the church. It will take a little time so be patient. Thanks to all supporters. The High Priest!

Church of Ranma and Nabiki

Ranma and Nabiki seemingly enjoying a romantic moment. Akane- in the hedge -is not

Last update 10 Mar 2000 Some must be read

Ranma and Nabiki Fanfiction.

By the High Priest

UPDATED! Understanding Ranma and Nabiki find things in common. Quite a long series. Finished!
NEW! Running Nodoka bring Ranma up, as a result of which he has masses of fiancees and could be forced into seppuku at the drop of a hat. (Oh and Nodoka has curse of drowned tiger)
Swap Nabiki and Ranma swap bodies and seem to be stuck
By Sean D'anna
One simple wish Genma and Soun are finally convinced that Akane and Ranma do not love each other so they make a wish. However they don't specify which daughter of Soun's....
By John Water Biles
The Kiss and other Stories

The Kiss The Sting

Nabiki and Ranma kiss but is anything else going to happen?
Elseworlds 1: For Want of a Nail Honourable mention- Ukyou matchup though. Ukyou arrives with Ranma. After much debate they engage Ranma to Nabiki.
By Michael Chen
NEW! Antithesis Genma failed to survive the trip. Ranma however came of far worse. He was forced to give up the arts through ill-health.
NEW! No Title I have finally found the infamous Ranma and Nabiki fic. I wonder when he's going to work on Volume 2. This is the one to blame....[PICK]

By Donny:
For Love or Money
What Price Love?
The Cost of Loving
His page
Nabiki tries to con Ranma by becoming his fiancee but she does not realise she has another motive.
A Ranma Christmas Carol Time has passed since Nabiki and Ranma have had an acrimonious split,but it Nabiki will discover something about herself.
She Who Loves Him Actually a Ranma/ Not Akane, but does fit well with R/N. In Spamfics
By Tonbo
The Plan The Plan: At last I have both found and got permission for this( Link off site.) Read the orignal and then the alternate ending.[PICK]
By Mishamouse
Waking up Orignal Text. Original Site.

Local copy six parts:

  1. Things Change
  2. Catalyst
  3. Decisions
  4. Storm Front Comin'
  5. Getting Even
  6. Life's funny that way
Things change even in Nerima. Ranma is forced into making a decision by yet another fiancee arriving.
By Others
A little Motherly love. Nodoka brings up Ranma. A different slant to my Running..
A Deft touch Akane is dead and has been for a year. Nabiki and Ranma meeting at the anniverary bury the hatchet. Scroll down.[PICK]
I just can't say enough good things about this.
The Past Catches Up Nabiki is about to meet a figure from her past. There's just one problem - their daughter
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