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The Ken Creature



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23rd of December?


Brains, Brains, Brains...


23rd of December?
Between Sagittarius and Capricorn

Ken was born right at the start of the Capricorn, and at the end of the Sagittarius. So, he seems to have characteristics of both signs.

He's more on the Sagittarius side when he: He's being a real Capricorn when he:

Gets Clumsy

Speaks before thinking

Wishes to fight for a better world

Shows a tendency for depression

Displays responsibility with his tasks

Becomes inflexible

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... Type

Ken's blood type is B. Apparently, Japanese give some significance to the blood type, like occidentals give to zodiac signs. Here is the meaning of Ken's blood type.

People with blood type B, are curious and interested in everything. They can also be indecisive. B blood types excel in the things they do and are generally bright and cheerful.

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Brains, Brains, Brains...

Just the other day, Ken got the following message in his cellphone:

"The Health World Organization, combined with other solidarity associations, is promoting a campaign of organ donation! We here by ask you to, please, donate your brains, since you don't actually use them".

OK. So this was a bad joke (anybody wants to guess who sent it to him?), but it does touch a few questionable issues. Like to existence or unexistence of brain cells inside Ken's head.

It is often stated that he does tend to act too mindlessly, and, although he doesn't like lairs, he keeps getting tricked by people (Kase, etc., etc., etc.). He doesn't seem to learn...

I don't really believe Ken is supposed to be dumb... If he was to be totally brainless, Kritiker wouldn't have let him in. Let's say he is just extremely naïve.

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