I do not have any rights or the permission to use the g-boys in my fic. (sorry ^_^;)

It had been three long days since trowa saw quatre.

"hey, trowa, we have to go on a mission!" duo called into trowa’s room.

Trowa waved at duo and lowered his head again,

"I’ll be there in a minute." Trowa said as a tear fell from his eye.

"ok,…. You know I really miss quatre too…… we’ve been eating really horrible lately." Duo said as he smiled and left trowa.

Trowa smiled and said to himself,

"yeah, you’re right, duo.

Trowa kept his mind on the battle field as much as he could, but found himself, seeing quatre.

Trowa placed a white rose in his cockpit before going to battle.

He looked at the white rose as a mobile suite darted for him, trowa then heard a voice in his ear,

"it is time, trowa."

It was quatre, he was calling him.

Trowa looked up and saw the mobile suite in front of him, trowa then shut down heavy arms, and smiled as he pulled the rose to his chest and closed his eyes.

Duo looked up and saw the mobile suite slice through trowas heavy arms.

"no! trowa!!!" duo screamed as trowas heavy arms blew up.

A little while later heero and duo ran for the pile that was heavy arms.

"no….. it can’t…. be…… he can’t be dead!" duo said as he lifted pieces of the wreck.

"no!!!!" duo yelled as he found the mangled trowa.

A few days later trowa’s funeral was held. He was being buried right next to quatre.

As duo cried on heero’s chest, trowa and quatre held each other looking down at them.

Everyone else but heero and duo had left, when heero tapped on duo’s shoulder,

"duo, look, look at trowa’s tombstone!"

the two looked at the small writing forming on trowa’s tombstone,

"we are happy, and we will miss you…. Heero….. duo, but we are happy.

Knight and angel together in life and death forever…."

Duo smiled as he looked up at the sky,

"we miss you too…." Duo said as heero grabbed his long haired lover and placed him on his chest,

"let’s stay and watch the sunset duo." Heero said looking at the sun,

"wo ai ni heero!"

"I love you too duo!"

the two held each other, sitting between quatre’s and trowa’s graves, watching the sunset.

The end

By: dark angel shinigami

Dumb huh? This pt I think was the worst of them!!! Well tell me what you think (please don’t stop reading my fics I can do better ^_^;)

But anyway email me and tell me what you thought!!

(candbroc@lwcrd.ab.ca) thank you. DAS

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