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>> Piece of Hell << ¤ >> Version 2.0 << >> Piece of Hell << ¤ >> Version 2.0 >>

" So...........battle on Central base" Quatre said running his hand up and down his leg,the blonde felt cool underneath his finger tips as he talked to himself.

" Thats not too far from here" Quatre added looking up at the moon. " Wow!....a full moon I havent seen those in a long time" suddenly he heard the back door open then close.

" I wonder whose out here?" thought Quatre pushing a strand of blonde hair from his face." Its Trowa" he said to himself, hiding behind a tree.

Trowa sat down on the grass and looked up at the moon thoughts were running through his head " Gulp" the Arabian pilot swallowed hard as he cautiosly approached his Latin friend.

" Trowa? nice night huh?" Quatre smiled putting his arm behind his head, his cheeks rosy from embarrassment.

" Yea nice" said Trowa not turning to look at Quatre, he just couldnt bare it.

Quatre sat next to Trowa, not asking if he wanted the company. They both sat in pure silence since that is apparantly the only thing they could do. They couldn't declare their love to each other ... not yet.

"What are you doing here? I mean...outside at night?" Quatre spoke...breaking the cold silence between them.

"I've got lots of things going on in my mind," Trowa replied as he lay down on the grass. "I need some peace from all those war for a while,"

Quatre turned his head to look at Trowa, but he didn't seem to notice. Suddenly he turned his head and now they stood face to face. Trowa's hand seemed to lift up on its own, touching Quatre's rosy cheek. Their eyes still locked on to each other.

"I got to tell you a secret...," muttered the unibanged pilot. "Can I trust you?"

"Tell me Trowa. I swear it'll only be between us," said Quatre as he reached for Trowa's hand. A wave of pleasure swept over him. "I promise...,"

Trowa smiled under the beam of the moonlight. The looked on his face suddenly changed as he let go of Quatre's cheek.

"I can't tell just anyone this, but I know that you are more than just anyone," began Trowa. "I...I...,"

"What is it Trowa? Tell me," the Sandrock pilot urged him.

"I'm in love with this person...and this person I'm falling a male. I'm scared that he doesn't feel the same about me. I tried to throw this feeling away...but everytime he walk pasts me...I couldn't help not noticing him. But I got this strong feeling that...he's in love with someone else, and the one he has his hearts for, is obviously not me,"

"Are you done now Trowa?"

"I think so. I just...I just couldn't help it anymore. I feel like putting my arms around him, making him feel secure...placing sweet kisses on his innocent lips...just be the love of his life,"


"Forget about it Quatre. Just forget I ever told you about this," snapped Trowa as he stood up and walked away.

"Trowa...I love you," muttered Quatre as he saw Trowa dissapeared into the darkness, leaving him all alone, heart broken. In his heart, he knew the guy Trowa has his eyes on was not him. It couldn't be. Never ever!

That night, Quatre returned to his room late than usual. His mind was somewhere else, he didn't feel like talking to anyone else...he just wanted to be alone. If only Trowa knew his heart feelings, will Trowa ever accept it? Sadly, he threw himself on his bed as he closed his eyes, trying to shut the world out. His hands spread around his bed as he took a deep breath...and accidently touched an envelope which was placed next to him.

Quatre immediately sat on the bed as he grabbed the pure white envelope. His name was being scrawled on it, unknowing who the sender was Quatre tore it open as he unfolded the letter inside. The handwriting, somewhat neat and yet still uniformed, was undoubtedly Trowa’s. As Qautre read it, every thought of bitterness ebbed away.

Dear Quatre,

I've been meaning to tell this to you a long time ago. But I never had the guts to do it until tonight. After telling you everything, I knew I couldn't leave you wondering who that person was. So, after I left you back there, I decided to write a poem for you, even though I couldn't recite it to you myself. Please, I'm begging youm please read this.

i told you how i felt
i told it what it meant
but it still haven't change your mind
i know that you're afraid
you're frightened of the pain
but you can let down your guard
cause when we're together
we deny what's inside
what good is a heart?
if you're not going to use it?
what good is a love
if you're too scared to choose it?
if your heart is beating
then it's for a reason
if you're not even willing to start
what good is a heart?
don't make the same mistake
that people often make
you've got to make your move
cause you're dying inside
cause i'm a man
but i cried
i have fears
i wont lie
cause everyone can see that i'm right
there's a chance here
you should take it
or regret it for the rest of our lives

Sincerely written from my heart for you, Quatre Raberba Winner. If u do not feel the same, then I'll understand that you rather not be an important part of my life. Ai shiteru.

Trowa Barton.

Quatre was glad there was a wall behind him as he slid slowly to the floor, leaning against it. He’d completely and utterly blown it. Trowa was giving him the chance he’d been searching for over the past few months. And he utterly blew it! Why didn't he see it? When Trowa looked into his eyes and told him that he actually loved him!

//Bastard!// The blonde boy cursed himself, fist pounding against the floor. The note fell loosely into his lap from his lax hand as he rubbed his eyes wearily. He’d already acknowledged to himself that he’d do anything for Trowa - absolutely anything - and here he didn’t have the saving grace to get Trowa’s note and fulfill ONE request!

Quatre fled out as he raced towards the unibanged pilots room. Unfortunately, he wasn't there - but leaving his room unlocked. So Quatre sneakily entered. The room smelled faintly of Heero, the traces of low-key shampoo and Heavyarms leather and Gundamnium cockpit barely detectable. And it was so neat and clean, no trace of disorder detectable anywhere. Quatre circled the room four or five times, pointlessly, but hoping that Trowa would actually return soon.

His hopes did turn out right this time!

Just as Quatre made himself comfortable, Trowa entered the room, all soaked. Quatre knew where he'd been, he could hear faintly that it was raining in sheets outside. And Trowa had ran outside to look for him....he just knew it!

"Quatre!" cried Trowa. "What? What are you doing here?".

Quatre walked towards Trowa as he handed him a towel. "I got your letter...and,"

"Ooh shit!" snapped Trowa as he dried himself. "You actually read it already,"

"Don't you want me to read it?"

"No...I mean yes...So...what have you to say about it?"

Quatre smiled as his sad eyes shone once again. "I think...I know...I'm in love with you too Trowa,"

Quatre moved closer and to his surprise Trowa wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Their faces now were close, so close that Quatre could feel Trowa's cool breath on his face. He held him tighter not wanting to let go of his prize. Quatre kissed Trowa's lips softly then Trowa jumped right in and kissed him deeply and passionately, his tongue searching every corner of the Arabian pilots mouth. They forgot about the chaotic world around them, forgot about their miseries before they found each other. They were just two innocent souls in love...

"I never thought that you would be in love with me," said Quatre with a giggle when the two broke their kiss for air. "I thought that it would be very unlikely and impossible."

"Why would you ever think that?" asked Trowa, shocked. "You're the epitome of a perfectly innocent angel. Anybody would go head over heels for you and anyone would want to have you. In fact, it seems like a dream that you love me, too."

"This must be a dream," mused Quatre. "I like happy dreams where wishes come true, don't you?"

"If this really is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up from it," said Trowa with a smile only for his blonde angel. "I want to spend every moment in this wonderful 'dream' with you."

The blonde boy smiled back at the taller boy with the greatest love radiating from his whole being, making Trowa wonder if Quatre really was an angel. Then the two kissed again, blissful in each others arms.


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