Resolutions Summary

Janeway and Chakotay are stuck on a planet
Janeway: Gawd, what a shithole
Chakotay: Ooh, let's play house!
Chakotay: Heh heh, just have to add in the jets and then the hot tub's finished!
Janeway: What are you doing?  Oh, you made me my own private bath!
Chakotay: ...bugger
Chakotay: If you didn't have such a short attention span you'd know that I'm totally hot for you
Janeway: I do not have a short atten - oh, look!  A monkey!
Chakotay feels up Janeway
Janeway: WTF?
Chakotay: Uhm...
Janeway: Wait, what's going on?
Chakotay: Well...there was once a girl called, um...Chathryn.  A boy called...Jakotay...met her and was totally hot for her.  The End
Janeway: Is that based on a true story?
Chakotay: Yes, in fact -
Janeway: Aaw.  Well, goodnight!
Chakotay: Bugger
Janeway: Chakotay, I -
Tuvok: Voyager here - we're coming back to get you
Janeway: Woohoo!  Smell ya later, monkey!


Resolutions analysis

As the only episode with (intentional) J/C references, Resolutions is obviously always going to have at least a small place in any J/Cer's heart.  Sexual tension aside, however, I have to admit that it's not reeeally my favourite Voyager episode. 

Good points:

Bad points:

Ugly points:


J/C Moments

Best line: "Well...excuse me." The quick eye-flick downwards, the husky whisper, being the perfect gentleman and excusing himself...Chakotay is just on fire here.  Even Tuvok would do him after that line.
Worst line: "What's happened to the sky?"  I'm sure that Janeway knows what storm clouds look like.  She is clearly on something non-Starfleet approved in this episode.
                "Do you understand me?" Addressed to a monkey.  Just say no, Janeway! 


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